Thread Number: 32344
New House - New Appliances!!!
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Post# 487769   1/9/2011 at 22:05 (5,050 days old) by mattywashboy (Perth, Western Australia)        

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Hi Guys

Well just before Christmas I moved into a new place with friends, this will hopefully be my forever home for now after a few years deciding where i want to be.

Of course we had to fit the place out with appliances. We got a few donated things like a fridge and a broken dishwasher (joy).
The rest I hunted out.

I purchased an Indesit W1102 front loader washing machine from a second hand place. I bought this because I enjoy the way they wash and I believe with the correct care, it will last a while. It was pretty much as new condition, a few scuffs here and there but the detergent drawer and door seal rubber were in perfect condition. it works wonderfully for our needs.

I also decided to splash out and purchase a brand new dishwasher in the Boxing Day sales. I purchased a Whirlpool. Basic but does everything we need. That was delivered this morning.

I had to rejig the laundry room a small amount for it to fit properly but as you can see in the pictures below it fits in nicely.

My kitchen leads off the laundry room so is only two steps from where the dishwasher now lives.

Enjoy the pictures. I don't want to hear any bad words about Indesits, it was affordable and I am happy with it, thats all that matters.


Post# 487771 , Reply# 1   1/9/2011 at 22:11 (5,050 days old) by mattywashboy (Perth, Western Australia)        

mattywashboy's profile picture
The Indesit

7.0kg Capacity with 100rpm max spin.

Does deep rinses with long interim spins and good wash cycles, long but not toooo long.

The mark on the top left was where a price sticker was, going to be removing that when i have the time.

Post# 487774 , Reply# 2   1/9/2011 at 22:18 (5,050 days old) by mattywashboy (Perth, Western Australia)        

mattywashboy's profile picture
The Whirlpool dishwasher.

Nice and easy, the Economy cycle works really well and uses a little less energy.

I love the blue lights and backlight to the screen.

Post# 487775 , Reply# 3   1/9/2011 at 22:22 (5,050 days old) by mattywashboy (Perth, Western Australia)        

mattywashboy's profile picture
Control Options.

I like the symbols, makes things a bit more interesting than words.

Post# 487777 , Reply# 4   1/9/2011 at 22:28 (5,050 days old) by mattywashboy (Perth, Western Australia)        

mattywashboy's profile picture
LCD Screen / Rinse Aid light.

LCD Screen informs you what temperature the water is in the dishwasher at any time. If you turn the machine on with no water in it (setting up before starting) it will tell you the temperature inside the dishwasher at the time.

Also has time count down and progress display.

I love it, nice and simple yet informative in more ways than i need.

Post# 487783 , Reply# 5   1/9/2011 at 22:37 (5,050 days old) by mattywashboy (Perth, Western Australia)        

mattywashboy's profile picture
The interior.

Dark coated baskets for less discolouring.

Plastic spray arms, will see how these hold out in the long term.

Not sure where these machines are constructed for Australian sales, i think China is correct?

Thats all for now gang.


Post# 487807 , Reply# 6   1/9/2011 at 23:38 (5,050 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Congratulations on all front Matt. I wish WP would have that descriptive and informative of a display for their dishwaher here, but they don't.

Post# 487826 , Reply# 7   1/10/2011 at 01:51 (5,049 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
A toast to your new purchases!

Just make sure those flat mates know how to use a front load machine to get the most out of it and help make it last ;)

As for the dishwasher, according to Choice they are made in China.

It must carry some sort of country of origin label - it is a legal requirement. If you can't find it, check the power plug near the prongs. These are moulded on, and while it is feasible that a manufacturer could buy the cord and just attach it, it is unlikely they would do this and ship to another country to just ship it out if it says 'made in china', that's where it's from...

Post# 487852 , Reply# 8   1/10/2011 at 06:23 (5,049 days old) by brastemp (Brazil)        

Congrats by the new home!!

We have the same dishwasher on Brazil branded GE:

Post# 488051 , Reply# 9   1/10/2011 at 19:56 (5,049 days old) by favorit ()        

The key point of that Indesit is no PC board but mechanical timer ... longer life expectancy

Nice and very interesting DW, was not aware there were another Whirlpool DW plant, as I have ever seen WP-USA made or WP-EU made DW

Post# 488132 , Reply# 10   1/11/2011 at 03:34 (5,048 days old) by twinniefan (Sydney Australia)        
Congratulations Matt.

twinniefan's profile picture
Congratulations on your new home Matt, may you have many happy years there.
I like the look of the Indesit, by the way the Oxi-Clean on top, is that a detergent or a soaker type product?
Nice dishwasher too.

Post# 488136 , Reply# 11   1/11/2011 at 05:40 (5,048 days old) by mattywashboy (Perth, Western Australia)        

mattywashboy's profile picture
the Oxi Clean is an American product, it was in the cupboard when we got here, works very well :-) btw its a soaker product.

Post# 490298 , Reply# 12   1/20/2011 at 04:30 (5,039 days old) by hotpoint9534 (UK)        

"The key point of that Indesit is no PC board but mechanical timer ... longer life expectancy"

Not true I'm afraid. These models simply have a motorised dial linked to the PC board, no proper mechanical timer.


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