Thread Number: 32811
Help needed to change a light bulb
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Post# 494376   2/6/2011 at 09:11 (5,022 days old) by MikeKLondon (London)        

Hi All
I'm not big on DIY but it cant be to hard to change a light bulb
i have a Miele T4659C built in TD at the top of the door opening there is a leans covering the light bulb it looks a bit heat damaged so i may have to order a new leans but would anyone know how you remove it to change the bulb. It not in my instruction manual, I think they hope you will call the service team out.
Its just been serviced and I'm not paying for a call out just for the drum light.
I had to change the bulb in the fridge sometime ago and Miele seem to have gone out of there way to make it as difficult as possible. It cut my thumb and finger to bits.
If its that hard to change I can live with out it working until they come out to service one of the machines

Post# 494502 , Reply# 1   2/6/2011 at 16:47 (5,022 days old) by Pingmeep ()        

Not sure if this is relevant to your model but hope it helps...

1) Unplug the power.
2) Slide a wide flathead screwdriver under the cover.
3) Flip down the bulb cover.
4) Replace the light bulb with a temperature proof bulb.
Many/most of the Miele dryer bulbs like the E14 are rated at 300C. You might get lucky and see the name of the bulb on the base.
5) Flip the light bulb cover upwards and press it firmly onto the left and right side until it clicks into place.


Post# 494859 , Reply# 2   2/8/2011 at 08:05 (5,020 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
I can't resist

iheartmaytag's profile picture
"How do you change a light bulb?"
"Years of counseling, but the bulb truely has to want to change."

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