Thread Number: 33548
12 Minute Wash - Hype or Reality..!!!
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Post# 504713   3/17/2011 at 07:14 (4,929 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
One of the papers not read by many here me thinks has a feature today about a new range of washing machines badged by traditional UK firm Russell Hobbs and sold by the the world conglomerate who shall not be named!!! they are quoting a "12 minute Wash Times" start to finish, the washer has a maximum 7kg wash capacity and a 1200rpm spin!! so everyone is hyped up thinking some revolutionary new "Two Jet" squirty wash system is going to suddenly get a max 7kg load clean in the time that it takes me to post this article...Not the way to convince Joe Public how to get "Whitest Whites"

The 12min wash programme is for "Once Worn" or clothing that needs only "Refreshing" and will not wash the machines full capacity... We certainly have a long way to go dont we!!! The article does have a lovely nostalgia pic of Aunty Mary using the Hoover Keymatic...The irony is that the new machine will wash rinse and spin double the capacity of the Keymatic using far less energy, detergent and water - BUT at the expense of TIME..!!!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO chestermikeuk's LINK

Post# 504716 , Reply# 1   3/17/2011 at 07:26 (4,929 days old) by northernmary (Huddersfield - West Yorkshire)        
On This Morning....TV

northernmary's profile picture
I did hear them talking about this on the TV show This morning and the presenter who ever she is thought it was a fantastic idea about saving time, and about how much less time she would spend doing laundry! I would think she would be a one load woman who bungs everything in on a 30 degrees with some liquid detergent or gel, and wonders why her whites aren’t as pristine as her‘s next door… I just couldn’t help thinking that her machine would smell foul and have mould growing and probably a low end machine at that…… Rant over *I’m not a brand snob really!!!* Cough Miele * when will people start to learn I ask you !


Post# 504719 , Reply# 2   3/17/2011 at 07:38 (4,929 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
My Preference ....

chestermikeuk's profile picture
for a little bit more on price would be the Gorenje models which have a 17min "Quick Wash" when required, and uses around 50ltrs of water with a 6kg load, 1200rpm spin, is very durable with a 2yr Guarantee, also boasting the new "SterilTub" tub cleaning cycle - who needs mold issues!!!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO chestermikeuk's LINK

Post# 504721 , Reply# 3   3/17/2011 at 07:45 (4,929 days old) by hoovermatic (UK)        

No thank you! I agree that cycle times can be too long but as I don't stand around waiting for the laundry to finish it will make little or no difference to me. My machine has a refresh cycle which is about 25mins. That'll do me!

Post# 504722 , Reply# 4   3/17/2011 at 07:45 (4,929 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Cough - Miele...!!!

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Morning James, Hows yours doing now, glad you stayed with Miele - Immer Besser I say..!!

I can imagine the car parks in a certain Supa will be full of trollys and overcrowded cars with a washer hanging out the back!! Then bringing them back when the two jets give up the ghost, although I cant imagine that many of the original article readers would be seen gracing that supa!!

Bring Back The Keymatic I Say...LOl

Post# 504729 , Reply# 5   3/17/2011 at 08:03 (4,929 days old) by northernmary (Huddersfield - West Yorkshire)        
More patience…. less speed

northernmary's profile picture
I’m good thanks mike and yourself? Yeah decided to stay with the Miele in the end what’s a few more loads to do rather than cramming them in a poor built machine which isn’t going to wash as good or be a patch on the Miele, she is still going strong so I’m going to keep her, rather attached to her in a sentimental way. I’ve got the washer and dryer going as I speak…. Immer Besser to be honest I very rarely use the quick wash or the short button on the Miele I’d rather have a clean load that did take longer to wash than a load that has to be rewashed because it was rushed in the first place. My machine takes longer as it’s programmed (by the Miele engineer) to do three High Level Rinses as standard. I only do laundry when am in the house I don’t like the idea of going out and leaving the machines running just something I’ve always been taught

Post# 504731 , Reply# 6   3/17/2011 at 08:09 (4,929 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
14 to 8 minute washe is better for me as i don't like letting an appliance work when i have to some errands to run and and this for me is my kind of washer as i can control the wash time and if i have to go out of the house i can stop the washer by pushing the timer knob even if the washer is full of clothe and water and restart it when i return

Post# 504763 , Reply# 7   3/17/2011 at 12:07 (4,929 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        

iheartmaytag's profile picture

My Maypool has a Quick Wash that is 25-30 minutes.  It is for small loads, 4-5 items that "needs refreshed"

Basically the cycle wets the clothes with detergent and washes about 8 minutes high speed tumble


Rinse4 minutes


Rinse 4 minutes

Spin at high speed.


If you have any stains at all, don't use this cycle.  If you just need to freshen up or basically rinse out something. It's ok.  I've only used it once.



Qucik dry on the dryer is 25 minutes timed at high temp.


My vote--HYPE.

It's like saying I'm the fastest at making love, but why?


Post# 504769 , Reply# 8   3/17/2011 at 12:43 (4,929 days old) by macboy91si (Frankfort, KY)        
New Old Technology

macboy91si's profile picture

GE Mini-Quick Cycle, it's in the 20 minute ball park or less. It certainly won't "wash" much, but it is convenient at times I suppose.



Post# 504775 , Reply# 9   3/17/2011 at 13:01 (4,929 days old) by hassney ()        
Could Possibly Be Hype

This one is a grey area depends on what you would use it for? If its for freshen up only option then I don’t see no harm. But to wash a whole 7kg load in just “12 minuets” is a bit unrealistic. Maybe because I am more old school. I like clothes to be properly washed and maintained regardless how long the wash cycle may take.

Am trying to figure out how would it be possible to wash rinse and spin in just 12 minuets oh and getting in the fabric conditioner.

3 minute’s = wash
3 minute’s = rinse
3 minute’s = fabric conditioner
3 minute’s = spin!

So if lets say 3 min’s was just a wash cycle, there could be no way in getting the heating element to heat up 30c in just 3 min’s…

So am guessing this “could” possibly be hype? Interesting debate. Smile



Post# 504792 , Reply# 10   3/17/2011 at 13:55 (4,929 days old) by hotpoint95622 (Powys)        
hotpoint 95622

hotpoint95622's profile picture

Length of wash time has been one of the unknowns with my project machine, looking at the program charts for the Hotpoint Microtronic X2000 the quick wash has a 3min 20sec start wash followed by the heating stage which is 30C followed by a further wash of 2min 52sec before pump and distribute, only 2 rinses one with fabric conditioner, so it all depends on the incoming water temperature.

I’ve based my programs on a 1min 48sec start wash followed by heating to what ever temperature is required followed by a main wash of 15min 40sec, only trials will prove if this is sufficient time.

Post# 504796 , Reply# 11   3/17/2011 at 14:05 (4,929 days old) by macboy91si (Frankfort, KY)        
Purpose of Quick Cycle?

macboy91si's profile picture

I actually have yet to see a use for these cycles. It's in theory nice if you have a couple of things, say an outfit that needs laundering now. The reality is even with a 12 minute cycle, you would then need to dry the outfit somehow and that's adding another say 20-40 minutes depending on the dryer. So when it's all said and done, it's actually quite energy inefficient to do this  as you've wasted the water and gas/electricity of the dryer. I suppose you could hang it to dry for energy savings, but that negates the entire purpose of the cycle to begin with. Even with a dryer, you'd have ~1hr before a load is done and you'd have to be there with the machines as the laundry will be ready to transfer in 15 minutes or so. You'd need to be desperate to have those Khaki's and polo for the dinner party.



Post# 504804 , Reply# 12   3/17/2011 at 14:38 (4,929 days old) by hassney ()        

Some times things should be left alone lol - don't you think guys? I agree with you Tim it would still be time consuming regardless if they did a 12min wash cycle. Some of the things inventers come up with can be really appalling, good idea maybe just can’t see it working, unless used to refresh your clothes as Mike said earlier in his post. Why not use febreze instead if in an emergency, its gonna get washed again why wash it twice lol.



