Thread Number: 33237
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Post# 500371   3/1/2011 at 16:13 (5,096 days old) by wringersteve ()        

Looks like the Speed Queen dryer that Mrs. and I had our eyes on is a bit out of the budget for the time being.

Does anyone have any thoughts, opinions, or recommendations on the traditional Whirlpool/Amana/Roper/Estate/Inglis dryers on the market these days? We're in the market for either a 6.5 or 7.0 cubic foot dryer.


Post# 500376 , Reply# 1   3/1/2011 at 16:43 (5,096 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

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There is something about a Whirlpool/Kenmore traditional dryer that dries really well, not overdo it......and the clothes seem to be fluffy with minimal if any wrinkles.....I never get these results from other I can figure is the Soft Heat, which lowers the temp 5 degrees everytime the heating element cycles on.......both same results for gas or electric, 27 or 29 inch units, doesn't matter

Post# 500398 , Reply# 2   3/1/2011 at 18:17 (5,096 days old) by Volvoguy87 (Cincinnati, OH)        

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I'd vote for the 29-inch WP-made dryer. These have the lint filter on top in the back right corner (the 27s have it in front inside the door opening).

They perform well, are a well-proven design, are reliable, and are a great value for the money. They are easy to service, bur don't need it often. Try to get one with the removable kick panel below the door, it makes it easier to clean out the dryer periodically, although they don't collect a lot of lint inside the cabinet. The nicer ones have a lighted interior and a moisture sensor located about 5:00 on the drum bulkhead.


Post# 500422 , Reply# 3   3/1/2011 at 20:11 (5,095 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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The 29" Maytag with electronic sensor and side-swing door is $449 at my Lowes.  I don't like the drop down door myself personally.  too difficult to get at stuff in the back of that 7.0 cu. ft. drum.  Had an 86 LK dryer and almost fell in several times. 

Post# 500423 , Reply# 4   3/1/2011 at 20:12 (5,095 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

There is NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING that compares to a W/P built 29" dryer for the $$$$$$.

Post# 500436 , Reply# 5   3/1/2011 at 20:35 (5,095 days old) by RevvinKevin (La-La Land)        
The 29" Maytag with electronic sensor and side-swing doo

revvinkevin's profile picture

Hey Bob... all that is, is another WP built dryer... as you know, nothing Maytag about it!


Post# 500444 , Reply# 6   3/1/2011 at 20:59 (5,095 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Kevin, I'm very much aware of it.  that's why I added it to the contribution to this thread because it offered a decent WP with electronic sensor and side-swing door instead of the drop down. And that's for the reminder. 

Post# 500475 , Reply# 7   3/1/2011 at 22:31 (5,095 days old) by wringersteve ()        
Thanks to all for the recommendations

I have my eye on this Amana 6.5 cubic ft. at Home Depot. We were also looking at a similar Whirlpool 7.0 cubic ft. on sale for $359 at Sears, but Home Depot has free delivery all the time. I really don't think there's a huge difference between the 6.5 and 7 c.f. drums, since we're planning on replacing our 6.0 c.f. Hotpoint. The guts in both are the same, aren't they?

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Post# 500476 , Reply# 8   3/1/2011 at 22:35 (5,095 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        

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I agree!

If I had it to do over again when buying the Duet pair, I would NOT have gotten the Duet dryer, but a Regular Whirkentag dryer for 1/2 the price of the Duet dryer. I mean, it is NICE to have a matching pair but I wouldn't do it again......

Post# 500814 , Reply# 9   3/3/2011 at 01:21 (5,094 days old) by Volvoguy87 (Cincinnati, OH)        
Amana 6.5

volvoguy87's profile picture
That is a whirlpool-built 29" dryer, one of the good ones. You can see the lint filter on top in the back right corner.

They make many different configurations, so get the one you like best.

Post# 501237 , Reply# 10   3/4/2011 at 12:14 (5,093 days old) by KenmoreGuy64 (Charlotte, NC)        

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Steve -

WOW, this turned out to be a huge post....

I did some research last summer on these dryers and have tried to keep up-to-date on them since, but my family has owned and used no less than five dryers of this design since they came out in 1966 and we have had flawless results since. Even our 1972 standard capacity (5.9 cu ft) dryer coped with our large capacity 1974 Kenmore washer quite well.

The current large capacity dryers in 29" version are all variations on the same thing. My suggestion would be to determine the exact feature(s) that you must have, then search the brands for the lowest price. I prefer the 29" dryer over the 27" because the drum is wider, and thus allows more tumble area which has a small effect of minimization of wrinkles on larger loads.

I bought an Admiral dryer at Home Depot about 10 months ago and was stunned at the price ($239 on sale). It is fairly basic by today's standards, but an excellent dryer nonetheless. If you like the Amana, by all means go for it. I think HD is a good place to buy, however you may want to check your local dealer just for grins as one here sells Amana and won't allow themselves to be under-sold by a big-box seller if they can help it.

As to the machines themselves, the capacity fluctuates not by the drum, but by the stationary rear bulkhead. Some history:

When WP developed this dryer for market arrival in 1974, it was offered as a 6.9 cu. ft model. The drum has a small 'lip' in it where the drum widens/narrows from front to rear, and this transition lip area occurs in the middle of the drum surface. In 1983 a new EZ-loader door was developed which in my view is by far the best door for that dryer, and the lip was removed from the drum, which then became 6.8 cu. ft. One of the most notable differences between the standard dryer at 5.9 and the large at 6.8/6.9 was a recess in the rear bulkhead of the large dryer which was simply flat in the 5.9.

