Thread Number: 23283
Hotpoint washer Pics,Videos and Info
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Post# 363168   7/11/2009 at 09:27 (5,693 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        


My favorite brand of all time is Hotpoint.So i thought it would be great if we could do a thread about it! Any pics,videos or info would be great!

Also,a question: What is the the difference between the Hotpoint 95620 and The Hotpoint 95622?


The following picture was featured on the Hotpoint 95620 thread:

Post# 363378 , Reply# 1   7/12/2009 at 07:08 (5,692 days old) by hotpoint95622 (Powys)        
hotpoint 95622

hotpoint95622's profile picture
Hi 95620 is white and the 95622 is almond.

Hotpoint is my favourite brand too, and I have a 95622 and an 18680.

Post# 363380 , Reply# 2   7/12/2009 at 07:11 (5,692 days old) by hotpoint95622 (Powys)        
hotpoint 95622

hotpoint95622's profile picture
18680 befor some love and care

Post# 363381 , Reply# 3   7/12/2009 at 07:13 (5,692 days old) by hotpoint95622 (Powys)        
hotpoint 95622

hotpoint95622's profile picture
Lees project is using wm63

Post# 363382 , Reply# 4   7/12/2009 at 07:17 (5,692 days old) by hotpoint95622 (Powys)        
hotpoint 95622

hotpoint95622's profile picture
Link to a video of the 18680

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hotpoint95622's LINK

Post# 363383 , Reply# 5   7/12/2009 at 07:22 (5,692 days old) by hotpoint95622 (Powys)        
hotpoint 95622

hotpoint95622's profile picture
And a link to video of lees project

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hotpoint95622's LINK

Post# 363391 , Reply# 6   7/12/2009 at 08:48 (5,692 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Thanks Lee!

The old Hottie's were the best weren't they. Just one thing, was my Hotpoint WM53 a classic washer?

Post# 363397 , Reply# 7   7/12/2009 at 10:04 (5,692 days old) by hotpoint95622 (Powys)        
hotpoint 95622

hotpoint95622's profile picture
If not a classic, WM's from the last of the British made, and the last of the better designs.

Post# 363429 , Reply# 8   7/12/2009 at 13:18 (5,692 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
YAY! My Hotpoint was fantasticly designed! (So i thought lol

A question: What is the difference between the Hotpoint 95620 and the Hotpoint 95622?

Post# 363455 , Reply# 9   7/12/2009 at 15:11 (5,692 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
Hi 95620 is white and the 95622 is almond.

Gawd seeing that picture of our 95620 above reminded me of the hell hole created this weekend, a few more machines to transfer over which we didnt get chance to do so everythings a mess until the last few arrive enabling us to tidy up.

The fully restored 95620 is lurking in there....

Post# 363486 , Reply# 10   7/12/2009 at 16:49 (5,692 days old) by electron800 ()        

By any chance are you a big fan of Hoover Turbopowers?

Hehe :)

Haven't used one in years, but I've heard they're really good.

My Electrolux Contour is at my new house now, I'll get pic of the place and the appliances (Zanussi FJS1425W) as soon as I can.


Post# 363499 , Reply# 11   7/12/2009 at 17:51 (5,692 days old) by dubstar85 (Glasgow, Scotland)        
Rob/ Paul...

Is that an older Hotpoint dishwasher at the back of the room????


Post# 363674 , Reply# 12   7/13/2009 at 10:56 (5,691 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Im sorry..

Im not much of a Hoover person but i do like the red Hotpoint hoover somebody here owns.Did Hotpoint make anymore hoovers? Oh and also thanks for answering my question.

Post# 363675 , Reply# 13   7/13/2009 at 10:58 (5,691 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Some pics....

1st one:

Hotpoint Liberator ad (Thanks to RobM!)

Post# 363676 , Reply# 14   7/13/2009 at 11:00 (5,691 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Next one!

2nd pic:

Hotpoint Twinny. Oh and most of the pictures i have got are from the members.I saved them on to my laptop.

Post# 363677 , Reply# 15   7/13/2009 at 11:01 (5,691 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Next pic...

3rd pic:

Hotpoint 18580

Post# 363678 , Reply# 16   7/13/2009 at 11:02 (5,691 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Next pic...

4th pic:

Hotpoint WMA74
Its a new one but anyway:

Post# 363679 , Reply# 17   7/13/2009 at 11:04 (5,691 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Another pic of the WMA74:

Hotpoint WMA74 LCD and programmes:

Post# 363680 , Reply# 18   7/13/2009 at 11:06 (5,691 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Next pic...

5th pic i think! lol

Hotpoint WM64 brochure shot:
I like that colour along with most other Hotpoint colours!

Post# 363681 , Reply# 19   7/13/2009 at 11:08 (5,691 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Next pic...

Last pic for now!I will try to post some more soon!

A Hotpoint 18361 in all it's glory!:

Post# 363686 , Reply# 20   7/13/2009 at 11:49 (5,691 days old) by liberator1509 (Ireland)        
The original (and ultimate!) Hotpoint Automatic

Hi guys,

Just in case anyone forgets, Hotpoint's first automatic was the fantastic top-loader - here's mine, a 9605 - one of last ever made.


PS - Zach, on the 'New Generation LE' series (and a short run of the previous range) the model numbers ended with 0 or 2, 0 meaning white cabinet and 2 meaning 'spring almond'. Hotpoint gave this up and put a simple, A or W after the model number.

Does anyone have a pic of the really schmaltzy 'rich teak' finish twin tub?

Post# 363702 , Reply# 21   7/13/2009 at 14:27 (5,691 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Well you learn something new every day!

I never knew that.Thanks liberator1509! Thats why our polar white Hotpoint WM53 was really called a WM53P.I still wish we had that machine!It was the best.Our new Hotpoint Aquarius WML540(G)(graphite) is pretty good but nothing can beat the WM53!

Here is another picture.This machine is a Hotpoint 9534 (W)

Post# 363712 , Reply# 22   7/13/2009 at 15:18 (5,691 days old) by dyson2drums (United Kingdom)        

dyson2drums's profile picture
hello hooverkeymatic

ive always wanted a hotpoint ultima wma76 as its got a fast wash which takes hot water and takes 26 mins or less and its really good and it also has fast forward, instead my mum didn't want a digital washer as she gets muddles up with them so we had to step down to the hotpoint wma 58 aquarius just below the ultima. How long is fast wash? another question an all, how long is fast wash with super rinse/extra rinse selected? and what is spin speed max for fast wash?


love pics, post more if u have them n vids would be appreciated depending on your free time etc?
thanks anyways

Post# 363735 , Reply# 23   7/13/2009 at 16:57 (5,691 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture

That is indeed a Hotpoint Dishwasher

1987 Next Generation 7861 Super Deluxe

Next to its matching 1986 Micro Profile

Post# 363736 , Reply# 24   7/13/2009 at 16:59 (5,691 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
Micro Profile 1300

Post# 363737 , Reply# 25   7/13/2009 at 17:00 (5,691 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
Micro Profile

Post# 363754 , Reply# 26   7/13/2009 at 17:44 (5,691 days old) by dubstar85 (Glasgow, Scotland)        

Fantastic! My parents bought the 9934 washer dryer and the BOL dishwasher of the range within months of each other. I can't remember the model number but 7821 is in my head. It was a great machine... a bit noisy but cleaned well.

Can only imagine how your new machine performs! Better but quiter with its 'Acusticlad' insulation!


Post# 363904 , Reply# 27   7/14/2009 at 13:26 (5,690 days old) by matchboxpaul (U.K)        
How can people have forgotten......

the Hotpoint Microtronic.