Post# 504809 , Reply# 13   3/17/2011 at 15:12 (4,929 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
i would say its a realaty as short or long cycles it don't change anything in cleaning power and clothe still gets cleans and what you don't know is maybe 1 day you will see washing machine with no hot water temp as they are thinking of making washers that would only offer 2 temp option warm wash and cold wash water temp

Post# 504810 , Reply# 14   3/17/2011 at 15:17 (4,929 days old) by petek (Ontari ari ari O )        

petek's profile picture
My GE Filter Flo has the world-renowned mini-basket and mini-quick wash cycle. You know I've never timed it but I would guess it takes about 12-15 minutes tops if that. I do use it occasionally for my stinky gym clothes. It'll hold a couple of t-tops and my gym pants. Admittedly the spin doesn't remove a lot of water but doesn't matter much since I put the stuff out on the line or in the dryer during the winter.

Post# 504817 , Reply# 15   3/17/2011 at 16:09 (4,929 days old) by robliverpool (england Liverpool)        

robliverpool's profile picture
My rebadged LG 9Kg steam washer has a 20 minute cycle on it and its never only 20 minutes as the machine wont spin if its unbalanced and spends ages re distributing the load. Have never actually washed anything on the 20 min quick wash only used as extra rinses as it doesnt heat up the water and i dont care what the adverts say, cold water aint no good for proper cleaning. As for a 12 min quick wash whats it gonna be next i wonder

Post# 504824 , Reply# 16   3/17/2011 at 17:13 (4,929 days old) by liberator1509 (Ireland) you really believe what the put in the Mail?

I'd have put you down as a reader of a better class of rag!  Nice marketing opportunity for the Russell Hobbs rebadgers nonetheless (what a sad thought considering the iconic origin of that brand), but when the 'modern' front loader takes about 25 minutes to do a separate spin cycle, a 12 minute wash cycle seems a load of old tosh.  I love the caveat at the end too - only for lightly soiled items - anything that actually needs washing will take a short calendar month or so...


Bet they sell by the truck load of course, but hey - cheap is what the majority of punters want!  More landfill...

Post# 504828 , Reply# 17   3/17/2011 at 17:57 (4,929 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
"do you really believe what the put in the Mail?!"

chestermikeuk's profile picture
David , read the first lines, and no I dont and (am really assuming you have tonge in cheek typing it) had you visited you`d have the the Indies all over the place..Lol...You missed the point completely as I know my opinion!!!...Its the masses who will See / Buy / Believe the hype!!!

Just look at all the responses all over the web, more than 80% are voting in favour of these machines because of extra long (read normal) washtimes - so who has the job of stopping landfill - easy answer we do, but we get nowhere getting hysterical by it. I think it time for a grounswell of concerted opinion backed by a sound documentation & feedback!!!

Theres only so much you can do individually!!! AND yes What a Sad Demise of a Best of British Brand!!!

Post# 504830 , Reply# 18   3/17/2011 at 18:10 (4,929 days old) by SamsungFl (United Kingdom/London )        
Very Interesting!

samsungfl's profile picture
Nice to see a mix of views on quickwashes guys :-) I personally think 12 minutes is a bit too short however I must admit the Express cycle on my Miele is one that is regularly used.

Whilst I believe, and do practice that longer cycles clean alot better, when your in a rush a short cycle is a great addition to have, for lightly soiled laundry at least. The Express cycle is only 30 minutes as many of you may now, and states it should be no more than half full (3kg), I do go against this though when I'm in a rush and have very often done full loads on this cycle, what suprises me is that stains and whatever else do come out on this cycle, obviously not ground in ones but just general soiling :-) This coupled with being able to take advtantage of the full 1600rpm spin at the end works well for me at least, and seems pretty efficent esspecially if I'm tumble drying as I'm not just drying a few items that need refershing as mentioned earlier in the thread :-)

Regards to the 12 Minute wash however, I do really wonder how effective it would be, and also if theres any need for the hype over this "new" super quick washing idea, because to be honest one could easily set their washer to a seperate rinse cycle, which in most cases is two anyway and have the same job done ( more or less) without being swayed into buying a washer over gimmicks because they claim it can was X amount in a certain time.

Very interesting thread however, keep posting :-)


Post# 504831 , Reply# 19   3/17/2011 at 18:12 (4,929 days old) by dyson2drums (United Kingdom)        

dyson2drums's profile picture
To my amazement, mum came to me after tea and said have you read the papers, apparently they ahve a washing machine that can washa small lightly soiled load in 12mins, she was thinking it was a fairly tale as the quick wash in the dyson is around 38 to 40 mins in the dyson, which is good wash at 40oc or 30oc with 2 high level rinses and max spin.

It sounds ridiculous, even my aunts new LG steam 9kg F1479FDS6 has a quick wash but that takes around 38 mins or more, which is the quickest in the machine.

Even for a qucik wash, you need time for the enzymes to work in the detergent etc and let the water heat up to the correct point and let the mechanical and chemical action work. Simple tests in high school even prove this, not sure what the manufacturers were thinking!

Oh well, consumer hype is common nowadays!

Thank you for the link/s :)

Take care all

Post# 504832 , Reply# 20   3/17/2011 at 18:12 (4,929 days old) by hoover1100 (UK)        
12 min wash

Very skeptical here!

The 15min wash cycle on the Indesit IWB5113 in the flat I'm currently renting certainly can't manage to clean a thing (it's a truly TERRIBLE machine all round, but that's another story). A short, cool, gentle action wash cycle, followed by a very brief interim spin, a single rinse then an 800rpm final spin.

I can just see it now in homes across the UK, washing full loads on that cycle! *cringe*

I just wish people would get out of the habit of letting their laundry build up and having to get it all done as quickly as possible and just pop a load on every day or so and let the machine complete the appropriate cycle!

Laundry takes time, no doubt, however, people will believe a Russell Hobbs(!!!) machine can thoroughly clean laundry in 12mins, when other machines require about 2 hours!


Post# 504861 , Reply# 21   3/17/2011 at 20:47 (4,929 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

Of course a machine can perform a cycle in 12 minutes... even less i one wants to

30 seconds wash
30 seconds drain
30 seconds spin

not considering fills and drainings, there's a 90 seconds cycle...

now, get clean clothes... well, that's another story.

Post# 504885 , Reply# 22   3/17/2011 at 23:49 (4,929 days old) by confused ()        

I have a Gorenje machine (to think i only came to ask advise when buying it and im still browsing) and I have used the 17min cycle on it a fair bit recently just to quickly freshen things up and for that it is absolutely fine, i do have the water plus button pressed in though


to clean anything that has been worn more than once/has been used to work on the car in/the better halfs work clothes you need to use a propper cycle

Then again i never really hang round the machine when it is running so cycle times are not much of an issue

Post# 504913 , Reply# 23   3/18/2011 at 03:50 (4,928 days old) by jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture

1948 Frigidaire Unimatic:  25 minutes wash rinse spin- boom boom done - all soil levels. 1948, nothing new under the Sun. However Bendix reccomends 20 minutes for washing alone in a front loader to get clothes really clean.


I don't see all the hype, the point about "Automatic" is "set it and forget it". Are we all so OCD these days'  we are tapping our feet after we hit Start?


I see it as ridiculous marketing techniques in an overly mature market, grab at anything to stand out today.

Post# 504921 , Reply# 24   3/18/2011 at 06:27 (4,928 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Morning Jon, the trouble is we over here are having your water crisis moment but ours is to do with TIME, to get the latest A-50% energy rating and better we use low levels of Water, Detergent and Energy at the expense of TIME... So many modern machines just extended the cotton wash programmes to obtain the ratings, the majority of these have been on the entry level / mid point machines without any overides, now we go from the "Sublime to the Ridiculous"...all people want is the ability to select a 40d Cotton Wash, good rinsing and a fast max spin in 45mins...

One thing I love about the MaytAsko, I could do that 40d wash in 42mins and even a 95d cottons 3 rinses & 1600rpm spin in 50mins...

Post# 504932 , Reply# 25   3/18/2011 at 07:24 (4,928 days old) by rapunzel (Sydney)        
Not just hype - it's mega hype

Front loaders are not designed to wash and rinse anything to an acceptable standard in 12 minutes; unless bleach is added. Even then I wouldn't expect much. At my work we use commercial front loaders. Their longest cycle is 29 minutes and they don't clean.

Post# 504951 , Reply# 26   3/18/2011 at 08:51 (4,928 days old) by SuperElectronic (London, UK)        
Some people just won't know any better...

