Thread Number: 33640
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Post# 505778   3/22/2011 at 06:08 (5,075 days old) by washerlover24 ()        

hi everyone i have been visting this website for a long time now and only just made a account i have been a washer fan ever since i was a toddler im 15 now and just love them my dream washer i wan to have of my own is a hotpoint WM52 and matchng dryer,,,,


Post# 505800 , Reply# 1   3/22/2011 at 07:43 (5,075 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        

HI 5!!!
i turn 16 this year and i'm also a washer and dryer freak! i buy and sell. also buy 1s that need a bit of repair then have them fixed before i sell them

Post# 505802 , Reply# 2   3/22/2011 at 07:46 (5,075 days old) by washerlover24 ()        

haha i cant repair i have had a go but never works out for me my family pay me to service there machines which i like i do that one a month i like that tell me a bit about your collection .

Post# 505804 , Reply# 3   3/22/2011 at 07:48 (5,075 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        

i also cant repair. i use a guy my mom has known for about 20 years. we've got a 13kg samsung diamind drum top loader, LG 8.2kg top loader and a whirlpool heavy duty dryer. i would kill for a LG 11kg front loader!

Post# 505812 , Reply# 4   3/22/2011 at 08:50 (5,075 days old) by washerlover24 ()        

haha we have them over here i think they are a bit over the top i have seen them to mny times being put to the test my aunt has a 10 and she struggles to fill that as it is so why 11 ???? :S

Post# 505830 , Reply# 5   3/22/2011 at 10:34 (5,075 days old) by timon90 (Norway)        

timon90's profile picture
If you cant repair now, why dont learn? I've been hanging with some of the local repairguy's in my district since I was 10, and also I've learned very much by my self.

I also fix and sell some machines to get some extra money sometimes, and I started to do that when I was about 12. Got alot of help from my father in the beginning.

Remember very well the 2 first times I replaced drum and bearings on 2 old Zanussi machines. ZF511 and ZF821X.

Now, I've taken the license to work as a technician, and I drive around to peoples and fix their appliances.

But remember: have respect for electricity!:)

Post# 505835 , Reply# 6   3/22/2011 at 10:48 (5,075 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        
why 11kg LG front load

i want an 11 because they are awesome. here in SA its a bit hard to find a decent capacity front loader that can be used for a family of 4 (we have the LG 9kg, 11kg and the Defy 8.5kg. Defy is our loacl brand). and in winter when therer is lots of bedding it would also be nice. our 13kg top load is amazing though. i can get 1 king size extra length duvet cover and sheet, 1 double duvet cover and sheet, a queen sheet, single duvet cover and 10 pillow cases 3 of which are continental. that load takes just over an hour. can also do a load of 10 pairs of jeans

Post# 505836 , Reply# 7   3/22/2011 at 10:50 (5,075 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        
respect electricity

i agree! i got shocked replacing a switch on a kelvinator knight laundrodry 320 tumble dryer. forgot to unplug! talk about blonde

Post# 505840 , Reply# 8   3/22/2011 at 11:02 (5,075 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

Here in the usa most all LG FL washers are about an 11 Kg in size in the common 27" width. BUT these are 120volt 60HZ machines with two water inputs; one cold; one hot water. The internal electric heater on most is really only for the hot setting on most, on warm the washer blends the two hot and cold water inputs. Machines here for houses are really not spec'd most of the time by weight anymore; ie Kg or Lbs.

Post# 505856 , Reply# 9   3/22/2011 at 11:55 (5,075 days old) by HooverKeymatic (England)        

We used to have a Hotpoint WM53. Outstanding machine!

Post# 505857 , Reply# 10   3/22/2011 at 11:58 (5,075 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Hi and welcome. I am also a young fan of the stuff and joind yesterday. Enjoy the site.

Post# 505861 , Reply# 11   3/22/2011 at 12:08 (5,075 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        
usa front loaders

i like the american front loaders but not too fond of the 2 water inlets. but the sizes are amazing. here the LG 11kg is small enough to fit under the average counter (85cm/850mm)

Post# 505862 , Reply# 12   3/22/2011 at 12:08 (5,075 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        

what machines do you have washerlover?

Post# 509948 , Reply# 13   4/7/2011 at 08:28 (5,059 days old) by washerlover24 ()        

i dont have any of my own yet but at my dads house we have a hotpoint ultima with no dryer :( and at my mums we have a zanussi and whtieknight dryer will attach pictures.


Post# 509949 , Reply# 14   4/7/2011 at 08:28 (5,059 days old) by washerlover24 ()        

The Dryer

Post# 509950 , Reply# 15   4/7/2011 at 08:29 (5,059 days old) by washerlover24 ()        

Dads Washer

Post# 509951 , Reply# 16   4/7/2011 at 08:31 (5,059 days old) by washerlover24 ()        

Mums Washer

Post# 509980 , Reply# 17   4/7/2011 at 11:59 (5,059 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Those white knight dryers are super. By the way , do you know what energy rating those dryers are?


Post# 510012 , Reply# 18   4/7/2011 at 15:10 (5,059 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

thomasortega's profile picture
I just love those tiny tumble dryers.
We had them in Brazil 15 to 10 years ago and I was dumb enough to ignore them.

Now they are available in Paraguay and I'm trying to keep me far from the store that sells it, but after seeing this thread it's going to be very difficult to resist.
Best of all, those are veeeeeeeeeeery cheap.

Post# 510831 , Reply# 19   4/11/2011 at 13:13 (5,055 days old) by washerlover24 ()        

i wish i had one of my own :)

Post# 510860 , Reply# 20   4/11/2011 at 16:08 (5,055 days old) by solsburian (SE Northumberland)        

My Mum had a Zanussi Badged one from the 90's. Stupidly we chucked it away when the thermostat cut out and didn't realise it could be reset!

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