Here is the 18-series version - the 18780 X2000:

Post# 363920 , Reply# 28   7/14/2009 at 14:25 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        


I dont know how long any cycles take.It got the pics of ebay.Here come some more photos.Glad you are enjoying them!:

Hotpoint Ultima ad (i dont know which paticular model,i got it of!):

Post# 363921 , Reply# 29   7/14/2009 at 14:26 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Hotpoint 17351 dryer:

Post# 363923 , Reply# 30   7/14/2009 at 14:27 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Hotpoint Aqualtis 8kg.I love the colour!:

Post# 363925 , Reply# 31   7/14/2009 at 14:29 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

A Hotpoint 18361 (i think) washer without front panel:

Post# 363926 , Reply# 32   7/14/2009 at 14:31 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Hotpoint New Generation Dial (the washer is a 95620 or a 95622)It is of course made in Great Britain!:

Post# 363927 , Reply# 33   7/14/2009 at 14:31 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Thanks for the photos MatchBoxPaul!

Post# 363934 , Reply# 34   7/14/2009 at 15:03 (5,690 days old) by electron800 ()        
late WM's and in particular the WMA's

Were really ugly brutes in my opinion! I think the 95 and early WM series were the best lookers :).


Post# 363940 , Reply# 35   7/14/2009 at 15:22 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

I quite liked the WM's and the WMA's.Does anyone have any pics of the Hotpoint Cassata (I think thats how you spell it!)range.I found the thread then lost it!


Hotpoint 18361 Super Electronic drawer fascia:

Post# 363943 , Reply# 36   7/14/2009 at 15:25 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Do you like the look of the Hotpoint WM53?

Hotpoint WM53 Dial

Post# 363944 , Reply# 37   7/14/2009 at 15:27 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Hotpoint WM53 Inside

Post# 363945 , Reply# 38   7/14/2009 at 15:28 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Hotpoint WM53 back:

Post# 363946 , Reply# 39   7/14/2009 at 15:29 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Hotpoint Drum:

Post# 363948 , Reply# 40   7/14/2009 at 15:29 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Hotpoint Drum rim:

Post# 363949 , Reply# 41   7/14/2009 at 15:31 (5,690 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Very grubby Hotpoint WM53 drawer lol (inside):

Post# 364056 , Reply# 42   7/15/2009 at 04:01 (5,690 days old) by hotpoint95622 (Powys)        
hotpoint 95622

hotpoint95622's profile picture
Ho, I would love to have a Hotpoint Microtronic 18780 X2000.

I know someone who is an engineer in the washing machine repair trade and has one on his patch, in mint condition, I keep begging him to let me have it when current owners have done with it, it’s not close to me, but I would find a way of getting it.

Post# 364127 , Reply# 43   7/15/2009 at 10:12 (5,689 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

How fast did the Microtronic x2000 spin.Also,do you have any pics of the Hotpoint Cassata (i think thats how you spell it!) range?


Post# 364131 , Reply# 44   7/15/2009 at 10:27 (5,689 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Not Forgetting - The Hotpoint Firsts...!!!

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Hotpoint Model A - 1940`s which was based on the Maytag Model E - Hotpoint UK had an alliance with Maytag to supply / build them on the list for a re-build / spa treatment!!!

Post# 364133 , Reply# 45   7/15/2009 at 10:29 (5,689 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Hotpoint Wringers

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Clockwise: Empress, Countess & grand!!!

Post# 364136 , Reply# 46   7/15/2009 at 10:45 (5,689 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
First Hotpoint TwinTub..

chestermikeuk's profile picture
The Hotpoint Supermatic 1400...6lb load, 3,100rpm spinner 3kw heater, linked auto heater / thermostat / washtimer, direct drive brushless motors..

Post# 364137 , Reply# 47   7/15/2009 at 10:47 (5,689 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
First Hotpoint FrontLoading Automatic

chestermikeuk's profile picture
The Hotpoint model 1600, 1100rpm from 1970, the fastest spinning frontloader of its time!!! H & C fill, 9lb load, timeline programmer..

Post# 364397 , Reply# 48   7/16/2009 at 04:17 (5,689 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
18 series, not quite a match but lovely runners...

Post# 364398 , Reply# 49   7/16/2009 at 04:21 (5,688 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
95 series 1980`s

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Hotpoint 9571

Post# 364399 , Reply# 50   7/16/2009 at 04:25 (5,688 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
First & Last Hotpoint TwinTubs

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Hotpoint 1400 - 1960, Hotpoint 9414A - 1990`s, NIB MIB

Post# 364400 , Reply# 51   7/16/2009 at 04:40 (5,688 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        
Hotpoint Vacs

aquarius1984's profile picture
Chris, you guessed lol.