It strikes me that anyone with more than a passing acquaintance with the process of laundering fabrics in a front loader should dismiss a 12 minute total cycle out of hand! The trouble is, so many people now have no real clue how clothes actually get washed beyond "put it in the machine"; what happens whislt it whirls around could be anyone's guess to the uninformed! After all, who (apart from you, dear readers) watches the machine do its thing? Who actually handwashes these days? At least when people used (and made the transition from) single or twin tubs there was a degree of involvement with the process so the user had to know that fabrics require a certain amount of washing, rinsing and extraction. There's very little interaction with laundering in an automatic - it's easy never to see the water, let alone touch it!

If you think about it, there's a whole generation coming up who know nothing but the automatic washer. They might well believe the hype 'cause they don't know any better!

It could just be that laundry in the purest sense is a dieing art.


Post# 504963 , Reply# 27   3/18/2011 at 09:23 (4,928 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

With the old 1976 westy FL washer I often just washed dress shirts that had no spots in the Knit cycle in green set to 4 minutes, with no bleach. The cycle time is about roughly 16 minutes and one them one has them in the dryer.

A short cycle was done like this when I found I had some emergency trip and short a few shirts. With only a few shirts the dry time was not long with a 5.4 Kw dryer.

Today the new LG WM2501HVA has a short cycle setting of 22 minutes, but it drops ones matrix of settings, thus annoying.

Yesterdays machines were designed for performance, todays are too BUT one has the giant US government tax break carrot of 225 to 325 bucks that steers the design too.

The older machine just gets on with matters and the water enters right at the start. A newer machine has to spend time in a typical government fart around mode, load sense, wait a few minutes before tinkling/sprinkling water.

With the new LG it washes worst in the short wash of 22 minutes than the old machine in 16 minutes. By worst I mean a slight spot or dirty area has a less chance of removal. Both are fine with how a shirt gets dirty in an office environment; ie not much.

Even with hand washing it takes some time to remove dirt and grease ; even if one locally works the spot. It gets worse with time if the clothes got dirty/greasy a week ago, the crud gets deeper into the fibers.

Short washes are do-able with any washer, if one is too short if often can allow grease and stains to set if these clothes go through a hot dryer; THUS RISKY.

Post# 504965 , Reply# 28   3/18/2011 at 09:35 (4,928 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
12... Hypes...

haxisfan's profile picture
Hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype!

12 right? That's more like it!

Manufacturers taking advantage again of Joe public's ignorance!

It's a clever marketing tool for selling these machines... once the potential uninitiated buyers experience the uselessness of this super fast cycle, they will still be able to use other down-to-earth wash programmes, as I believe these machines will most definitely be equipped with standard washes too.

So... this hype might win... for a while.

I find a 15-20 minute low heat/cool refresh cycle in the tumble dryer far superior!

Post# 504966 , Reply# 29   3/18/2011 at 09:37 (4,928 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
Hand Washing

Here I often take SUPER dirty work bluejeans covered with grease and just place them in a 5 gallon bucket with tad of liquid All detergent and let them soak a few hours to many times over night. The water when dumped out is often black! It is a cheap way to prewash, or completely wash too.

Many of us in the USA have had wash sinks in the laundry room to do this too. One just allows time to do its wonders with ones kids muddy clothes or ones crawl under a grease car clothes.

A simple dumb long soak often means a lessor chance of that ultra dirty items crud will get into the washers walls, on your other clothes too.

After Katrina I washed about all my stuff like this; I had no washer since the 1976 westy was apart; I started about the week before Katrina with its rebuild.

The totally bizzare thing is I was hand washing the week before Katrina; and afterward, and Neighbors post Katrina with no washers were TOTALLY CLUELESS as to how to wash clothes by hand!

Post# 504967 , Reply# 30   3/18/2011 at 09:39 (4,928 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

With an old tech US frontloader; one has no internal heater.

Thus If I wanted to use hot for 4 dress shirts; the HOT water comes from the gas WH right behind the wall; ie there is no delay for an electric heater.

Post# 504982 , Reply# 31   3/18/2011 at 09:58 (4,928 days old) by gorenje (Slovenia)        
it's optimistic to say "wash" in such a short ti

gorenje's profile picture
Well if I have to refresh some clothes stored for the season I will say YES, but if I have to "wash" (it's very optimistic to say "wash" because in a short time like this it can't get cleaned properly) dirty and/ or stained laundry I say NO THANKS!!

I don't care how much time my machine is washing since I don't need to stand by it during the entire cycle.
I only care about the results.
I want really clean clothes not only soaked in water for some minutes.

And I don't care about the fast washing of top loaders that are YES fast but also rough on clothes.
I need a washer not a blender for the clothes.

Post# 504992 , Reply# 32   3/18/2011 at 10:18 (4,928 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
Time matters to som, not to others

Here for 50 years I am use to the total wash times with FL washers never being more than 42 minutes; with say 32 to 37 for clothes not so dirty.

Thus a new FL washer that has times where one can get times over an hour or two is rather shocking.

It too would be hard to get use to a car that only goes 30MPH and ones work commute times double; or having a new lawn mower that increases the time too.

I suppose whether TIME matters depends on whether one works and has deadlines; or is retired, on the dole, on on holiday and thus time has a lessor meaning.

Many folks who use a laundromat and are use to 25 to 35 minute cycles are in for a rude surprise to buy a modern FL washer and say get cvcles that are double in time.

With folks with no schedules, waiting in line at the post office, dmv or waiting on a washer does not matter, you have no commitments, no deadlines, no meshing to deliver a product to another on time. ie it really would not matter if that new washer takes 2 hours and 20 minutes if all the buttons are pushed!

Post# 504993 , Reply# 33   3/18/2011 at 10:19 (4,928 days old) by jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Afternoon Mike

jetcone's profile picture

I do remember those "MaytAsko" being georgeous and they still ARE!


One has to wonder, if you could do 10 kgs of laundry in a top loader in 20 gallons that is pretty darned efficient. So smaller shorter may not be the right way to go.

Post# 505001 , Reply# 34   3/18/2011 at 11:20 (4,928 days old) by gorenje (Slovenia)        

gorenje's profile picture
@ 3beltwesty

Yes you are right!
I can't speak for everyone. I belive that for many people even the time used for a wash cycle is important, because in life there are other much more important things to do than laundreing.

I just wanted to say that for how a front loader works a 12 minute wash time can't do much more than only get the clothes wet or refresh them. For the rest of the laundry I would never use this cycle. How for example some dirty white socks can get clean in a short time like this. (12 min. is the total of the cycle not only the washing part)

Post# 505002 , Reply# 35   3/18/2011 at 11:29 (4,928 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Jon, Just in case people are thinking it " I'm NOT advocating 12 mins...LOl...Get away with 17mins on the Gorenje, and as was saying can do an energetic wash with the Askos in 42 mins and thats with an 8min 1600rpm spin, continuous in stages!!

Westy, Our frontloaders here since the 50's had very short washtimes even with the heater as in our English Electric and Reversomat models (Your SpaceMates), most of the vintage machines, Hoover, Hotpoint & Servis had a Programme 5 wash (40d cotton, 3 rinses & fast 800 spin) and completed it in 40mins. Its only in recent years that the Energy Police have made changes & some manufacturers have found ways to achieve top gradings!!

Sam, Glad to here The Gorenje Set are performing well for you, excllent machines with the total 5yr guarantee on all parts & labour -

Post# 505028 , Reply# 36   3/18/2011 at 14:10 (4,928 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
my mother has a maytag front loader in her vacation home

pierreandreply4's profile picture
hello everyone my mother has a maytag neptune fl the model in this pic with matching dryer and the quick wash cycle is 29 minutes top and on the normal cycle its 54 minutes count extra time if option like stain treat or extra rinse is selected but gets the clothe clean as the quick wash cycle is the same as the normal cycle but with a shorter washtime

Post# 505037 , Reply# 37   3/18/2011 at 14:48 (4,928 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

My FL washer has a 20 minute default wash(just the wash not including the rinses and spins) that does very well and I use it for most loads.  If it detects a small load it reduces the wash time to about 12 minutes.   I have also tried this short wash for heavily soiled whites but when doing this I included a 15 minute prewash so I guess the total time exposed to detergent was more like 35 minutes, still soiled white socks with ground in dirt came clean.


Didn't Electrolux advertise a quick wash(total cycle time) option of 18 minutes?

Post# 505038 , Reply# 38   3/18/2011 at 14:55 (4,928 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
The Quick cycle on our Electrolux is 30 minutes at 30C - that's a deep-fill wash and two deep-fill rinses. I only use it for my EastPak shoulderbag, which essentially only needs surface dirt to be removed. Even with minimal detergent, I can still smell it at the end of the cycle due to the lack on interim spins and only a 700 rpm spin at the end. It's pretty much a useless cycle.

