Thread Number: 32330
My Asko 1375 isn't working - any ideas?
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Post# 487544   1/9/2011 at 13:35 (5,147 days old) by kevin313 (Detroit, Michigan)        

kevin313's profile picture
I purchased an Asko Model 1375 dishwasher brand new in 2000 and had it installed in my kitchen. I loved the simplicity of this machine - and the quietness!!

It's worked like a champ since new, but I turned it on to run last night before bed and when I woke up this morning I could see something was wrong. No water is going into the compartment - it's heating up, etc. but there's no water.

It seems to run through its cycle like it is supposed to, but neither jet (upper and lower) put out any water for wash or rinse. Is the pump shot? Any ideas?

Post# 487564 , Reply# 1   1/9/2011 at 14:35 (5,147 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

Could it be a mineral deposit build up in the water intake screen?

Post# 487626 , Reply# 2   1/9/2011 at 17:09 (5,147 days old) by timon90 (Norway)        

timon90's profile picture
I think you have a faulty water inlet valve. Pretty common on these machines:)

Post# 487678 , Reply# 3   1/9/2011 at 18:16 (5,147 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
Inlet valve....would be the first place to start...and is likely to be one of the simpler and most inexpensive fixes

Post# 487714 , Reply# 4   1/9/2011 at 19:53 (5,147 days old) by kevin313 (Detroit, Michigan)        

kevin313's profile picture
thanks - I'll start with the inlet valve. The water here in Detroit is very good (believe it or not!) and is so highly treated that we never have to worry much about mineral deposits, build up, etc.

Thanks to all!

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