Turbomasters mostly with having all 3 bagged Total Systems (tools on board) in the family when I was a child,

Mum had the TOL Electronic, Gran had the model below and my Aunt had the Leccy Board special Total System.

but the Turbopowers are a fine machine too featuring what I think IMHO is Hoovers best brushroll the "Activator".

Turbomasters had a wider sweeping path but the same Activator only a bit larger.

Glad to hear your Contour is going strong still, fine machines they are too.

I love my Airstream and Contours, but those Turbos do seem to get everywhere LOL!

Keep the best ones at home tucked into odd corners here and there,

Post# 364401 , Reply# 52   7/16/2009 at 04:43 (5,688 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        
Hotpoint Vacs

aquarius1984's profile picture
There was a few,

the Darth Vader

Post# 364403 , Reply# 53   7/16/2009 at 04:45 (5,688 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
Light and Easy, Darth Vader, and a Hotpoint Junior?

Post# 364404 , Reply# 54   7/16/2009 at 04:46 (5,688 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
Then the varients myself and Paul now own from the 80's.

Post# 364405 , Reply# 55   7/16/2009 at 04:51 (5,688 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Hotpoint washer Pics,Videos and Info

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Post# 364491 , Reply# 56   7/16/2009 at 09:00 (5,688 days old) by mark1973 ()        

Here are my 2 Hotpoint machines. WM41 and 1509. The 1509 is not a "True" Liberator in the sense that although it's purple its a model 1509/05 which is called the "Automatic De Luxe" and has different comestic changes rather than the true Liberator version being 1509/10 which is called the "Liberator Super De Luxe". The main difference being that the true liberator has the rinse hold button and has different graphics around the dials and buttons. (I hope that ramble made sense). Mike has the true liberator version..Mike has that been fixed yet?

I have had many machines come and gone but these 2 I intend not to part with. I love them both and really enjoy using and of course watching


Post# 364554 , Reply# 57   7/16/2009 at 11:58 (5,688 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Thanks for the pics guys!

Post# 364587 , Reply# 58   7/16/2009 at 14:24 (5,688 days old) by paulc (Edinburgh, Scotland)        

paulc's profile picture
The Hotpoint Light n Easy was my 1st ever vacuum!! Was my Mums one and she gave it to me when it was replaced by an Electrolux 160, I think I was about 6 or 7. My Nan, Grandma, and two of my Auntys all had Electrolux 160's then 170's. I loved them! Rob, are they yours or is that Mikes collection?

Mark, You Hotpoint toploader is soooo lovely!! Hope you are well, I might have to pop out to chack out your machines soon!!

Post# 364805 , Reply# 59   7/17/2009 at 08:57 (5,687 days old) by mark1973 ()        

Hey Paulc

Thanks for the comment. I keep meaning to say I must have you round to look at the collection.

Its only small so not much to look at really (And the collection to ;) )


Post# 364826 , Reply# 60   7/17/2009 at 10:35 (5,687 days old) by paulc (Edinburgh, Scotland)        

paulc's profile picture

Post# 365089 , Reply# 61   7/18/2009 at 03:47 (5,687 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Pic from Ebay...

Heres a pic of a Hotpoint Electronic DeLuxe 800 washer:

Post# 365093 , Reply# 62   7/18/2009 at 06:22 (5,686 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Some More pics!

A Very yellow Hotpoint 9330 dryer!:

Post# 365094 , Reply# 63   7/18/2009 at 06:29 (5,686 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

A very interesting Hotpoint Diamond 9972 Washer dryer:

Post# 365095 , Reply# 64   7/18/2009 at 06:30 (5,686 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

A Hotpoint 9533 1000rpm washer:

Post# 365096 , Reply# 65   7/18/2009 at 06:31 (5,686 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

newwave1's Old Hotpoint WM43 washer Sudslocking!:

Post# 365098 , Reply# 66   7/18/2009 at 06:32 (5,686 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

A Hotpoint 95490 washer:

Post# 365318 , Reply# 67   7/19/2009 at 05:29 (5,685 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Has this thread gone to sleep? lol

Post# 365365 , Reply# 68   7/19/2009 at 11:38 (5,685 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
Ah the old hotpoint WM43 i do miss it!

