Upgrade your automaticwasher.org membership
If you donate to help offset the costs of running automaticwasher.org you will enable all the extra features and upgrades within your account.

Here is the feature comparison chart:

Feature Standard Members Upgraded Members
Remove ALL web generated ads from automaticwasher.org No option to remove advertising as this helps us offset the costs of running the site. As an upgraded member all web advertising will be turned off. There is an option within your profile to view the ads if you wish, but this is an opt-in feature as all ads will be turned off once you upgrade.
View and post in the following forums: Imperial, Deluxe and Super forums. Imperial, Deluxe and Super forums as well as the member only forums As the Tub Turns and Dirty Laundry
Edit or Delete your Messages No You may edit and delete your message for 6 hours after you have posted.
Time Zone Display All Times will be displayed in the US/Central Time Zone Set and display all post times in your own time zone (set from your profile)
Super Search-a-lator Keyword Searches in the Imperial and Deluxe forums only Keyword Searches in ALL forums
Archived Threads View old/archived threads from the Imperial and Deluxe forums only View old/archived threads from ALL forums
Wash-Rinse-Spin indicators to remember whether you have seen a thread yet and where you left off reading Not Available Yes:
Navigation Bar at top and bottom of the screen in the Discuss-o-Mat Log-in/out and profile edit only All features including quick links to the other forums.
Latest Posts / My Posts Icons Not available The Latest Posts icon shows all forums on one compact index page, displaying the last 100 active posts. The My Posts icon shows all of the active threads that you have created or have made at least one post in.
Intra-site email system Not available The automaticwasher.org email system allows you to send private messages to any other upgraded member.

Please note you must be 18 years old older to donate and upgrade to automaticwasher.org. Also the maximum number of upgraded days allowed is 365. So in other words if you have 12 days left and you upgrade for another year, you total will be 365. It's best to wait until you have 0 days left before you upgrade.

You are currently not logged in, please choose your member name from the drop down list below. If you would like to purchase an upgrade another member, please choose their username from the drop-down list above.

$5.00 for 30 days of upgraded site privileges
$9.00 for 180 days of upgraded site privileges
$12.00 for 365 days of upgraded site privileges

If you wish to donate more to help offset the site expenses, please enter the extra amount you wish to donate in the box below, such as 5.00, 10.00, 25.00 ect. Any extra help is greatly appreciated: