Thread Number: 32958
FriGEmore question
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Post# 496203   2/13/2011 at 11:51 (5,042 days old) by eddy1210 (Burnaby BC Canada)        

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Hi members, I have a question about the Frigidaire 3.1 cf front loaders that have been made for a long time now.  In searching the archives, one member stated that the latest models don't do the spray flush anymore after the wash.  Is this true?  I was going to recommend this model to a friend who wanted an affordable entry level front loader.  All the models I've seen do a one minute flush after the wash and I would not be pleased if the current ones available have eliminated this.  Can anyone confirm or deny this?  Thanks.

Post# 496239 , Reply# 1   2/13/2011 at 14:11 (5,041 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

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I think you are talking about the old Westinghouse "Free Rinse". Where the fresh,cold water would spray into the drum to get rid of excess suds and scum.

Post# 496273 , Reply# 2   2/13/2011 at 17:29 (5,041 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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Eddy--- I've had two 3.1 cu. ft. tub Frigidaires, and both had a suds-kill spray rinse before going into the first spin. However, my new, redesigned Frigidarie (model 4474) does not do that. Perhaps they took that off the older versions, as well. Wish I had a definitive answer for you, but I don't.

Having said that, I don't miss the suds-kill flush on my new machine. It rinses just as well without it, although it goes into the first spin differently than my old model, which helps it squeeze suds out of the clothes.

Post# 496314 , Reply# 3   2/13/2011 at 21:31 (5,041 days old) by eddy1210 (Burnaby BC Canada)        
Thanks Eugene

eddy1210's profile picture

That's good input, thank you.  What year was the second 3.1 cf Frigidaire you had built?  Did they both end up with the dreaded bearing problems?  The "newest" one I've seen operate was built in 2005 and it did the spray flush "suds kill" after the main wash.  Hopefully someone here either has a new one or knows what the latest ones do.  I agree with you, the first spin profile has alot to do with how it deals with sudsy clothes after the main wash.  

Post# 496335 , Reply# 4   2/14/2011 at 00:23 (5,041 days old) by steve1-18 (Grovetown (Augusta), GA)        

I have recommended this machine to several people. I got my current one off the loading dock. It was made in 2000. (a Frigidaire Gallery model) My first was a 1999 Kenmore. It is still kicking at a friend's home. Bob (appnut) has one that just needed new struts. As far as I know, it's still running, too.

It's a simple machine with a mechanical timer that can be advanced.

The one I have does the majority of my laundry. I am very happy with it.

I saw a White Westinghouse version at hhgregg.

Post# 496358 , Reply# 5   2/14/2011 at 05:39 (5,041 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Yes, it's still running!  {#emotions_dlg.Washer-3}YAY!!!

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