Thread Number: 33536
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Post# 504545   3/16/2011 at 14:16 (4,984 days old) by nrones ()        

This is the thread where I want to discuss about new things that came up on machines... A lot of wired and innovative stuff.. is it usable?
Well, here"s the 1st question:

How is Indesit moon taking the detergent from it"s door compartment?

I know it is like Candy aquamatic"s, but they hat a visible spray on the top of the rubber seal.. while on Indesit I haven"t noticed any..

Post# 504588 , Reply# 1   3/16/2011 at 16:58 (4,984 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

indesit moon's are god awful but they are verry cool! they have mould,lifter and detergent problems. they fill from the top of the seal but they are very unreliable the reviews makes very amusing reading!

Post# 504723 , Reply# 2   3/17/2011 at 07:47 (4,983 days old) by nrones ()        
? Next question... :)

I hadn"t seen anything on top different from other rubber seals :O got to check out!

2. Drum patterns... miele claims there are "water curtains" and air cushions... and what about other manufacturers (specially AEG protex)?

Post# 504737 , Reply# 3   3/17/2011 at 09:17 (4,983 days old) by nrones ()        
By the way... Candy in future :D

Here is what I made for Candy.. the OCTAVA range! The premium one!
Quality better ofcourse..
There are some things to be modifyed on the dial, but here are the programmes (from right to left): Cottons, ECO, Easy Care, Easy iron, Synthtetics, Wool, Silk, Rinse, Spin, Drain, Curtains, Shoes, Pillows, Mix&Wash, Sports, A59, Rapid progs :D
No duvet cycle as it is 8kg model ;)


Post# 504819 , Reply# 4   3/17/2011 at 16:36 (4,983 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
Indesit Men... mean... Moon

haxisfan's profile picture
I read somewhere that there are some little naked men inside an Indesit Moon... they probably dispense the detergent for you but you're not allowed to see them, hence the windowless porthole door :-D

As for your Candy project... well, I'm glad to see you included the A59' cycle: that would be enough to make me buy it ;-)
I'd like to see the drum please :-P

Post# 504821 , Reply# 5   3/17/2011 at 16:42 (4,983 days old) by gorenje (Slovenia)        
heated top & in-drum accessible pump filter

gorenje's profile picture
I've seen some other new and strange things on some washers like for example the pump filter (lint filter) accessible through the paddle on the bottom of the drum.
The paddle is a bit bigger the the other two and it hase a thing to lift so you can take out the filter at the bottom of the tub. Strange but funny. It's fine because you don't spill water on the floor. The other strange thing on some Electrolux washers is the heated top made to lay some t-shirts or socks to dry on.

Dejan my compliments for the drawing! It looks really nice. I love the design of the door! It would be nice if it had a black& white appearance.

Post# 504823 , Reply# 6   3/17/2011 at 17:04 (4,983 days old) by nrones ()        

Thanks for the compliments... I"ve been to the local store today, and I saw the indesit moon... it is just having holes uo of the rubber seal..

Yeah, that with filter is on toploaders :)

But what about pattern drums? is there any point for both washers and dryers?

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