My grandma's Miele has a 30 min cycle that runs at 40C with interim spins - much better. BUT, I recently watched the washer go through the Express wash and when the timer said 22 minutes left, it paused for seven minutes to finish heating the water... So much for 30 minutes. Same on our Siemens dishwasher: the 29 minute cycle always takes 40 minutes but, unlike our washing machine, the dishwasher does very well in 40 minutes.

Post# 505041 , Reply# 39   3/18/2011 at 15:21 (4,928 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        

haxisfan's profile picture
As for "Our frontloaders here since the 50's had very short washtimes"... well, I'm not too comfortable with that statement, perhaps it's because I'm not considering only the UK washing machines of that era but those throughout Europe in general. However, the fact that you said “Programme 5 wash (40d cotton, 3 rinses & fast 800 spin)” makes me feel that UK machines also had other cycles before this number which would have had a much longer duration!

I know of many vintage European automatic FL which foresaw an hour biological pre-wash at a temperature of 60 degree to be added to another hour (or longer) main wash at 90/60 and again over half an hour for performing 4 rinses and a final spin. Even without the Bio pre-wash a long cotton cycle would boast over an hour main wash. I see as a much fairer statement something that reads "Our frontloaders here since the 50's had both short and long (or medium) washtimes". In other words the user is in control of how long a wash cycle has to last (in spite of high temperatures on short ones).

I absolutely don't see much difference between those vintage washers and the modern ones in terms of wash times, only some low end models nowadays compel the user to abide by extremely long wash times even on a 40 degree cycle, as most machines are equipped with time saving facilities. Water levels are probably responsible for a major difference between old and new models but even that can often be tweaked by means of available options or cycles.

Post# 505057 , Reply# 40   3/18/2011 at 17:55 (4,928 days old) by liberator1509 (Ireland)        
really assuming you have tonge in cheek typing it

Hi Mike

Of course I have, can't believe you'd think I wouldn't!!

What a load of drivel it is though - I'm sure they'll be queuing up in their droves to stick the 12 minute wonder RH (have we also seen these as 'Swan' too? seems all the kettle manufacturers are now flogging washers too) in the back of the hatchback! How long before they make the trip to the dump though?

The main factors are 1) cheap price, 2) easy availability - what's easier than the supermarket and 3) any old sales nonsense that they can get away with. The average consumer is not aware of, or interested in, the level of detail that contributors on here are concerned about. Bung the clothes in (stuffed to the gills ideally, none of this 3kg business), switch on and if they are damp and smell of detergent and/or fabric conditioner at the end, all is well...I bet they sell them in bucket loads. Of course we now have detergents with anti-bacterial agents just in case anyone actually wants clean clothes too, so it's all sorted.

Just to clarify 12 mins start to finish - is this a cold wash? How long does an average front-loader take even to fill and damp down?!? I've no idea how these things work, what with being a real Luddite with my gas guzzler top-loader and it's standard 40 degree wash in 40 mins etc...


Post# 505065 , Reply# 41   3/18/2011 at 18:49 (4,928 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

With the old 1976 FL westy the timer motor does not start until the water level is to the proper height. With an unrestricted garden hose here it pumps out about 300 gallon per hour at the back of the houses faucet; and about 400 by the faucet at the front tapped off the input line. In the house through the pipes and water solenoid; maybe 100 to 200 numbers would be normal. At 100 GPH 5 gallons would be 3 minutes;at 200GPH it would be 1.5 minutes. Thus with an old machine with no software, many times a normal small to mid sized wash load is off washing in a few minutes, with the water OFF.

With the new LG, it is still in fart around mode, with a finger in its bum sensing the load; doing a detangle, ie starting to do its tiny sprays. 5 minutes after start the new FL washer's clothes are still mostly bone dry. The clothes are in the basket and the water does not even touch it. The washer washes like a wimpy shower; more like taking a shower with a hand spray bottle on a submarine.

It is sort of like the turtle and the hare; the old machine is full filled and washing while the new high tech machine is in the the software world of jackaround. ie goal is to sense the load; do detangles so the spray works. It sprays some; the moves to hope with time are things are hit with the spray.

The technology is different; the old machine allows the user to define the load, the new machine goes into a torque sense set of motions. ie one is considered to stupid to set the water level like it is 1950.

One trades quickness of an older machine to using less water in a new machine that just sprays clothes and takes longer. The old 1976 FL westy uses 20 to 30 gallons total and the time is 42min max. The new machine uses 10 to 15 gallons and to clean as well takes an added prewash is used; thus the time is 75 minutes. This added loss of time of 33 minutes is OK to many; half the USA is on the dole or unemployed or retired.

Here with some of use still working; the trade off of spending 10 cents extra to save 1/2 hour's time would be wanted; but the beloved government has made FL washers chase that 225 bucks of tax money; thus we get longer cycles to cope with the showering and less water.

The water police are shocked that many of us really want to hack the new FL machine to "be like the old days" ie use more water and wash quicker. ie I like many folks only wash 2.5 times a week; about 130 times per year. Loons cannot understand how saving 65 hours a year in time matters. They are appalled that the extra 1200 gallons does not matter to many of us. ie one spends the extra 12 dollars and saves 65 hours. Some of us make more than 20 to 25 cents per hour; while 1/2 the country cannot fathom even how time matters.

Post# 505068 , Reply# 42   3/18/2011 at 19:02 (4,928 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

With the way and what I typically wash; the new FL washer takes about 35 to 45 minutes longer than the old FL machine; it is more like only 20 to 30 minutes since the new machine spins and extracts better.

From a standpoint of using a product for 50 years then seeing the new replacements taking 20 to 30 minutes longer; the calling the newer device BETTER seams questionable.

Like many things the government has messed with, we end users do a lot of swearing. One has the 15 percent ethanol in gas; and now we often have small engine problems. All that benefit of ethanol for me gets blown in carb rebuilds; dumping bad gas; starting engines to keep them ungummed. Thus to avoid the issue some of us buy aviation fuel or non ethanol gas for dumb engines like mowers and outboards. ie it is cheaper to buy some non ethanol gas 50 miles away than spend money with carb cleaners and denatured alcohol for cleaning.


Post# 505089 , Reply# 43   3/18/2011 at 21:08 (4,928 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
Why oh why....

ronhic's profile picture

...are people so hung up on the TIME it takes an AUTOMATIC machine to do it's job? We live in the here and now and have to deal with what we can buy now (or restore and keep going).


Humans are capable of learning.... LEARN to do something with the hours these machines free up for you....




...LEARN to change your habits to accomodate new technology - that is, washing with less water and for longer with different quantities of detergents/additives....If that means washing every other day rather than on one specific day, well try it. You never know, you may like hearing the sound of your machine more regularly and it may just solve a few other 'issues' too!


It gets a bit tiring hearing the same old comments about the same things time and again.

Post# 505143 , Reply# 44   3/19/2011 at 08:13 (4,927 days old) by paulc (Edinburgh, Scotland)        
How on earth....

paulc's profile picture
will the detergent have time to work!

Although I do like the look of the graphite version.


Post# 505147 , Reply# 45   3/19/2011 at 08:34 (4,927 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture

I would like to know who makes these for Russell Hobbs.....

Post# 505149 , Reply# 46   3/19/2011 at 08:45 (4,927 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
Deliberate Swindlers:

haxisfan's profile picture
Just saw the silver model in the link above (thanx paulc) and I couldn't believe how these people can deliberately attempt to swindle the public...

I quote "Asda shopper’s energy consumption by 30% and water usage by 15%. Based on average machine using 90 litres of water a wash, compared with the 12 minute cycle using 30 litres, times 5 washes a week..."

I say... where did they get that term of comparison from? They must have sought high and low to find a 7kg machine in the market which uses 90l of water! And by claiming the 5 loads against 1 they make it sound that the 12 minute wash cycle would be enough to clean a whole 7kg load of dirty laundry: this is just outrageous!

What's next... a washing machine that completes a 10kg load just by thinking of it (through some neurological connections I'm sure): you won't even need to load the machine nor to press the start button! Your clothes will already be back in the cupboard, well... they wouldn't have never left it.