Post# 367120 , Reply# 69   7/26/2009 at 11:19 (5,678 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        
Another one

aquarius1984's profile picture
and one now in our collection,

The uber rare Hotpoint 95360,

3 buttons...

Slow Spin
Economy Wash
Half Load

Rare due to the fact the 4 button machine the 95450/2 was only £5 more to buy so you either bought the 4 button with Auto Prewash or the £10 less expensive 2 button variant with Economy wash and half load.

Machine is in fab condition bar the lid which is scratched and missing side strips.
The poor machine will be put back right soon upon finding a nice lid and having an original dial in clear plastic (thank god we own several original dials) and side strips fixing on.

We spent last saturday in Cardiff giving it a new lease of life with the spa treatment and a run through with some laundry - thread to follow soon I think.

Post# 367151 , Reply# 70   7/26/2009 at 12:49 (5,678 days old) by fl1012 ()        


Im new here so apologies if i shouldve posted somewhere else first to say hi, but 'hi everyone' :)

I found the website by accident after Googling 'Hoover A3350', which id seen on Ebay! Im amazed there's so many other people as mad about washing machines as myself!

Currently ive just the one washing machine of my own, a 1980s Zanussi FL1012, which i bought on Ebay for £15 in 2007. I got it for my first house but that's now rented out and the machine is in my parents garage whilst im back home. Gotta give it a run when i finally convince Mum to let me move her 20 month old Zanussi Essential into the garage!

Anyway, i don't wanna hijack the thread, just wanted to say what a great lot of pics of the Hotpoints. My Mum had the Electronic Deluxe 95450 when i was born, to replace her Servis Twin Tub. It was one of my earliest memories of washing machines, spent hours watching it, got a photo somewhere but it's identical to one pictured further up the thread.

It lasted around 12 years, tho did have quite alot of engineers visits during its time, mostly brushes & door seals. Tho the final nail in its coffin was the suspension leg coming away from its mountings meaning the drum started to move about too much (tho no more than our modern day Zanussi). I think that was discovered at the same time as a overfilling fault was being investigated. It also leaked from underneath & used to struggle to start back up after heating the water, so after 12 years of heavy use (including tonnes of boilwashes with my terry-towling nappies), the parents decided to move on & it was replaced by a cheaper but decent Indesit Omega.

Anyway, enough of me, i look forward to chatting to you guys soon :)

Best wishes,


Post# 367156 , Reply# 71   7/26/2009 at 12:59 (5,678 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Wall of Hotpoint..!!

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Wouldnt be a washroom without it!!!

Post# 367158 , Reply# 72   7/26/2009 at 13:04 (5,678 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Can you name the models???

chestermikeuk's profile picture
And Welcome Liam, yes lots of avid afficianados and collectors with the same history!!!, looks like one of your dream machines is nearer than you think!!! enjoy the pics vids & mails, jump in to ask all the questions you like, its how we all started!!! enjoy, Mike

Post# 367168 , Reply# 73   7/26/2009 at 13:18 (5,678 days old) by fl1012 ()        

Many thanks Mike, much appreciated :)

Would the dream machine that's nearer than i think be the FLE3000 on Ebay?! It looks great doesnt it!


Post# 367169 , Reply# 74   7/26/2009 at 13:19 (5,678 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Hi FL1012! Our Hotpoint WM53 sadly died on Valentines Day 2009.So not such a good present! After loads of overloaded washes though. It has washed everything without problems.Here are some things it has washed: A Thick Woollen Blanket, 2 pairs of trainers and a Double Duvet! The carbon brushes failed so we got a new one, Also Hotpoint.It is a Hotpoint WML 540.

ChesterMikeUK: I have never sen so many Twin-Tubs in one place.How many machines do you have?I cant identify any models because i am hopeless with Twin-Tubs!

