Thread Number: 33169
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Post# 499371   2/26/2011 at 07:42 (4,971 days old) by cyclemonitor ()        

Maytag 2009 Sales Launch

Post# 499372 , Reply# 1   2/26/2011 at 07:44 (4,971 days old) by cyclemonitor ()        


Post# 499373 , Reply# 2   2/26/2011 at 07:46 (4,971 days old) by cyclemonitor ()        

Q & A for customers

Post# 499374 , Reply# 3   2/26/2011 at 07:48 (4,971 days old) by cyclemonitor ()        


Post# 499376 , Reply# 4   2/26/2011 at 07:49 (4,971 days old) by cyclemonitor ()        


Post# 499377 , Reply# 5   2/26/2011 at 07:51 (4,971 days old) by cyclemonitor ()        


Post# 499402 , Reply# 6   2/26/2011 at 10:11 (4,971 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        

peteski50's profile picture
Thanks for the great scans!

Post# 499485 , Reply# 7   2/26/2011 at 17:42 (4,971 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Thats one of the most ridiculous gimmicks I have seen recently. The pictured blast of water could not possibly clean all the silverware pieces evenly, this is just another attempt to compensate for these newer low pressure, low water , low noise DWs to get at least some of the items clean. Strange this type of thing was never a problem in the older non tall tub machines. 

Post# 499715 , Reply# 8   2/27/2011 at 06:43 (4,970 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
The should have positioned the jets spraying into the other direction so large items (like pictured in reply #4) would benefit. And that steam option? Silly...

Post# 499721 , Reply# 9   2/27/2011 at 06:51 (4,970 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
Silverware Blast

toploader55's profile picture
That truly is a joke.

There an Old Rule from years ago a Hobart Salesman in my Dad's restaurant used to say... "Either the Water has to move or the Dishes".

By that, meaning if you were using a single rack machine, it should have revolving spray arms. If you are using a Rack Conveying machine, the dishes are moving so the application of stationary spray arms is acceptable.

That little Spray Jet on the silverware basket is a waste of water pressure. I wonder how much the genius at Maytag got paid for that gimmick ?

Post# 499741 , Reply# 10   2/27/2011 at 08:47 (4,970 days old) by magic clean ()        

report of 16 satisfied owners!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO magic clean's LINK

Post# 499742 , Reply# 11   2/27/2011 at 08:54 (4,970 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

MT probably would have done just as well with a jet on the underside at each end of the middle wash arm. The jets are normally there anyway to help the arm turn and to allow water to drain out of the arm during drain periods. If they needed a gimmick, each end of the arm could have been blue and had the raised letters SB at the ends of the arm. At least the water pattern would move over the silver basket and people would have their first thoughts at finding stuff left on dishes pre-printed for them.

Wafting steam around dirty objects does not clean them. You need steam under pressure like in an old fashion steam jenny where you had a boiler and steam under pressure could be squirted out of a nozzle aimed at greasy dirt. Circulating the hot wash water over the dishes would seem far more effective than wasting time simmering away like a locomotive on a railyard siding.

In the first frame, on the left side, above "twice the motor life" there is a shot into the tub with a maze of tubes that looks like a map of subway lines and transfer stations. In others, it is just one tube to the top. What does this stuff do, please?

Post# 499743 , Reply# 12   2/27/2011 at 09:02 (4,970 days old) by lovestowash (St. Petersburg, FL)        
Ditto, Tom...

lovestowash's profile picture

I was just about to ask the same question...



Post# 499748 , Reply# 13   2/27/2011 at 09:33 (4,970 days old) by magic clean ()        

silverware blast is an adaptation of the Turbo Zone, Power Scour, Pro Scrub zone dedicated jets found on the Kenmore, Whirlpool and KitchenAid machines respectively. Instead of a pan, pot, casserole scrubbing zone, the Maytag machines with the "Blast", periodically divert all the water from the upper wash arm and overhead spray to the special silverware jets in the upper wash arm manifold.

The upper rack spray arm has the angled jet streams that drive the arm and spray downward and over the contents of the lower rack & detergent-rinse aid dispenser as in any other model.

Post# 500209 , Reply# 14   2/28/2011 at 23:53 (4,969 days old) by roto204 (Tucson, AZ)        
My favorite review

roto204's profile picture

I haven't tried all the options yet, but so far auto clean does the job very well. All the dishes come out clean - no grease. Of course I rinsed out food particles before loading them in.

Post# 500250 , Reply# 15   3/1/2011 at 08:22 (4,968 days old) by COMBO52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Was the other big joke because as Eddie and Tom whose dad also told him either the dishes or the water must move to do any effective and uniform cleaning in a dishwasher. Also the idea that I can have only one really dirty item in the machine and it has to be loaded in one spot only and backwards of what we have been trying to teach customers for the last 30 years. People are challenged enough trying to load thier machines as it is. 

Post# 1126273 , Reply# 16   8/19/2021 at 18:08 (1,144 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        

This was an extremely durable dishwasher. I own one of these 2009 models and it’s cleaning performance is almost if not just as good as my Powerclean module WP. They just tried to market things that are new that aren’t affective compared to what normal machines include as far as the wash system goes. Sure the silverware blast was a bit strange, but that doesn’t stop the machine from being a complete contender & durable machine that cleans throughly, on both upper and lower racks.

All it was is a Whirlpool Voyager, obviously. Now those never were quite comparable to the power of the Powerclean but the cleaning performance was the same as I’d get from a powerclean when using the Jetclean, although they are two totally different power plants. Overall this machine is absolutely gorgeous and relaxing, and cleans very very well. I know some people who have the exact machine listed on these photos and they love theirs and still have it a decade later, running like new.

The control boards on these Maytags were however extremely problematic for the front face controlled machines, haven’t heard many complaints about the top control Jetcleans. My dream dishwasher is the top control Jetclean all stainless. I currently have the all stainless with the outter control panel at my other residence and the previous owner never took care of the poor thing, and after some TLC oh my god the thing was a beast with a 5 person family running it nearly everyday almost twice sometimes per day, never an issue. Just had some leveling problems which was operator error at the beginning and thought it was surging because of a lack of water flow, but that wasn’t the case and that was resolved many years ago.

To this day I still know this machine was a solid dishwasher based on owning one of them along with knowing others that have the same lineup of machines from this time period. Very sexy looking machine for sure and I feel Maytags newer designs are bit bizarre looking.

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