Post# 505151 , Reply# 47   3/19/2011 at 08:50 (4,927 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I noticed something else with this machine. In the specifications it says about the percentage of water extraction:

"54% (Please note there is 5% tolerance on spin extraction)"

That is the first time I see that. It's probably not more, only less I bet!

Post# 505167 , Reply# 48   3/19/2011 at 09:55 (4,927 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

As far as humans "getting use to" a newer device that takes longer to do a job; folks vary if it matters.

If I went to Europe and detuned folks cars and the subways and trains so folks work commute takes 1/2 hour longer; many would not care; others might complain.

Retired folks, homeless and the unemployed would not be so concerned, since they have way less schedules, no deadlines.

Others with actual jobs might have deadlines and schedules and thus 1/2 hour delays does matter, ie they have actual commitments; ie they have a clock and deadlines.

New Appliances are suppose to save one time; not waste time. This was how home appliances were marketed eons ago; before government tax credits.

New front load washers of today take longer than machines of 60 years ago; some folks think this is progress; ie product that takes longer

Others of us that are employed look at products that take longer to do a job than 1950 product a poorer product; one not as good as one 60 years ago since they take longer.

I suppose if I detuned Europes trains to just 20 KM/hr and made wash times be 4 hours few would be concerned, the bulk of folks would worship the government's changes as good and progess.

Eons ago home appliances were marketed to save one time.

Maybe the world will drop DSL and cable modems and go to totally dialup since time really doesnt matter?

Post# 505235 , Reply# 49   3/19/2011 at 17:41 (4,927 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
Your analogy is bunkum! Please find another....

ronhic's profile picture

...The time it takes an individual to load and start and then unload an AUTOMATIC when finished is no different today compared to 5, 10, 40 or 70 years ago. The time it takes an AUTOMATIC to do the job is, by and large, irrelevant. Go and do something else with the 'in between' time seeing as the individual isn't actually involved in it.




...the relationship between a passenger and a train are vastly different. You are required to 'take part' and the time it takes is both important and relevant.




...the impact of Europes trains running slowly impacts on the whole of Europe. An individuals washing machine taking 45minutes or 5 hours impacts on no-one other than the individual and ONLY if they CHOOSE to do nothing with the time between loading and unloading....


Do we need a time and motion study here?

Post# 505238 , Reply# 50   3/19/2011 at 18:00 (4,927 days old) by ultimafan ()        

I initally thought that it was Daily Mail, reporting on non news articles, then other places like The Sun, Mirror and Express reported on this thing.

Personally, I don't believe in rapid cycles at all, I just use the 30 degrees synthetics to get a good but quick wash. I think anyone who believes that they can get a 7kg wash done in 12 minutes thinks Road Runner must live in that washing machine.

I think today, washing experiences in general, is a mess. Low water levels, low water temperatures and miniture concentrated detergents have ruined washing in general. I think the EU are using laundry as too much of a scapegoat, and a 12 minute wash cycle is taking the biscuit. I'm sure a rapid wash should be at least 40 minutes with adequate rinsing and a good wash time. I know that with a rapid wash the heater isn't used, whatever the incoming water temperature is, it is the wash temperature, and with all machines virtually cold fill, don't expect a hot wash.

I can't believe that people are actually worrying about how long wash cycles are, you just fill the machine with clothes, switch it on and go! I think that the only use of a rapid cycle is getting something washed at the last minute, and even that should be at least 30 minutes. Anything less is crazy.

Rant over!

Clearly if someone wanted to buy a washing machine and use it only for rapid wash cycles or purely due to its rapid wash should look at this article.


Post# 505245 , Reply# 51   3/19/2011 at 18:16 (4,927 days old) by hoover1100 (UK)        
The way I see it...

Some people are just so stuck in the past and stuck in their old ways, they will find any excuse under the sun for why the 'modern' or 'different' way of doing things is inferior or doesn't work as well or is more difficult or causes other problems blah blah blah...

If you wait around for your AUTOMATIC washing machine to finish a cycle when you don't want to, you really need to find something else to occupy your time...


Post# 505249 , Reply# 52   3/19/2011 at 18:50 (4,927 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
Why not detune electric & gas dryers to 1000 watts or 3400 B

Ronic; your analogy that time does not matter is good for retired, unemployed, folks on the dole.

For folks running a business; time matters. It matters to some who are not working too.

Newer Front loaders take more time than older FL washers.

Whether a new product such as a toaster, washer, lawnmower, dryer takes longer and does not bother you depends on how one values ones time.

By your analogy, it really does not matter if the government mandates dryers only have 1/4 the heat input and dry times are thus 4 times longer; ie one just finds something else to do.

Ie you have no schedules; thus long wash and long dry times would not bother you.

ie you have no schedules; no emergency business trips.

ie it would not bother you to use a 500 watt electric burner instead of a 1500 watt one; since time has no meaning. Thus to further make the government control be better; outlaw ranges and stoves that have higher outputs; ie everybody can just wait longer.

ie make it so a coffee pot takes 15 minutes versus 5 minutes by cutting the power input from 1500 watts to 400 and let folks just wait longer; since time has no bearing.

Maybe this not carrying about time will have laws passed to scrap out dryers above 1000 watts/3400 BTUH. This would drop the electrical demand and gas demand; ie the peak flow. All would not care because they can be doing something else while waiting.

The government's could have cash for clunkers, if ones dryer is above 1000 watts/3400 BTUH; crush them. This WOULD help drop peak electrical and gas usage.

***Make is so to wash and dry one load take 6 hours via government mandate via taxing dryers above 1000 watts/3400 BTUH 200 bucks and giving a tax break of 250 for dryers that use below 1000w/3400 btuh. Give a tax break to turn in the old clunker to feed to the crusher.

Who cares it if takes 4 times longer to dry clothes; or if the government makes the max speed limit just 45 MPH/70 KPH; one can just be doing something else?

It means if a football team wants to wash the uniforms after a 8pm game; who cares if the laundry kid has to say up to sunrise; ie the new stance is a 2012 mandated detuned washer and dryer is high tech and better if it takes 5 times longer.

Here in the USA home appliances eons ago were designed to save time; not take longer than the items they replaced.

As the salesman say today ; they are embarrassed how long the new machines take to wash clothes. ie The time is professionally unacceptable to a longer term washer user.

Post# 505250 , Reply# 53   3/19/2011 at 18:57 (4,927 days old) by hassney ()        
Peace :)

Interesting debate, mixed reactions & everyone has a right to express an opinion, no matter who is right or wrong, at the end of the day we can’t change Morden Times and weather we chose to accept or not we all just have to learn to deal with it.

Hass :)

Post# 505251 , Reply# 54   3/19/2011 at 18:57 (4,927 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture have missed the point completely.


I work and manage my time accordingly. 5 minutes to load and 3 minutes to unload. The amount in between, I, and the vast majority of others, do something useful with...


...and frankly, I'm wasting my energy engaging with you further on this topic.

Post# 505270 , Reply# 55   3/19/2011 at 21:38 (4,927 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        


your discussion is pointless, it feels like coming from a middle aged frustrated man.

Time matters to everybody. Don't think that even if my machine takes 2 hours to complete a load I babysit it!
I load it and by morning laundry is done or I load it in the morning and go out, shopping, working, university or whatever.
If you don't like having appliances running when you're not home then you can simply run it at dinner time! All in all, washing and drying shouldn't ever take more than 4 hours even with the longest European times (slow condensing dryer in a hot room and long hot wash).

Detuning burners or dryers is just a pointless and stupid idea! And doesn't hold as an example as is talking about slow trains in Europe (and figure that the average speed here is just a little more than double the American hi-speed rail system!).


You might not know how to cook but as cooking is NOT an automatic process (and this reminds me that an automatic washing machine is AUTOMATIC) you have to watch what you're cooking and also you need sufficient power.
As an example of this, when preparing pasta or broth, you need a full flame to bring back the water to boil after you pour the pasta, otherwise you get a sticky gooey mess, oh wait, maybe you like your pasta cooked that way!

Oh BTW, I almost forgot, when they introduced the new Eurostar trains from Bologna to Milan, taking just one hour for the travel, the regional trains were detuned, as you like to say, taking almost 30 minutes more for the same trip. There was a HUGE movement of all the commuters and the railways started working up their schedules again to meet consumer demand. Maybe it's just the USA that never listen to the needs of real people.

Oh and again, about washday:
My washday is take the laundry basket, sort laundry, load washing machine, load detergents, unload washing machine, hang.

