We bought a KitchenAid Dishwasher on 12/23/10, one of the nice quiet new ones. As soon as the installer left, it began to malfunction. It would just go to drain at various points of the cycle, or the keypad would be unresponsive. I would have to go turn the breaker on and off ( it didn't trip the breaker), wait 30 sec - 2 minutes, turn it on again and hope it would finish the cycle. Sometimes it would finish, others not. Breaker is 15 amp. I went out and bought a new breaker - same problem. They replaced the main control board - same problem. They told me it was my electrical (they said my line was not grounded), so I hired an electrician and he found a junction box ( the only break in the line) under a drop ceiling in the basement and said it was a loose connection. The dishwasher is the only appliance on the line, I traced it from the box to the applicance. Worked for one cycle. A day later, it did the same thing again - same problem. Then the 4 hour delay and cycle drain lights stayed dimly lit. The appliance store gave me a brand new, same model dishwasher, and within a day, it did the same thing. Called in factory service and they said it was my electrical (AEI?). Called the utility company and they checked from the road to my house and said the power is fine.
I just cleaned all the contact points on the main ground where my breaker panel is grounded to the water line, still the 4 hour delay stays dimly lit. I am considering putting a GFI breaker on or putting it through a gfi outlet at the one junction box. Frustrating because Whirlpool does not give me an explanation as to why the lights stay dimly lit - they act as if that has never happened before and assume I mean they are blinking. They are not. My feeling is that Whirlpool should direct me what to check rather than just saying "it's your electrical". At this point the dishwasher has been working fine for the last two weeks except one time the cycle stopped, went to drain, and the lights went out, except for the two that stayed dimly lit.
Any ideas or anyone that has seen this problem, your comments or ideas would be appreciated.
Post# 503952 , Reply# 1   3/14/2011 at 01:37 (5,060 days old) by MattL(Flushing, MI)  
Do you have a meter? Can you check the voltage from Hot to Ground and Neutral to Ground? One should be 110-120v and the other 0v. The electrician should have checked this, but it might have been missed.
I'd have to suspect your wiring after two machines and a new circuit board.
Post# 503968 , Reply# 2   3/14/2011 at 06:56 (5,060 days old) by nfpowercat ()  
I have a simple light or no light meter (two prongs go into outlet, lights up if circuit), or a voltage tester with the two probes (not digital). I think I wil be buying a multimetr and get digital.
When the AEI (factory) guy was here, he measured it while it was running and not running and said that I do have a good ground and that it was 117 volts. This problem is intermittent.
Thank you for reply.
I have the same lights dimly lit on my KUDS30IXSSO dishwasher. I live in a high rise condo and have no electrical work done. I did have my dishwasher cutting off after 13 minutes on a normal way and was forced to run every code to try to reset the machine. We went to bed last night and woke up to find those 2 lights dimly lit on the front of the machine. I killed power for 4 hours but to no avail. Kitchen aid only wants to charge me for a service call and I don't seem to be able to find a solution. Let me know what you wound up doing.