Thread Number: 32475
LG Waveforce Top Loader |
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Post# 490142 , Reply# 1   1/19/2011 at 13:19 (4,986 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)   |   | |
I saw it in action at a friend's condo and it is the best new HE washer I have seen yet. Lots of active sprays around the top of the tub and many different moves between the impeller and tub.The whites got extremely white and no chlorine bleach was used.It spins real fast (1000 rpms) and the rinse water was clear not cloudy.The dryer finished before the next load was ready to go in. Thumbs up ++++Ten year motor warranty too!!
Post# 490308 , Reply# 2   1/20/2011 at 07:18 (4,985 days old) by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)   |   | |
These are just restyled GE Harmonies they have been around for over 8 years now. The GEs used a lot of water had very poor turnover with large items and large loads. They also have very uneven cleaning leaving one area of a pair of dirty jeans clean while other areas still dirty, they also seem to be very hard on clothing. I have had at least a halt dozen of these come through the home shop, and have sold or donated all of them but it is not something I wanted to keep. There was another long thread about these some months ago if you to see what others though of them.
Post# 490337 , Reply# 3   1/20/2011 at 10:30 (4,985 days old) by logixx (Germany)   |   | |
There are also at least two threads on The Laundry Room Forum about the LG. Wonder how much water this thing uses - all but two cycles have a deep rinse and LG recommends to use Extra Rinse on the two cycles that will use spray rinsing. I have seen the videos on YT: there is turnover but it's not that fast. I downloaded some of the videos and played them at 4x speed and you can really see items coming up from the center and going down on the sides - much like WP's Reverse Turnover.
Post# 490429 , Reply# 4   1/20/2011 at 17:45 (4,985 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)   |   | |
Well.....It certainly gets RAVE reviews everywhere I look. Typically you will get mixed reviews, but this thing seems to always get great reviews......Based on seeing the wash/rinse/spray action, I'm not surprised....It looks great. I've seen videos of the GE Harmony and the Harmony is somewhat different (unless they have updated it) even though made by LG....They do give a ten year warranty on Motor.....But something else other than that may go that isn't warrantied.....You never know.