Never soaked, pretreated or used bleach, unless exceptional cases. Operations that are the norm with all the top loaders I've known of, simply because they don't clean as well as front loaders or because of deficient detergents.

Also, if you want FAST washes, get a commercial machine, they don't clean any better than a home machine with the same length wash cycle (washing alone, excluding rinse and spin).
Commercial machines have shorter cycles because of high turnaround. If something isn't cleaned the first time, it gets rewashed. FINISHED.
At home on the other hand EVERYTHING must come clean the first time! So the housewife is happy of her appliance. So you have a longer wash cycle.

Anyway, this is going to be my last post as whatever you say, 3beltwesty, is pointless and interests nobody anymore.

Post# 505312 , Reply# 56   3/20/2011 at 04:40 (4,926 days old) by liberator1509 (Ireland)        
Time does matter

Fascinating to see the wide ranging and practically emotional response to all this - Mike what have you done to us!! :-)

For my tuppence, time does matter, but this is down to personal preference and how we organise ourselves in our home - other people will be different. I'm a bit old-fashioned I guess in that I like to do a 'laundry day' on Saturday morning for a number of reasons - it allows me build up separate full loads of whites (usually at least two, if not three), light colours, dark colours, duvet covers and pillowcases and heavy fabrics like jeans and hoodies - so anywhere upwards of eight loads. The second reason is a geographic one - I like to line-dry if at all possible (I know lots of people won't get this, but for me nothing beats fifteen metres of brilliant whites drying in the air!!), so choosing the right day is important in a hit-and-miss climate like ours. Finally, not doing laundry every day means that ironing (bleuck) gets done in one fell swoop on Sunday evening, rather than being an ever-present curse.

So this weekend has been amazing - strong breezes, bright sun and no rain - perfect, so to use the farmer's adage 'make hay, while the sun shines'. Doesn't always work in the land of the leprechauns of course, so the back-up must be the dryer - but less than you might think. This will mean nothing to people who live in lovely climates where you can line-dry every day of the year!

Having a top-load washer that does a 60C wash in a hour, 40 in about 45, etc really helps (so does a second machine too!). When I had the Bosch (never again), an A-rated 60 took 2.5 hours+, so do the maths - the reality was running loads every day and accepting that most of them got baked in the dryer. I don't sit and watch my automatic, but I do like it to turn over loads quickly AND with good results. 12 minute washing seems like nonsense to me, but equally A+rated FLs (like my mum's hotpoint FL - 3.5 hours for a 60c wash) push the envelope way too far the other direction...

Finally - here's what annoys me most - washers with nominal A-ratings that are marketed for their non A-rated cycles. Does Russell-Hobbs (or is it ASDA-Walmart) claim the 12 minute cycle as A-rated, or is that reserved for some impossibly long test cycle that no-one will ever use? Other have been doing this for ages - Bosch claims 60 in 60 minutes etc, but that's without the Wash-Plus/Stains setting (and extra hour and half plus) that is required for the A-rated test cycle - others do the same too I'm sure. The grading regulations are a bit of a nonsense when this happens...

Post# 505316 , Reply# 57   3/20/2011 at 05:46 (4,926 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
12 minutes? my god. what next a quick tumble either way and no rinses and a quick spin :-s


Post# 505323 , Reply# 58   3/20/2011 at 07:53 (4,926 days old) by hoover1100 (UK)        
I often

put a load of washing on just before bed, then hang it out on the line first thing in the morning (liberator1509, your not the only one who likes lines of whites!)

That way I can enjoy the benefits of the 2+ hour wash cycles for delivering perfect whites, and not have it intrude on my time.

If I need things in a hurry, I use the quick cycle, but obviously that isn't going to get grubby socks white!


Post# 505529 , Reply# 59   3/21/2011 at 02:06 (4,926 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Question?-Isn't a new machine that takes 2hrs to do aload of wash going BACKWARDS here compared to an older one that takes less time?And for some that do other things while the load cycles-run the Washer,Dishwasher,or dryer ONLY when you are at home-otherwise you may come home to a flooded home or a burned down one!

Post# 505539 , Reply# 60   3/21/2011 at 07:23 (4,925 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
Do I need to do this again?

ronhic's profile picture



In a word, no.


In a few more....


It ultimately depends on what the USER decides to do with the time between starting the cycle and it finishing....I don't have an issue with either the washing machine or dishwasher being run and me being out or asleep (they often come on at 5am...)


....and as for a flood, ok...drip, I had that last week regardless of if I was home or not because the hose connection (tap end) of the dishwasher was leaking unbeknowns to me....for 3 days in the cupboard....


As for fires, well, nobody mentioned a dryer anywhere else in the posts....well the ones that made sense anyway.

Post# 505546 , Reply# 61   3/21/2011 at 08:18 (4,925 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
"Isn't a new machine that takes 2hrs to do aload of

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Many people may think it is if they have no overiders and manual selections on the machines!!, Many of the people complaining have entry level and mid-point machines that have time/temp/spinspeed all programmed on one fixed programme, no over-rides so to them its a Faff when you want a 40 min vigerous wash, 3 rinses and a fast spin...

BUT there are still many machines out there that you can determine your own choices...also depends on how good the balancing is on the machines as well..

Darren, the latest fad will be "Line Washing & Drying" peg them on the line spray with A Febreeze type solution, Hose Rinse & SunshineDry" ...LOl

David - "Nuttin To Do Wiv Me Gov - Honest"...interesting debate, this one will run & run I'm sure...The RH 12 min will not be A rated on the 12 min programme thats only given to a dedicated 60d cotton programme under test lab conditions...hope you are all settled and looking forward to seeing the lines of laundry - heres your fave!!!

Post# 505548 , Reply# 62   3/21/2011 at 08:28 (4,925 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Spin Tolerences!!

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Louis, interesting point, I hadnt seen that mentioned before and I wonder if it only does a "Fling Spin" up to 1200 for a few nano seconds, will the tolerance be 59% nearly 60??

Will have to delve into that one, I'm sure we will find someone who knows someone who has bought one!!!

Like we all know its how long it spins as well, My Dads Servis Quartz spins a 1000 for 6 mins continuous whereas the Fagor Im using spins for 1200 for a few mins and the Quarts clothes feel dryer!!! Mind NOTHING beats the 1600rpm from the V-Zug, they are MAX DRY...

Post# 505552 , Reply# 63   3/21/2011 at 09:15 (4,925 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
another option is that if you have a load in the washer or dishwasher if you have to leave you can always pause the washer if you have an electronic control board Front loader or push the timer knob front load or topload with a timer knob like this depending on the type of front load washer or topload you have and restart the machine when you return it won't lose anything its like your soaking your clothe while your gone that something i use to do with my old topload that i can't do anymore with my fl or if i have a wash load to do and know i have to leave if you have a delay function on your washer just program the delay for a 5 hour delay or 2 hour delay start depending on the time you are gone. the same go for dishwashers with mecanical timers you can always unlock the dish washer with stops it and restart it when you return.

Post# 505574 , Reply# 64   3/21/2011 at 10:54 (4,925 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
or most Front Loaders have the "Pause" option so not a problem, press when you return and you start where the programme left off...these "Electronic" washers with pause control have been available since 1978 in the UK...

Post# 505623 , Reply# 65   3/21/2011 at 14:44 (4,925 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I am totally in envy of that Ariel box! Ariel with the blue logo, the one with phosphates. My favourite detergent ever! The smell was absolutely wonderful!!!

Post# 505671 , Reply# 66   3/21/2011 at 18:11 (4,925 days old) by confused ()        

1hr plus washcycle fits with modern life IMO

Think about it, shove load in - turn machine on. Go chill out on sofa with big mug of coffee and a movie you have been waiting to see from whatever ondemand service you subscribe to and by the time the film finishes the load is done

How much time out of your life has the washing actually taken?

Post# 505722 , Reply# 67   3/21/2011 at 20:38 (4,925 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
12 minute wash

pierreandreply4's profile picture
have you tough that maybe the 12 minute wash in question might actualy be a steam wash cycle maybe that why it only takes 12 minutes as steam equals refresh kind of like the system that dry cleaning machines use?

