Thread Number: 32368
I just browsed this tiny front loader...
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Post# 488255   1/11/2011 at 17:03 (5,078 days old) by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        

bellalaundry's profile picture
in a local online classified ad. It looks just tiny, and I'm dying to know who makes it!

Any ideas?


Post# 488260 , Reply# 1   1/11/2011 at 17:26 (5,078 days old) by mattywashboy (Perth, Western Australia)        

mattywashboy's profile picture
Thats a European Zanussi. Possibly with 1250rpm, not sure of capacity, about 5kgs.

Post# 488270 , Reply# 2   1/11/2011 at 18:06 (5,078 days old) by favorit ()        
Zanussi REX Deḿ

Matt, you're right it's the shallowest Zanussi slimline model : it is just 32 cm (say 12" ) deep and loads just 3 Kg.
It is very easy to spot it as it is the very only Zanussi model without door handle : the reason is it is designed to be built in/slided into bathroom cabinets. Also knobs are push/pull type to meet the same requirements

Gimme some time to find the right brochure and i'll post some scan

Post# 488284 , Reply# 3   1/11/2011 at 18:37 (5,078 days old) by favorit ()        
here it is


Post# 488287 , Reply# 4   1/11/2011 at 18:42 (5,078 days old) by favorit ()        
data sheet

it it an item from the Delta Line, so mid 1994

Post# 488292 , Reply# 5   1/11/2011 at 18:54 (5,078 days old) by favorit ()        
may even be a POCKET 32

today Zanussi-Electrolux produces only the 42 cm size, no more the ultra-thin 32 cm (see linkie)


Post# 488295 , Reply# 6   1/11/2011 at 19:06 (5,078 days old) by supremewhirlpol ()        

That's cool! Does anyone know of any small front load machines that can be obtained in the US?

Post# 488392 , Reply# 7   1/12/2011 at 08:00 (5,077 days old) by favorit ()        

Melvin, I'm afraid that is a rather hard issue : these are already niche products in Europe .... go figure what they were in North America

Both WP and E'lux don't bother to sell them in N.A. ... unless some 220 V, 43 cm deep, "true-german-made-in-Italy" AEG badged E'lux might be imported in Canada, as E'lux is pushing AEG as a premium brand there (cause in EU nobody trust them anymore)


Post# 488393 , Reply# 8   1/12/2011 at 08:03 (5,077 days old) by favorit ()        
this would be that one

Lavamat Slimline 72840, 45 cm deep vs the regular 60 cm depth


Post# 488394 , Reply# 9   1/12/2011 at 08:15 (5,077 days old) by favorit ()        
33 cm deep slimline WP

outsourced from Antonio Merloni ARDO


Post# 488403 , Reply# 10   1/12/2011 at 09:27 (5,077 days old) by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        
Wow, thanks for

bellalaundry's profile picture
the information. It really is very tiny! I hope the seller e-mails me back soon! The ad is 3 months old, though.

Also, when I study the picture, the radiator heater looks like it belongs in Europe, not what one would expect to see in Ottawa, Ontario, where this ad claims to come from.

We will see, fingers crossed. I sure won't have to worry about whether it will fit in the back of the station wagon!


Post# 488409 , Reply# 11   1/12/2011 at 09:55 (5,077 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

my nana has a slimline zanussi from 1992. it has surved as my daly driver too when my hotpoint leaked and when my hoove and indesit broke. get this one dont let i slip from you grasp!!!

Post# 488600 , Reply# 12   1/12/2011 at 23:47 (5,077 days old) by favorit ()        


I'd dare to say the seller is an italian emigrant, cause that machine is actually a Rex and not any other Zanussi badge : the clue is that ***black-on-green*** sticker on the right under the timer knob. That is the logo of IMQ Istituto Italiano Marchio Qualità

Rex is a Zanussi badge for internal italian market (not used in other euro countries where these machines were badged Zanussi, Electrolux or with local brands as Arthur Martin, Privileg, Tricity-Bendix ).

Phil is right, it is a nice machine as back those times E'lux was not into "planned obsolescence" yet.

Just be aware that a load of the W1918 has to be split into two batches for this tiny baby :-)



Post# 488624 , Reply# 13   1/13/2011 at 06:14 (5,076 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Love the observation seat in this installation. I wonder if it would speed up toilet training for kids. Listening to and watching all of that water action would probably bring on the desired results. "Yes, honey, you make water just like the washer. Good boy."

Post# 488629 , Reply# 14   1/13/2011 at 07:11 (5,076 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
a load of the W1918 has to be split into two batches for thi

ronhic's profile picture
They are rated at 3.8kg or 8.5lb - that is still 7 single bed sheets or 2 double bed sheets, a double quilt cover and 4 pillow slips... small in size, but still pack a punch as you load this bambino up to the top like all European machines...

Post# 488879 , Reply# 15   1/14/2011 at 10:21 (5,075 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
Haier Ventless Washer / Dryer Combo HWD1500

Haier of China markets a 24" frame FL washer/dryer unit in the USA. it runs on 120 volts and is a 1.7 cubic foot 13.2 lb capacity ie 6 Kg.

•Dimensions: 33.7/16h x 23.7/16"w x 23.5/8"d

•Dimensions: 850 mm h x 606 mm w x 600 mm d

Lord know if this has any durability the lowest price with shipping is about 750 bucks


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