NewWave1: Why did you sell your WM43? lol It was such a great machine!

I am glad that so many good washing machines have went to so many good owners, Instead of just being crushed!

Post# 367174 , Reply# 75   7/26/2009 at 13:34 (5,678 days old) by fl1012 ()        

Hi HooverKeymatic :)

I agree, it's really good to see so many machines have been saved, i just presumed theyd all been scrapped, so i'm really pleased to have found this site.

I wonder where my parents old 95450 is, we gave it to a workmate of Dads to use as parts for his Hotpoint, but it was still working.


Post# 367203 , Reply# 76   7/26/2009 at 14:02 (5,678 days old) by matchboxpaul (U.K)        

How do again, Liam.

The 95450/452 - grew up with one of each.

My god mum had a 95450, which she ran into the ground washing her and her 4 daughters clothes. My dad repaired it many times and I think it saw about 8 to 10 years use, but was a visual disaster by the end.

It lived with the matching dryer stacked on top for about 5 years until the dryer was 'grounded'.

My parents had a 95452 which went from 1986ish through to 2006ish, and gave up just before I started collecting. Had it lasted another year or two, then it would still be around.
A fantastic machine, which lead a much more gentle life than my god mums machine and had about three repairs on it in its whole life.

It had a new motor, after my mum overloaded it with a coat full of padding. The coat just absorbed all the water the machine could throw at it and, in the end, became so heavy that the motor couldnt turn it and gave in with a BIG bang.

New motor installed, all it had after that was two or three pairs of new brushes.
It was disposed of in immaculate condition apart from the obligatory chipped door release. It had side strips fully intact and there was not a trace of rust anywhere. Also having been cleaned on the outside regularly it shone.

Hopefully it will have been shredded as I'd hate for it to be sat in landfill getting compressed or having houses built on top of it.

just fond memories.


Post# 367210 , Reply# 77   7/26/2009 at 14:17 (5,678 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

When we got our new machine, Curry's took our old Hotpoint WM53 away. I think they took it to the tip. :(

Post# 367212 , Reply# 78   7/26/2009 at 14:20 (5,678 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
Now for some more pics:

A Hotpoint First Edition (old version) 800. Any more pics of this machine would be appreciated:

Post# 367216 , Reply# 79   7/26/2009 at 14:22 (5,678 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Almond Spin Slider Hottie (Model Unknown):

Post# 367217 , Reply# 80   7/26/2009 at 14:24 (5,678 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Brown Hotpoint First Edition 1000. It is the Brown version of my old Hotpoint First Edition WM53 1200.Someone has one of these on Emmerdale:

Post# 367218 , Reply# 81   7/26/2009 at 14:26 (5,678 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Hotpoint WM83 1200rpm Dials:

Post# 367219 , Reply# 82   7/26/2009 at 14:27 (5,678 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

There will be more pics later on! Thats not all Don't Worry! lol

Post# 367220 , Reply# 83   7/26/2009 at 14:29 (5,678 days old) by fl1012 ()        


Haha, our 95450 had a chipped door release! It was abit of a fiddly design to operate i thought. The later 80s Hotpoints when Aquarius was introduced appeared abit more robust, tho it went backwards again when the last of the British models was lauched, with that kinda thumb operated catch. It seemed more robust but i dunno how keen id be on fiddling with that on a daily basis.

Our 95450 had lost some of the brown side strip tho, and it was rusting around the base of the door opening, where quite a few seals had leaked. The powder drawer had been replaced with a more modern one after i pulled the original one off as a toddler, too!

Both my parents and your parents one share a common feature tho - their love for motor brushes! I think we had a set every year, as did our neighbours with the exact same model!


Post# 367232 , Reply# 84   7/26/2009 at 15:05 (5,678 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Our old Hotpoint First Edition 1200 WM53 died of motor brushes too!

Post# 367239 , Reply# 85   7/26/2009 at 15:31 (5,678 days old) by fl1012 ()        

The Hotpoints used to eat their brushes for breakfast i swear. Crazy appetite for them! The modern Indesit Hotpoints lose their bearings or blow a PCB before anything else seems to even get a look in.