Post# 505773 , Reply# 68   3/22/2011 at 02:38 (4,924 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

I used to use a new dishwasher that took 2 hrs for a load-now I use an older KA dishwasher thats takes HALF the time and does a BETTER job-so what if it uses more water or power.Again I am the one paying for it.I will not buy a washer that takes 2 hrs to do the loads when I have 3 that take only 45Min.Yes, they are water hog TL machines.I just can't get to paying twice,three or four times as much money for a machine that takes more time to do its job and will NEVER pay for themselves in water,power use.So,I will buy old TL machines from the swap and thrift shops as long as I can.I don't like the risk of letting a dishwasher,washer,or dryer work while I am not home or asleep.I have seen too many flooded homes and burnt ones from others I know of that did it.and at an apartment building I lived in-they had SEVERAL dryer fires there-the fire dept visited the place regularly to put them out.

Post# 505781 , Reply# 69   3/22/2011 at 06:28 (4,924 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
Regardless of who pays the bill and an individuals belief in 'my right to do as I please', we all have a responcibility to the environment...

Interestingly, water efficient machines sold here don't focus on savings = dollars. For us, the savings = water...something we have a constant battle with in various parts of the country...which for us is far better to 'do our bit' for the greater good than for a negligible, if present, financial gain...

It seems to be a major difference between many Americans and many Australians....whilst we care about our back pocket and our freedom to pretty much do as we please, we appear to be far more flexible and accepting that there are times when the big picture view is more important. Water is one of those times especially if parents or grandparents were from the country...

Post# 505787 , Reply# 70   3/22/2011 at 06:56 (4,924 days old) by washerlover24 ()        

i thik it rubbish u cannont get clothes clean in that time i would admit i would like them clean in that time my hotpoints fastest wash is 30 mins and that consists of 1wash, 2 rinses and one spin at 800rpm i do use it for my nephews clothes sometimes and the bathmats every weekend but thats about it i like a middleish time wash..

so i use synthetics 30 with timesaver not bad..

Post# 505834 , Reply# 71   3/22/2011 at 10:47 (4,924 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
MIke's vid and a 10 minute wash

mickeyd's profile picture

Love the open door. A while back one of your mates had out a vid where he loaded the machine after it had filled and began tumbling. Always thought the Keymatic couldn't hold much laundry. Was surprised to see how many towels he worked in there all tumbling freely just like your load.


As I watched your Hoove, all tranced out by the open door, it came to me that the tumbling pattern is very much like that of the Hoover twin tub, only slower. Continuity.


Nice to see all that steam. We are catching up with heated cycles over here.


When I need something fast, I use the Unimatic at overflow wash-- 2 minutes, a little more if needed; spin, about a half minute @1140; overflow rinse 2 minutes; spin 5 minutes. The overflow provides water and agitation at the same time, while the gentle fin won't damage clothing at any water level no matter how low. With this method the tub fills half way up, with a powerful concentration of detergent at the beginning when the "washing liquors" are so very low.


This is for laundry emergencies, never a "real" load. As for this 12 minute stuff, the world has become obsessed with speed, instant gratification, faster, faster, faster. I tell ya it's crazy, Man!Wink

This post was last edited 03/22/2011 at 11:55
Post# 505921 , Reply# 72   3/22/2011 at 17:57 (4,924 days old) by liberator1509 (Ireland)        
- heres your fave!!!

Hey Mike - now that's a PROPER washing machine!


Post# 506044 , Reply# 73   3/23/2011 at 05:24 (4,923 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

The enviornment is fine-but having so called energy and water saving machines rammed down our throats is NOT the answer to protecting the enviornment.most of these machines are so overpriced they are not worth buying.Again,for me and some other people its economics-the savings just isn't there.and will the machine last only 5-7 yrs-if so you are doing a DISSERVICE to the grand ol earth-the machine ends up in a landfill.the old vintage well made KN-WP tl washer keeps going.I don't like it when other make it their business to fret over what water and electricity I or they use.A neighbor next to me has a FL washer-but he poors thousands of gallons of water on his lawn.Just an observation.He pays his water bill so I don't worry about what water he uses.How many regular TL washer loads would that amount to and how many FL washer loads?I think the customer should be the one making the choices-not the Govt.And think of the budget savings if these measures implemented by Gov't was eliminated.the customers are aware of water and power use.Let them decide.Water in my area is the lowest cost utility.I don't waste it-but don't fret over it either.Nor do I poor thousands of gallons of it on my lawn.thats what rain is for.and for enviornment concious-watering lawns and gardens can cause runoff pollution.this stuff eventually goes into the rivers,lakes and even oceans.

Post# 506047 , Reply# 74   3/23/2011 at 06:06 (4,923 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture

Live in an area where water is effectively rationed by compulsory water restrictions on non-essential use, as most Australians have done over the past 10years and you'll understand where I'm coming from.


Goulburn, a town with a population of 20,000 about 60 miles from here, was so drought stricken that they were restricted to a maximum of about 40 US Gallons per day, per person.


That had to cover ALL:


- showering/bathing

- internal house cleaning (bathrooms etc)

- toilet usage

- cooking

- washing

- dishes....


....and heaven forbid if you were caught washing a car, hosing a path or using a hose to water a garden - fines were issued. Things were desperate and people installed water tanks and had water tankered in at substantial cost.


Gardens died....unless people saved their rinse water from their washer or, as is quite common here when water is not, had a bucket in the shower to catch what they could to keep plants going....


Canberra, the national capital with a population of 300,000, was until very recently on water restrictions...and we had been for over 6 years


Water conservation goes beyond 'What's in it for me'....and takes on a much bigger picture. As I said above, when you know people who are affected by water shortages, and every person in this country does, you do what you can to avoid potential waste even if it may not help them directly...but it may help yourself in the future....


Canberra is now at 100% dam capacity, but sales of front load machines havn't slowed at all according to one source of mine, but are still increasing...and we can still buy a traditional, water hungry top loader too should we desire it - but the vast majority don't....


It is unfortunate that Americans are being fed machines which are expensive and have not got the mechanical longevity to justify the price. I can buy a perfectly good (Euromaid - Beko made from Turkey) 7kg (17lb) machine for less than $550...which sounds expensive, but then factor in our average annual salary of USD$64000, it suddenly looks cheap....a Bosch can be had for about $750-800....but an American Whirlpool is closer to $1200!


Nobody in this country has said 'No, you can't have it'. What is said implied is 'Fine, have it. But use it contientiously and not be wasteful'

Post# 506089 , Reply# 75   3/23/2011 at 08:19 (4,923 days old) by rapunzel (Sydney)        
I can buy a perfectly good (Euromaid - Beko made from Turke

Yes, you can, that is true. As long as you are aware that you are purchasing $550 worth of disposable junk that is of little economic and environmental value.

Post# 506143 , Reply# 76   3/23/2011 at 12:51 (4,923 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
here in canada

pierreandreply4's profile picture
here in canada if you count that certain provinces have 2 sales tax the canadian gst and the provincal tax in the province of quebec the same whirlpool washer would cost near 2100$ if you had the tax. and this is my last post in this topic

Post# 506145 , Reply# 77   3/23/2011 at 13:12 (4,923 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Hang on, Beko is one of the better cheaper brands.

Post# 506253 , Reply# 78   3/23/2011 at 20:35 (4,923 days old) by jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
I am surprised at the

jetcone's profile picture

2 hour wash in the Miele! What is it doing?? My enzyme supplier is based in Europe, he tells me enzymes work at peak for around 20 maybe 30 minutes so if that is the case then why does Miele have a 1 hour bio cycle?? Is there heating going on at the last 30 minutes?


Yes Mike nice Ariel box and wow what a thread!!

20 minute wash forever!


Post# 506373 , Reply# 79   3/24/2011 at 02:51 (4,922 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

Well, it's not only the Miele but also my Candy and Whirlpool don't start heating water right away, in the very long cottons 60°C the first 20-30 minutes of the wash are in cold water!

Post# 506379 , Reply# 80   3/24/2011 at 06:40 (4,922 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

For those of you in water scarce areas-can understand.In my area the water is plentiful-but again I don't waste it or use it unnessceraly.My water bill averages about $31 per month.the sales of FL washers in my area is slow.Stores have plenty of them-but they go on sale after awhile becuse they don't move here.I don't live in a real high income area.I have read too many horror stories on this site on FL washers and the returns in the stores here.The spider problems also have me concerned that the washer will become landfill bait long before its time.So I am holding off buying any FL washers-and their electronic timers and control baords have me worried from the frequent lightening storms here-you would have to unplug the machine when not in I stick to vintage TL machines as long as I can get them-may have to stock up-whenever I find a BD WP-KN machine-buy it and store it.

