Thread Number: 18235
Soap Cover Doesn't Open-Kitchenaid KUDS230B |
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Post# 296689 , Reply# 2   8/14/2008 at 14:45 (6,002 days old) by cycla-fabric (New Jersey (Northern))   |   | |
I had that problem recently when I ran my 1991 Whirlpool dishwasher and noticed that that detergent door didn’t open too. Well if you are mechanically inclined you can remove the outside front cover of the dishwasher door and you will see the working mechanism for how the dispenser opens. I think it pulls up and releases the catch that allows the detergent door to open. If you have a dial machine you can set the machine to the beginning of wash and watch it go into action, usually at the 2-4 minute mark in the wash cycle it should move. If you have a machine with no dial as I do you will have to choose a cycle with a pre-rinse then wash and watch to see what happens. The rod that opens the detergent door in my machine got dis-lodged and it was just a simple fix to put it back into place. If you don’t see any movement of any kind then something else is wrong. Mine got dislodged by my partner always letting the door drop down when loaded with flatware, I told him to stop doing that when I caught him in the act. As that was the reason for how the dispenser door rod got mis-aligned. He doesn't do that anymore. Doug |
Post# 296883 , Reply# 6   8/15/2008 at 10:23 (6,001 days old) by mark_usa ()   |   | |
I have a kds 21 parts machine that I will be junking soon. let me know if you need the the bimetal or water supply tube. regards Mark |
Post# 296890 , Reply# 7   8/15/2008 at 10:53 (6,001 days old) by funguy10 ()   |   | |
MiHi, our Kenmore Dishwasher has the same problem. When you close the little detergent door you have to push the latch out and catch it manually. It still opens when it is supposed to though. |
Post# 297039 , Reply# 10   8/15/2008 at 21:16 (6,000 days old) by joe89 ()   |   | |
I'll see how it works now with the new tube. Does the hole go down? :-) See my post above on this. thanks |
Post# 297113 , Reply# 11   8/16/2008 at 08:41 (6,000 days old) by magic clean ()   |   | |
hole points down to allow any residual water to drain from the manifold. L.P. |
Post# 298236 , Reply# 24   8/20/2008 at 18:21 (5,995 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)   |   | |
Can't seem to get the link to work, but hey, you sometimes don't need a multimeter to test these things.. You have us! |
Post# 298826 , Reply# 26   8/23/2008 at 22:56 (5,992 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)   |   | |
Joe, has it been working okay so far? Looking to hear some positive news! Steve |
Post# 1155941 , Reply# 28   8/4/2022 at 14:05 (899 days old) by patricia (tiverton, ri)   |   | |
I just found this thread, I have the same problem with a kitchenaid kudp220t6. Would this same information for a fix apply to my dishwasher. Thank you, Pat |
Post# 1155952 , Reply# 29   8/4/2022 at 16:14 (899 days old) by luxflairguy (Wilmington NC)   |   | |
You asked this question only yesterday in the Imperial forum! Why ask it again so soon? All the wonderful people here work and give their time freely when they have it! Be patient! |
Post# 1157362 , Reply# 30   8/19/2022 at 10:03 (884 days old) by patricia (tiverton, ri)   |   | |
My apologies, I didn't see this already existing archive thread when I first asked my question. I thought it would be easier to ask for a yes or no answer from the members rather than have them repeat all of the answers included in this older thread. |
Post# 1157448 , Reply# 31   8/20/2022 at 18:33 (882 days old) by trappn (Illinois)   |   | |
Don't worry about it. Wonderful people do not respond in that manner. |