Thread Number: 33675
Asko Professional Washer & Dryer
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Post# 506204   3/23/2011 at 17:52 (4,974 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture
I never knew these existed.


Post# 506220 , Reply# 1   3/23/2011 at 19:00 (4,974 days old) by favorit ()        
Hidden professional ASKOs

The smallest Grandimpianti frontloader is made by ASKO beyond evidence :-)


Post# 506361 , Reply# 2   3/23/2011 at 23:56 (4,974 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

i really like the asko 24"condenser dryer i recently got-bought it brand new
with some shippng damage(cosmetic only) It's quite a bit faster than my 24"
splendide combomatic(splendide is water cooled and much lower heater watts
-115v powered)

Post# 506416 , Reply# 3   3/24/2011 at 10:31 (4,973 days old) by wringingwet (Walterboro South Carolina)        
I have asko's also

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When I started a catering company I purchased one like favorit shown in his post

I love it It has lived outside and performance is great .. I also have another Asko in the house. I love the idea it heat the water cloths are so clean ... I also use Kirkland brand soap in it .. the large bucket one or two Tablespoons is all it needs

The professional does a load of whites at 140 degrees with a prewash in 57 minutes kept the white napkin and table clothes wonderful and then I ironed then with my trusty Ironrite.


Post# 506419 , Reply# 4   3/24/2011 at 11:07 (4,973 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
The Asko versions here are badged by Maytag UK, best of both worlds!!!, I love mine, nearly 10yrs old -Wherever Has That Gone!!, love the flexibilty of the programming and the stability of the machines, only needed a new water pump on the dryer etc.

Philippe, sounds familiar I use my trust old Morphy Richards ironer to "Press The Cloths"...

Post# 506425 , Reply# 5   3/24/2011 at 11:31 (4,973 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        

what is the capacity? you make it look huge

Post# 506654 , Reply# 6   3/25/2011 at 06:55 (4,972 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
6kg, those items are 3 very large damask table cloths and tea towels etc so big volume!! but wets down considerably when washing, This machine has been a great workhorse, and is so flexible for programming, the good thing is the spin (like the Zug) is continuous for 9 mins slowly bilding up, you can feel the power of the motor holding the speed and pushing forward whatever the load balance!!

Post# 506824 , Reply# 7   3/25/2011 at 16:49 (4,972 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture

....and ASKO....


Were great machines before they were bought by Merloni (servis etc)....and there appears to have been a few quality issues under their ownership....


....I hope that Gorenje let them get their quality back to where it used to be 25yrs ago when they were a true Miele competitor....I do note though, that they are using induction motors now :)

Post# 506830 , Reply# 8   3/25/2011 at 17:01 (4,972 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I am puzzled how this works with the Maytag label. Is that owned now by Gorenje in the UK? I see there are also American toploaders (Whirlpool direct drive) on the Maytag website. Or is the label owned by Whirlpool and do they buy the frontloaders from Gorenje now?

Post# 506846 , Reply# 9   3/25/2011 at 18:01 (4,972 days old) by liberator1509 (Ireland)        
I am puzzled how this works with the Maytag label

You're not the only one!

Perhaps Mike knows what the story is with Maytag UK and the Asko-tags. Maytag UK was previously an import company based in Surrey, but is now part of Whirlpool UK, but the product line looks like a bit of a mix and match. I had hoped they would bring us the Bravos top-loader as a replacement for the Neptune (which seemed quite popular in the UK up-market bracket), but it seems not...who knows what they will do for front load machines now Gorenje are in the frame. It's not as if Maytag have a mainstream presence here - in spite of some brilliant quality products, their marketing is pretty non existent.

I contacted Maytag ages ago (following a thread on here about claims made of the 'unique' ISE Asko-tag clone), and to see if they had plans to bring the Bravos this side of the water. Maytag didn't respond, so I copied it to Whirlpool, who got back after a shocking six weeks...

"Firstly i would like to apologise for the lack of response to your first email.

With regards to the similarities between our washer and the ISE model. we would be unable to provide the differences as we do not have access to the ISE details as they are a completely separate company. For the same reason we would be unable to advise on their service level. Our service level is a different matter - We would take an repair call and pass the details on to our service partner, they then have 24 hours to give you a call and book a visit(the aim being to come within 2 - 3 days).

We have no plans to release the US model to the UK market"

Hilarious response in terms of service level, given that it takes them six + weeks to answer an email!

Post# 506850 , Reply# 10   3/25/2011 at 18:19 (4,972 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
Hilarious response in terms of service level, given that it

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*wipes Whirlpool off every list for the future*

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