The new Hotpoints are very poor, the merger has really let down all the makes involved (Indesit/Ariston/Hotpoint). its odd coz Indesit used to make pretty decent machines i thought. Our 1990s Omega was more reliable than even the 80s Hotpoint, yet now it seems 18 months-4 years is the most youll see out of any of them. Sad times.


Post# 367248 , Reply# 86   7/26/2009 at 16:08 (5,678 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        
Hi there!!

aquarius1984's profile picture
Welcome to the club, nice to see new members.

Glad you like the machines, they are worth all the effort we use to keep them going.

Liam just wondered if you had MSN?
You can catch me there mostly if im signed in.


Post# 367263 , Reply# 87   7/26/2009 at 16:31 (5,678 days old) by fl1012 ()        
I do indeed Rob

Hi Rob

Yup, im on msn fella. Im so feel free to add me.



Post# 367264 , Reply# 88   7/26/2009 at 16:33 (5,678 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

We have a new Hotpoint. It is a WML540 in Graphite. It spins at a maximum of 1400rpm.It can wash up to 6kg of clothes.So far it has been pretty good.It has give me one error code though but i just reset the machine and it was fine.

Post# 367266 , Reply# 89   7/26/2009 at 16:43 (5,678 days old) by fl1012 ()        

Certainly alot of people rave about them, and theyre alot quieter when washing than my Mums 2007 Zanussi Essential, which wines like mad, but its just the error codes & premature bearing failure that gets me twitchy. Zanussi appear abit stronger in the bearing & fault code department i think.

Happy to be proven incorrect tho, im no expert by any means.

You wernt convinced to get a Hoover Nextra or Vision HD tho?


Post# 367406 , Reply# 90   7/27/2009 at 03:20 (5,678 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

I wanted to stick to Hotpoint.After Samsungfl's experience, i wouldnt really go for Hoover.

Post# 367411 , Reply# 91   7/27/2009 at 04:38 (5,677 days old) by electron1100 (England)        
Modern machines

electron1100's profile picture
I think it is a minefield now days with modern machines, if i had to buy a new machine that i felt would last it would be a Miele i suppose, i have a bosch 1400 express which hasnt given any trouble bit i must admit i dont have any faith in its longevity

From where i work the most common makes of newish machine to come in are indesit/hotpoint (igoniring the cheap brands) but then perhaps they sell more than other makes

As a big fan of old Hoover washers as i am it would take a lot convincing to get me to buy any modern machine made by them

as I said to me new machines are mine field

right thats me tuppence worth

Post# 367414 , Reply# 92   7/27/2009 at 05:14 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Miele and Bosch are good but Miele are too expensive although they are worth it and Bosch are a bit noisy and they only do one 1600rpm washer (i think) in the UK and that is an 8kg model!

Post# 367418 , Reply# 93   7/27/2009 at 05:46 (5,677 days old) by fl1012 ()        

Ah ive not yet read Samsungfl's experience with Hoover. I know you don't have to look hard to see examples of modern Hoover machines with patchy build quality though - the amount of newer Nextra machines on Ebay alone that are broken is enough to get alarm bells going. I just find they have a slight quirkiness about them that so many machines don't. I was hoping the Vision HD's would be a step in a better direction but already seen a couple of them for sale needing new PCBs so i dunno :S

I think it all depends how much youre willing to spend. Miele are very good, and work out good value for money considering their long life, but many people don't have upwards of £500 for a washing machine so of the other makes, i'd go with either Bosch or Zanussi (or the other Electrolux brands). Neither will see more than 8 years maximum, but they should at least prove reliable until that point, something i couldnt be so sure about with any of the other makes, like Hoover, Indesit, Hotpoint etc.

Post# 367419 , Reply# 94   7/27/2009 at 05:58 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Here is Samsungfl's thread:

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hooverkeymatic's LINK

Post# 367420 , Reply# 95   7/27/2009 at 06:01 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Yes, Hoovers look nice but they arent the most reliable at all.Hotpoint arent bad, Ariston are Terrible and Indesit are alright but are very noisy. Indesit balance sensors are also alot more sensitive than current day Hotpoints, I thought that was wierd.Our Hotpoint has moved a few times but it hasnt done it lately.

