Thread Number: 33053
Speed Queen 2-Speed Top Load Washer Won't Complete Cycles
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Post# 497632   2/19/2011 at 12:44 (5,035 days old) by Finnish_Fox ()        

Hello everyone,

First time poster.

I live at my parent's second home and they recently installed a new Speed Queen 2-Speed top loading washing machine. Unfortunately, I do not know the model but here is the link to the same instruction manual it came with:

In any case, I am having an issue where the washer will not complete the full cycle.

On the regular cycle with extra rinse selected, for example, I will start my load between "Heavy" and "Normal". I will leave the house (i.e. work) for 4-5 hours and find that the extra rinse cycle has not run. On occasion, I've come back to find the washer stopped with a tub full of water, mid-rinse cycle somewhere.

Out of the 20 loads I've done, perhaps 4-5 have completed the cycle all the way.

Any ideas?


Post# 497649 , Reply# 1   2/19/2011 at 14:25 (5,035 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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For me, the first mistake is starting the washer and then leaving the house.  I just cannot bring myself to do something like that. 


Sounds like you may be having a timer issue.  Best to place a service call and have the machine checked out by a professional. 



Post# 497660 , Reply# 2   2/19/2011 at 14:48 (5,035 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
More Information

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By the way, when you discover your SQ washer in a stalled state, what actions do you take to complete the cycle? 


  1. Raise and lower the lid?
  2. Push the timer knob in and pull it back out?
  3. Reset the machine to an earlier portion in the cycle?
  4. Toggle the Extra Rinse Rocker switch?

It may help us to diagnose this problem easier.



Post# 497684 , Reply# 3   2/19/2011 at 15:38 (5,035 days old) by Finnish_Fox ()        

Well, I raise and lower the lid, nothing happens. If I push in the knob, nothing happens if I pull it out unless I advance it one click in the cycle. It typically completes after that.

Post# 497724 , Reply# 4   2/19/2011 at 17:23 (5,035 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Dead Spot

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Well it certainly sounds like you have a bad contact in the timer.  I would contact Speed Queen for a service call.  Explain all the details of the problem and how you get past it and they will more than likely have a replacement timer available when they arrive for your appointment.


Good Luck.



Post# 497922 , Reply# 5   2/20/2011 at 11:16 (5,035 days old) by gmmcnair (Portland, OR)        
I agree with mbr627...

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Over the years, I've had that happen with two machines, a Kenmore and a Maytag. If you explain what's happening, they will probably arrive with new timer in hand.

The Speed Queens are really nice machines; I bet you will love it after the repair!

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