Post# 506404 , Reply# 81   3/24/2011 at 09:36 (4,922 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield, East Midlands, UK)        
2 Hour washing in a Miele

vacbear58's profile picture
I have a Miele washer about 6 1/2 years old, cold fill only - which suits me as I do not have an instant or gas water heater.

All the cotton cycles (5kg & 95c - 30c) have a default 1hr 46min time cycle, although the machine often reduces this when is senses a lighter load.

The minimum iron cycles (3kg 60c - 30c) all default to 1r 16 min cycle time, I dont think I have ever seen the machine reduce the cycle time but then, living on my own, 3kg is perhaps more achievable that 5kg

There is a quick wash cycle at 40c and 35 minutes, but I never use that - along with a "short" option button that I dont use either.

Like Matt I ofen run the machine at night and usually add the soak option which is supposed to be a more eco friendly version of a pre-wash - as it does not involve two fills and two lots of detergent. Basically the machine fills as normal and just tumbles every so often for two hours before the cycle starts as normal. I must confess that the main reason I use it is to delay the more expensive part of the programme (heating the water) until after my cheaper night tarrif electricity cuts in. I set the rinse hold to prevent the last spin until after I am wake so the clothes dont get too creased.

I really dont not see what all the fuss about these short cycles is about - I am definatly in the "its all marketing hype" camp. Surely the whole point about an AUTOMATIC machine is that you can walk away and leave it, coming back when it suits you - its not like the machine is going to nag you when you get back? Or is it?. I note my normal routine above, but last weekend I was not quite so well corganised and did not start my laundry until after I woke up Saturday morning. Sorted the laundry bin into whites & coloureds, got the sheets & duvet cover off the bed, and into the machine. Detergent in, started up, no soak. Grabbed a coffee and a danish (OK two danish, it was the weekend!) and then over to the computer to check emails, ebay,, vacuumland and a couple of others not for this forum - the machine was finished before I was! 1hr 46min to be precise.

So, to use a different bit of marketing hype "WASHDAY? JUST FORGET IT!"

Clothes are cheaper now than they ever were and even I, who am most definatly not a fashion victim, always has clean clothes in my wardrobe, drawers (including clean drawers!) and airing cupboard (hotpress!). I think it would take me about three weeks before I would actually run out of clothes, but I choose to do a weekly wash (I did consider 2 weekly when the "how much will a FL washer hold) as I dont care to have dirty laundry about for so long. So why the rush to do the washing, especially if tumble drying?

As I often line dry when I can the longer cycles are helpful as it gives time (on a good day) for somethings to be ironing dry which can then be removed to make space for others.

And for those who feel they must be tied to their washing machine, THROUGH 12 minute wash (or is that tangling - duck & run) cycles from start of end are nothing new at all, just needs a bit of 1957 technology as demonstrated on the link.



Post# 511225 , Reply# 82   4/13/2011 at 07:23 (4,902 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
And Now...

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Post# 511270 , Reply# 83   4/13/2011 at 12:11 (4,902 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
As @ the pic of her pouring fairy gel into the dispenser!

Post# 511277 , Reply# 84   4/13/2011 at 12:41 (4,902 days old) by AEG03 (London, UK)        

Quick washes on the latest machine are not really that good.

I know someone with a Bush machine from Argos that has a quick wash for 30 mins does that at 30 degrees only with no option to change the temp. The wash is not very good.

My AEG from 2002 has a quick wash that is 60 mins - Not exactly quick. But can wash the clothes at any temp and the clothes come out clean.

Post# 511283 , Reply# 85   4/13/2011 at 13:08 (4,902 days old) by ultimafan ()        
I see this thread has been resurrected...

I was looking at the comments to this article, I just LOVE this one!!!

"I save so much on my machine, it takes 8lb and is electronic with electric drive [LG]. I fill it up with clothes, then put a chicken or even a turkey in a boil in the bag in the machine - it will also do fish etc, set the time on the 30 minutes and let it run, then add the vegetables another 30 minutes. Put your sauces or extras in the bags with the meat and vegetables to add taste of course. Do the gravy out of the juices on the stove and serve- take out the washing and hang. Brilliant, meal and clean washing- 2 for the price of one. Next Christmas it will be boil in the bag turkey with underwear fantastic!" LOL

But this comment links more to the issue at hand

"oh com on people, use your logic. You can see it now, the buying of these sooper-dooper machine machines will cost more for the greedy manufacturers and advertised as saving water and all tied-in because of global warming and water-shortages. Durrr ...who's buying it?

Strangely enough before having a good look at the pic, the machine looked like a Siemens, hopefully it won't be a sign of things to come with the company buying out well established companies and selling their cheap tat under that name. They are welcome to sell their washing machines on the market, but to take over well established brands like Zanussi and sell their tat under its name is beyond me.

Post# 511464 , Reply# 86   4/14/2011 at 12:41 (4,901 days old) by electron1100 (England)        
A Genuine Wash In Only 4 Minutes!!!!

electron1100's profile picture
Yes it is true, with a Hoovermatic you can :-) plus a bit more time for the spinning and rinsing, but these type of machines are the only ones that i know of in the UK that do have very short wash times (once the required temeperature is achieved) and wash beautifully

Post# 511506 , Reply# 87   4/14/2011 at 17:33 (4,901 days old) by aldspinboy (Philadelphia, Pa)        

aldspinboy's profile picture

Hey Mike ...

This is a great thread , I love the women in the keymatic picture I'm saving it to my photos.

I don't get the 16 min wash but it thank the car wash guys would love it for rags washed, rinsed for the next ten cars lol.

As a freashen up cycle is not bad idea.


Alex ...SuperElectronics said it best ..The world is losing the art of laundering.

Which I have a fantasy that the whole AW bored could get together and get a large book or a seminar at a large place to get peaple

motivated in ways that could change the world on laundry.

I think we have the capacity if we came together and brainstorm lol.


Your right on Asko my Super Quick wash on 105 F

two rinses it defaults to 800 rpm is 30 min can even cut 10 mins off that if I break the cycle.

1600 rpm spins are addictive.


I die for one of those HOTPOINT TOP LOADERS I could wash in the sun at that door you have in your home there all day lol !

Fantastic machine Mike.


 Darren k

Post# 511507 , Reply# 88   4/14/2011 at 17:39 (4,901 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
12 minute wash thats a great cycle and its also not a waste of energy as i see nothing wrong in washing in cold water

Post# 511520 , Reply# 89   4/14/2011 at 19:30 (4,901 days old) by aldspinboy (Philadelphia, Pa)        

aldspinboy's profile picture

But Wait ! we can do it here in 3 min some.

Kenmore Elite DD.

Gary that is a beautiful Hoover.

 Darren k

This post was last edited 04/14/2011 at 22:24
Post# 511521 , Reply# 90   4/14/2011 at 19:32 (4,901 days old) by aldspinboy (Philadelphia, Pa)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 672138 , Reply# 91   4/12/2013 at 04:12 (4,172 days old) by DazLover98 ()        
12 Minute Wash

Even though these programs that do in 12 Minutes are handy for single items or items that need washing quickly due to stains, as mentioned they can't handle 7kg with 1200rpm spin in 12 minutes!

That said though, look on the Russell Hobbs washer at ASDA & read some reviews on it. It's your worst horror...people are actually washing FULL LOADS ON THE 12 MINUTE WASH!!!!!

That disgusts me entirely, I could only imagine that in a few months the machine will be growing mould literally EVERYWHERE.

The Quick 30 on our LG is regularly used though, great for washing when your on your way out but I do use the Synthetics / Cottons Programs too.


Post# 672160 , Reply# 92   4/12/2013 at 08:14 (4,172 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
there is nothing wrong in having a cycle thats 12 minutes this means that 12 minute is also an energy saving cycle 1 wash 1 rinse final spin cycle complete if my duet had that kind of wash cycle i would only use that cycle and not normal and on cold water wash rinse setting of course.

Post# 672273 , Reply# 93   4/12/2013 at 16:36 (4,172 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
While on can and have seen wash cycles around 12mins or less on top loading washers, there just isn't a way a front loader could do the same. Well not one for domestic use anyway especially if it must heat the water.

Post# 1199566 , Reply# 94   2/17/2024 at 20:02 (209 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Don't believe the hype! They now have a 15 minute cycle on some machines which I will never use. Please! Give me a break! I'll stick to normal wash for my full loads, thank you very much!

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