Post# 367451 , Reply# 96   7/27/2009 at 08:27 (5,677 days old) by servisslimline (England, Brighton & Hove)        

servisslimline's profile picture
here is my hotpoint 9534 in bad condition washing :(

Post# 367455 , Reply# 97   7/27/2009 at 08:43 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

I suppose as long as its a good machine thne it doesnt matter what condition it is in.What other machines do you have?

Thanks guys.Keep them coming!

A Classic Hotpoint.I dont know the model:

Post# 367457 , Reply# 98   7/27/2009 at 08:46 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Hotpoint Ultima Wwasher Dryer 1200 WD72 Controls.This was one of the slightly Redesigned ones with the slightly newer logo:

Post# 367458 , Reply# 99   7/27/2009 at 08:49 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Everone's favourite one:

Post# 367459 , Reply# 100   7/27/2009 at 08:50 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Slightly Updated One.This one was quite rare i think:

Post# 367460 , Reply# 101   7/27/2009 at 08:51 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        
100 replies! YAY Keep them coming please!

The Latest Logo:

Post# 367464 , Reply# 102   7/27/2009 at 09:07 (5,677 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Hotpoint Logo .......1960

chestermikeuk's profile picture
very Supermatic....we think this has been made with iradiated glows in the dark!!!!

Post# 367467 , Reply# 103   7/27/2009 at 09:18 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Cool! Shame every logo wasnt like this!Very Supermatic indeed!

Post# 367471 , Reply# 104   7/27/2009 at 09:28 (5,677 days old) by servisslimline (England, Brighton & Hove)        
my machines

servisslimline's profile picture
i made a thread on my machines a week or so ago, here is the link, Enjoy

CLICK HERE TO GO TO servisslimline's LINK

Post# 367478 , Reply# 105   7/27/2009 at 10:08 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Thanks for the Link servisslimline!

Post# 367484 , Reply# 106   7/27/2009 at 10:28 (5,677 days old) by fl1012 ()        

Yeh i guess it's inevitible id see a few more Hotpoints broken, purely coz they sell in much higher numbers than many other makes. Their new machines certainly do seem very quiet tho. It's weird coz Hotpoint have got quieter compared to the 80s models & Zanussi have got louder compared to their 80s models.

Indesit make a nasty whining sound ive noticed. Well, at least the WIL model i saw did. Ive not much experience of Ariston but the A6146 is also available as a Hotpoint i think, which seems odd. Wouldve thought theyd have positioned Ariston in the middle of Indesit & Hotpoint for quality (Hotpoint being the more prestige brand, Indesit being the budget one).


Post# 367498 , Reply# 107   7/27/2009 at 10:51 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Yes, Indesit's are very noisy.I have seen the basic WIB model and it was awfully noisy!

Post# 367547 , Reply# 108   7/27/2009 at 14:24 (5,677 days old) by electron1100 (England)        
Hotpoint Microtronic on the telly

electron1100's profile picture
ERE! I was waching coronation street and Joe (gails bloke) was clearing his garage and i am sure I saw a Hotpoint microtronic sitting there, you only got a flash shot of it in the background, was a white one..........hmmm cant think of model number

Post# 367737 , Reply# 109   7/28/2009 at 02:50 (5,677 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

Was it a X2000?Or was it a Microprofile?

Post# 367850 , Reply# 110   7/28/2009 at 14:05 (5,676 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

A polar white Hotpoint Washer ( I dont know the model)

Post# 367880 , Reply# 111   7/28/2009 at 16:03 (5,676 days old) by servisslimline (England, Brighton & Hove)        

servisslimline's profile picture
that is one of the nicest hotpoint ive seen for a while, if it were in better condition it would be even better

Post# 368021 , Reply# 112   7/29/2009 at 02:46 (5,676 days old) by hooverkeymatic (England)        

It is quite nice but suffers from the cracked fascia and the incorrectdiscoloured dial.Model anyone?

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