Today I believe the highest quoted capacity of this design is 7.0, yet many available are rated at 6.5. The 7.0 requires the EZ-loader door except with Maytag branded dryers. Whirlpools and Kenmores are the only ones that use the EZ-loader door now I think (Roper used to have it as did KitchenAid), all the rest of the WP brands have the side-swing door. I prefer the drop-down, in part because that's what I have always had, but also because clothes can fall out onto the floor when opening a side-swing.

BUT, the 6.5 vs. 7.0 in these dryers is a result of using the flat bulkhead in the 6.5 vs. the recessed one in the 7.0, which is slightly more deeply contoured in the 7.0 vs. the older 6.8. The area on the bulkhead would seem to me to be less than the total size of a small shoebox, so how this half a cubic foot affects much I can't say, but it wouldn't be a concern to me.

With that said, what I learned last summer was interesting - of the Admiral, the Estate, the Roper and the Amanas, I felt the Estate had the most useful timer. The dryers physically were all the same save for the timers. I do not remember seeing an Amana as fancy looking at your choice however. The Estate had an automatic termination cycle for both high and low heat, plus timed and air (they all did I believe) but many offered only 30 mins of timed dry, which makes that cycle not very useful, at least not to me. The Estate had a 60-minute timed dry, whcih is MUCH better. I use timed dry at times when I don't want to hear my Kenmore's wrinkle-guard scream at me for 30 minutes and when I want the dryer to stop at X time period, but 30 minutes would not be enough to dry my larger loads.

In a nutshell, it looks to me like you're making a good choice, but you may want to shop around just in case some cool little local retailer can offer you a similar Amana. As well, I think the Estate may be worth a look and it will likely be less expensive.

I'm interested in knowing what you finally choose Steve!


Post# 501241 , Reply# 11   3/4/2011 at 12:32 (5,093 days old) by KenmoreGuy64 (Charlotte, NC)        
A word about the 'SoftHeat' feature:

kenmoreguy64's profile picture
I do not have much experience with this feature, and should test a dryer that I have this summer against one I have that doesn't offer it.

As Martin well said, SoftHeat tapers temperatures after clothes reach a certain level of dryness, which avoids crispy over-drying, heat set wrinkles, etc.

SoftHeat for Sears from the 1960s into the 1990s was an on-again, off-again feature. In 1982 when my Mom bought her Kenmore 70-series dryer, this was not available on any model. It had not been from what I know since the early to mid 1970s. It then became available in 1983/1984 in SOME models, and was then a selling feature. My 1986 built Kenmore does not have it, but the next model up did.

I can say that I've ever missed it, nor had any complaints. I do have the next model up now that I bought on the evil Craigslist - very unusued as it was a single older lady's machine until she passed. I should compare the two as this is the only difference between them. Having or not having this would not affect my decision model for model, and I am unsure if this is standard these days on most WP-built dryers or if it is still a selling feature of Kenmore's.


Post# 501273 , Reply# 12   3/4/2011 at 14:08 (5,093 days old) by wringersteve ()        

Thank you VERY much for your insightful information. It was very helpful and informative. I'll be sure to let you know which model we go with.

Post# 501402 , Reply# 13   3/4/2011 at 21:40 (5,092 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

Here is another vote for the Whirlpool/Kenmore dryer with the filter on top. Ours is a 1993 model and has never had a repair or a fault. It dries the clothes without baking them. I think we'll have it for years to come!

Post# 503592 , Reply# 14   3/12/2011 at 18:53 (5,084 days old) by kenmoreguy64 (Charlotte, NC)        

kenmoreguy64's profile picture
Howdy Steve,

What did you decide on? If you've bought it and took delivery, I hope it turns out to be a great purchase!


Post# 503906 , Reply# 15   3/13/2011 at 19:36 (5,084 days old) by wringersteve ()        

We haven't bought one yet, but it'll probably be either the Whirlpool 7.0 or Amana 6.5. We're leaning towards the Whirlpool. Our house came with an old Whirlpool dryer when we moved in, and my wife HATED the lint filter on the top. We so despise our 3 1/2 year-old Hotpoint that she has decided the top WP lint filter doesn't seem so bad. I suggested keeping a Swiffer nearby to wipe away any lint that may fall on top of the dryer during removal. Our old Whirlpool was around before Swiffers were invented.

Post# 503912 , Reply# 16   3/13/2011 at 19:58 (5,083 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Steve, remember the suggestion.  Load clothes to be dried.  Turn on machine.  Now, clean lint filter by slowly pulling said screen out and cleanig lint.  then replace said screen so load can have more lint filtered out.  that method works woners in vastly minimizing little lint particles falling on top of the dryer in the lint scren removal/replacement sequence. 

Post# 503927 , Reply# 17   3/13/2011 at 20:55 (5,083 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Just be careful when using that method to guard against a full layer of lint getting sucked down the chute.

Post# 503967 , Reply# 18   3/14/2011 at 06:51 (5,083 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

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When I got the first Figidaire/Kenmore with the round door washer, it didn't have the SoftHeat feature....something I really missed alot, no matter how I altered my drying practices, liquid softener, dryer sheets, dry half loads they all wrikiled one way or another......

now with the newer Frigidaire square door, it offers ShrinkGuard, which does basically the same thing, perfect results everytime, I can't complain!

as for as door openings, drop down or side swing, preference is drop down for both washer and dryer, a very handy loading/unloading option, not to mention if all were available like this, there would not be issues of which side the machines would have to be on, and reversing the doors would not be necessary......

for Kenmore Limited had an option that if you pressed both door switch buttons at the same time, a five second tumble would bring items from the back of the drum to the careful when bending into those machines, Momma always said for me to keep the level of my head above my

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