Thread Number: 32239
Front loader blues
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Post# 486236   1/3/2011 at 23:17 (5,002 days old) by kenmorekeith ()        

looking to replace my frontloader soon,What do you like about fisher paykel top load.

Post# 486612 , Reply# 1   1/5/2011 at 19:54 (5,000 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
What's wrong with your washer?

Post# 486624 , Reply# 2   1/5/2011 at 21:44 (5,000 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture
Bob, check out keith's profile.  One look at items listed in his collection and you'll find your answer.

Post# 486639 , Reply# 3   1/5/2011 at 23:31 (5,000 days old) by kenmorekeith ()        

Ok where do I start,yesterday the thing wouldn't stop spinning,it's loud and shakes all over.I only use prem press,Del and hand wash with a med spin speed to avoid all the noise.Also I dont think it fills to the rite water level @ the end of the cycle there is always sud in the window!!I cut way back on the detergent and I only use HE detergent.Every so often I will see a little bit of water on the floor.She was a good washer when I first got her.What do I do??

Post# 486645 , Reply# 4   1/5/2011 at 23:57 (5,000 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

Hehe that made me check your profile too!
What kind of noise is it making and is any of the leaking water rusty?
might be bearings going bad,causing the basket to run off-center causing
unusual vibration and noise...
could try to lift up the washbasket through the door hole to see if excess
"play"is present.

Post# 486648 , Reply# 5   1/6/2011 at 00:12 (5,000 days old) by kenmorekeith ()        

I cant say that the water is rusty but I will look to see next time. It even makes noise while in the wash cycle or even when I turn it at the end of a cycle to get everything out! Its makes a RRRRRRRRRRRHHHH sound!! lol

Post# 486652 , Reply# 6   1/6/2011 at 00:19 (5,000 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
bad bearings

sounds like water in the bearings alright...
usually a very fixable condition,but fix probably expensive if you
"farm out" the repair.

Post# 486660 , Reply# 7   1/6/2011 at 01:35 (4,999 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        
It all sounds so familiar

rp2813's profile picture
I have an Affinity too. 

Here are some conclusions I've arrived at after over two years of ownership:

1) They don't use enough water to provide thorough cleaning.  It's just the way they are.  There's nothing "wrong" with your machine according to Frigidaire, though.

2) They can't rinse their way out of a paper bag.  I always use the "Second Rinse" option and I still get suds against the window during spin, and I'm generally conservative with the he detergent.

3) They can't balance a load to save their lives.  Hell, they can't even tell when it's balanced well enough to kick into spin mode.  So many times I've stood and watched as the tub rotated evenly as it prepared to spin, yet the brain would command it to stop and rebalance, over and over and over until I was ready to get a sledge hammer and put the damned thing out of its brain-dead misery,  and would leave the laundry room in disgust.

Bottom line:  Your machine is not worth fixing if it's a bearing issue.  Look at the bright side.  You have an excuse to send it to be crushed into a ball, a well-deserved fate and something that would be truly satisfying to watch as it happened, as well as a reason to buy yourself a replacement machine that uses enough water to get things clean. 

Like you, I'm considering going back to a top load machine WHEN my Affinity fails.  It's the poorest excuse for a washer I've ever owned.

Post# 486668 , Reply# 8   1/6/2011 at 03:06 (4,999 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
While the bearing on my '02 Frigidaire began to grumble after only eight years, I replaced it with another Frigidaire. Judging by the reports of the interim Affinity models, I'm glad I waited for the 2010 re-design before purchasing. I am more careful not to oversuds this unit. It uses so little water it's not prone to that, anyway. My old washer suffered from frequent oversudsing, which may have hastened the seemingly inevitable Frigidaire bearing issue. That, and I use liquid chlorine bleach several times a week.

I have a friend with an early '08 Affinity but haven't seen it in action very often. Do those have a recirculation system? It's one of the features I feel is vital to the performance of my washer. I can't imagine how long it would take to saturate a large load if it didn't recirculate the water several times during the cycle.

We'll see how long the bearing lasts on this new Frigidaire, with its uber-large tub and 1300 rpm spin speed.

Good luck with your impending purchase, and do let us know what you wind up choosing.

This post was last edited 01/06/2011 at 07:16
Post# 486690 , Reply# 9   1/6/2011 at 07:26 (4,999 days old) by kenmorekeith ()        

Thanks guys you all are the best!!! Never did I think I would be buying a washer so soon.

Post# 486698 , Reply# 10   1/6/2011 at 08:01 (4,999 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Its amazing the difference to me

jetcone's profile picture
Between my 10 year old Gibson (small Frigidaire) and the Affinity, I would have thought they just scaled the smaller version up but the machine sounds totally different.

​Eugene what design change did they do for the 2010 line up?

Post# 486717 , Reply# 11   1/6/2011 at 09:25 (4,999 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Frigidaire re-design: I think they are basically re-badged Electrolux designs. Maybe Electrolux models were updated and some of the features/technology sifted down to the Frigidaire line. I had two "FrigiLux" machines, a first-issue '96 model and an '02. Ironically, the '96 is still working (back at my old warehouse apartment) but the '02 was showing signs of bearing failure, so I got rid of it.

They were fine machines, but didn't have big tubs or "modern" features, and I wanted both, so I updated to the 2010 Frigidaire. The new dryers are so much better than the old 5.8 cu. ft. models. Both the washer and dryer have steam features (the dryer's being the more useful of the two as far I can tell), the washer has water recirculation during portions of the wash and rinses. There are Prewash and Stain Pretreat options...lots of things like that. The tub was advertised as 4.8 cu.ft. when I bought it, but now the Frigidaire website is saying it's 4.4; at any rate, capacity is huge. And there's the 1300 rpm spin speed which really hastens drying. The pre-spin balancing protocol is relatively brief.

The dryers have stainless steel drums and a much larger, finer-meshed lint filter. I'm amazed at how often I use the Steam Refresh cycle. You can Add Steam to almost any cycle which zaps wrinkles in dress shirts. I always wash shirts before they are worn for the first time, and I used to have to iron them after the first wash/dry, as the folded in wrinkles wouldn't be eliminated. Now I just Add Steam to the cycle, and the shirts come out ready to wear, wrinkle-free. It also has an Anti-Static option which spritzes some water during the cooldown, eliminating static cling.

All-in-all, the washers are not as tricked-out as a TOL LG or Whirlpool or Samsung (all of which produce more steam than the new Frigidaire) but you get a lot of great features for only (ha!) $1,000 in the Frigidaire TOL machines. TOL machines from LG/Whirlpool can cost $1800. You can get this Frigidaire TOL pair for $1850-2000. The washer also gets you Energy Star rebates if you state/local utility offers them.

My only complaint: To get truly hot water (over 105-110) you have to use the Allergy option (heats to 132 degrees) or the Sanitize cycle (heats water to 152 degrees); Quick Sanitize heats to about 140-145 degrees, but has only one rinse. The heater kicks in to heat water that's too cold, but the default "warm" and "hot" temps are lower than I prefer.

This post was last edited 01/06/2011 at 13:20
Post# 486748 , Reply# 12   1/6/2011 at 12:07 (4,999 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
New Frigidaire Front Loader!

peteski50's profile picture
Please see post 32200 my friend Louis just has the new series that Eugene has mentioned and is very pleased with the results,

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