Thread Number: 32289
Black Electronic Kenmore Set!!!
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Post# 486875   1/6/2011 at 23:45 (4,999 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

pulsator's profile picture
I remember looking at these machines brand new in the store when I was 7 years old! I always snapped right to these machines because they were so sleek with their color and the control panel and all the lights! I would have killed to have a set back then!

And now I finally have them! Thanks to our very own Melvin (SupremeWhirlpool)! A friend and I drove down to Ohio to pick the set up where Melvin was holding onto them for me. We left around 3:30pm and I ended up arriving home at 5:30am! It was a long trip with many troubles but totally worth it! The set is gorgeous and cleaned up beautifully! It even has the manuals! All I need to figure out for the time being is how to put the washer into diagnostic mode so that I can see it working without water!

The dryer is 220V so I wasn't able to hook it up at the moment but, the washer was plugged in! I LOVE the lights! unfortunately, I don't have space for these machines currently so the friend who drove me to Ohio generously offered to store them for me!

THANK YOU SO MUCH MELVIN!!!! It was such a pleasure meeting you and seeing your machines! That Primus is SO COOL! And thanks for helping us figure out the stupid door on the truck! This set will be treasured!

Post# 486877 , Reply# 1   1/6/2011 at 23:47 (4,999 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        
One more shot for now...

pulsator's profile picture
As I do have to head back to school, I will be unable to play with these machines for a couple months but here is one more pic, the important one! The washer's money shot! The dispensers are not orange btw, that was just the lighting!

Post# 486881 , Reply# 2   1/7/2011 at 00:02 (4,999 days old) by neptunebob (Pittsburgh, PA)        

neptunebob's profile picture
Darth Vader, your washer and dryer are ready!

Post# 486929 , Reply# 3   1/7/2011 at 07:34 (4,998 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Limited Edition

mrb627's profile picture
That is the set that I bought back in 96. They were awful. 3 service calls in 5 months. I sent them back. If you have power brown outs in your area, unplug these when not in use. That was the supposed cause of all my trouble.


Post# 486938 , Reply# 4   1/7/2011 at 08:19 (4,998 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Nice set Jamie! Congrats!

Post# 487036 , Reply# 5   1/7/2011 at 14:04 (4,998 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
congratulations Jamie on another dream realized. I do believe these were being sold when I bought my 1986 LK. This model was the only one available in Ebony. The mechanical LK wasn't available in Ebony at that time. If it would have been, I would have snapped it up because most of my kitchen then was already black and chrome, except for the fridge.

Post# 487097 , Reply# 6   1/7/2011 at 18:21 (4,998 days old) by MaytagMan806S ()        


Take the screws out of each corner of the console on the washer. Grasp the two sides at the same time and gently pull the console forward just enough till it starts to come loose. The carefully roll the console up and toward you. Look inside the console and see if the tech sheets are inside. If the washer hasn't been tampered with by anyone, they should still be there. If they aren't there, they may be in a sealed package taped to the front of the tub like Whirlpool did with the Calypso's. The sheets will tell you how to get dry agitation.

I've never had to do any electronic work on any of these. They have been pretty good. Just warn out dogs and springs in the agitator, and broken drive couplings. If memory serves, thats a Triple-Action agitator. I always thought they were pretty neat.

I wish you the best and good luck with them. They are pretty sharp.

Post# 487098 , Reply# 7   1/7/2011 at 18:38 (4,998 days old) by jjsunshine (Northern California)        
Very nice!

jjsunshine's profile picture
I purchased this same set from Sears in 1996 and used them for 6 years without a problem. The set now belongs to my Cousin who has been using them since and has only had to replace the dryer belt! I can only hope my new LG W&D will be as reliable as the Kenmore!


Post# 487103 , Reply# 8   1/7/2011 at 19:18 (4,998 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
Excellent set.....I had 2 of them.....wish I still did.....a quiet washer, add a splash shield from a calypso, and insulation around the tub and you won't hear these running, unless you are leaning against them.....thats also a 3 speed model...3 agitations, 2 spin speeds....I also added the bigger base agitator from a KA, major turnover.....

with my second set, I did have to have 7 sets delivered until they got a set that had NO issues....4 months of uninstall and reinstall........but I would give anyhing to have another!

Post# 487107 , Reply# 9   1/7/2011 at 19:38 (4,998 days old) by supremewhirlpol ()        

Jamie, you got good timing!!! The space that set was in is now occupied by a 50LB. machine. A nice feature that I do like about that specific model of washing machine is that you can actually get it to fill while the machine agitates. Yes, I remember seeing a similar set of these at Sears in White when I was in the 2nd grade(1995). As I remember that washer had a rocker switch for temp control and a rocker switch for the light. It was also a 3 speed model with a more complex cool looking Kenmore logo. I wanted these to go to someone who would appreciate them, I very much so glad you got these Jamie. You deserve them!

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