Thread Number: 12466
1965 Blue Kenmore Washer/Dryer weekend find
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Post# 218235   6/25/2007 at 18:55 (6,341 days old) by harvestgold (Deland, Florida )        

Got these super nice Model 70 kenmore`s this past weekend. They have lighted backpanels and i believe they were one model below the lady kenmore series

Post# 218236 , Reply# 1   6/25/2007 at 18:57 (6,341 days old) by harvestgold (Deland, Florida )        
1965 Kenmore more pics

Inside tub shot Black bakelite swirl agitator .with scrubber and detergent cup

Post# 218237 , Reply# 2   6/25/2007 at 18:58 (6,341 days old) by harvestgold (Deland, Florida )        
1965 kenmore pics

The scrubber hardly used

Post# 218238 , Reply# 3   6/25/2007 at 18:59 (6,341 days old) by harvestgold (Deland, Florida )        
1965 kenmore pics

Dryer with scent bottle still has fluid in it

Post# 218239 , Reply# 4   6/25/2007 at 19:00 (6,341 days old) by gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Washer looks like my 1963. Beautiful turquoise pair!

Post# 218276 , Reply# 5   6/25/2007 at 21:19 (6,341 days old) by frontaloadotmy (the cool gay realm)        
You Go!!!

Mr. H Gold!!!

Post# 218283 , Reply# 6   6/25/2007 at 21:54 (6,341 days old) by unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
John those are just beautiful, congratulations! I believe they are a 1963 model set, here they are in the 1963 Spring Summer issue of the Sears Catalog. But on second thought they have the 1964 agitator and the 1963 catalog doesn't list them in colors. I have the 1964 and 1965 Sears catalogs as well and they do not list this model as the 70 Series model, they show different machines. Very strange.

Post# 218288 , Reply# 7   6/25/2007 at 22:09 (6,341 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Whatever the year, they're a beautiful pair. Congrats! Love the scented dryer. Our 1960 Model 80 had that feature, as well. Many carefree loads to you.

Post# 218298 , Reply# 8   6/25/2007 at 22:26 (6,341 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        

pumper's profile picture
they're beautiful! where did you find them?

Post# 218367 , Reply# 9   6/26/2007 at 07:35 (6,340 days old) by harvestgold (Deland, Florida )        
Blue Kenmores

Robert thanks for the pictures of the original kenmore literature !! when i took the dryer control panel apart to replace the mini florescent light tubes there was a date of feb. 1965 stamped on the inside control panel so i just got my glasses out and the 5 is a 3 so you are correct that they are 1963 Not 1965 !!! John

Post# 218369 , Reply# 10   6/26/2007 at 07:38 (6,340 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Very nice find, John! You'll have a lot of fun with these - speaking of which, is there any scent left in the air-freshener bottle?

Post# 218381 , Reply# 11   6/26/2007 at 08:16 (6,340 days old) by gewa1054wguy ()        
Hi John


Matched sets are great, especially when you find them both at the same time! Let me know if these work. I look forward to seeing them do their thing. Are you going to keep them in PS or SD?


Post# 218389 , Reply# 12   6/26/2007 at 09:17 (6,340 days old) by roto204 (Tucson, AZ)        

roto204's profile picture
Congratulations, those are just stunning!! :-D

Post# 218394 , Reply# 13   6/26/2007 at 09:44 (6,340 days old) by harvestgold (Deland, Florida )        
Blue Kenmores

Mike the washer drained real slow, turns out the lint filter was all clogged up so i by-passed the filter and the machine works fine in 2002 the lady that had the washer, spent $300.00 to have the washer rebuilt ,new clutch, tub bearing and seals all the hard stuff to repair so that was a big selling point for me,The dryer has a pilot-less gas ignitor with an electric glow starter pretty rare for 1963 when most gas dryers still had a standing pilot they will be in SD and used as a back-up for my maytags John

Post# 218395 , Reply# 14   6/26/2007 at 09:45 (6,340 days old) by fa_f3_20 ()        

Wow, those look like they are in really good shape! Is there a story that goes with them? And, have you had a chance to look over the mechanicals yet?

Post# 218437 , Reply# 15   6/26/2007 at 14:23 (6,340 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

John ... Congratulations on the great find!! So well cared for, too. They both look pristine.

Are you going to put them into use soon?

Post# 218442 , Reply# 16   6/26/2007 at 14:55 (6,340 days old) by golittlesport (California)        

golittlesport's profile picture
Congratulations! What a beautiful set! Did you find them in San Diego?

Post# 218465 , Reply# 17   6/26/2007 at 16:45 (6,340 days old) by ~sudsshane ()        
Just lovely John!

I can't wait to get my first vintage set. Hopefully sometime this year.

Good Luck!

Post# 218474 , Reply# 18   6/26/2007 at 17:29 (6,340 days old) by 70series ( Connecticut.)        

Gorgeous set. I love the consoles. The 1963 Kenmore line featured some of the most elegant console designs IMHO. These machines look like they have been well cared for. The woman who had the washer rebuilt must have loved them. She must have been from a generation when people kept appliances for as long as they worked. God bless her.

Nowadays working appliances are cast aside for flashy newer models. Typical of a tin horn culture.

I hope you have lots of happiness with your new Kenmores.

Good Luck,

Post# 218475 , Reply# 19   6/26/2007 at 17:35 (6,340 days old) by sharples ()        
So beautiful

I just love lucky. Congrats

Post# 218543 , Reply# 20   6/26/2007 at 22:01 (6,340 days old) by mayken4now (Panama City, Florida)        

mayken4now's profile picture
John, just stunning to me. Where did you find those? Would love to know the details.


Post# 218644 , Reply# 21   6/27/2007 at 02:12 (6,339 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
You get more from a Kenmore 'cause a Kenmore has so much more to give!

Post# 218682 , Reply# 22   6/27/2007 at 07:56 (6,339 days old) by gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

For those that remember these machines back in the day-----was there EVER a Whirly/'Kenmo that didn't sudz-lock on the first spin? I don't think I remember one that didn't.

I removed the filter in mine altogether, not because it was clogged, but in an effort to control the sudz-lock issues.
(I thought the self-cleaning filter responsible for creating all those gaazillion little bubbles that caused such a sudz-layer and eventually sudz-lock.)Because no matter the low-sudz detergent I used, as soon as wash cycle agitation began you could see all the bubbles start to flow and pretty soon there is a good layer of sudz on top. At this point I am convinced it is the way the water is re-circulated that aerates it so---not the fault of the filter.

So alas, the old 'Kenmo had the last laugh---determined to sudz-lock in spite of me, it went right on its merry sudz-locked way----even on FAB my favorite low-suds detergent!I think the space at the bottom of the inner and outer tubs is just too tight. A design issue. I just couldn't re-write history.

Post# 218693 , Reply# 23   6/27/2007 at 08:09 (6,339 days old) by retroguy ()        
Those are AWESOME!


Post# 218708 , Reply# 24   6/27/2007 at 08:58 (6,339 days old) by thirtyater ()        

Fan-stinkin-tabulous! Beautiful set!!

Post# 218752 , Reply# 25   6/27/2007 at 10:47 (6,339 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
They look brand new and so cool & blue out on the Western Pl

mickeyd's profile picture
"Oh beautiful for wash machines
and sudsy tubs of clothes"'

Can anyone not guess the real song?

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