Thread Number: 33819
Question About My New Miele Dishwasher
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Post# 508328   3/31/2011 at 07:18 (4,915 days old) by mieleforme ()        

So I sold my house and renting one now. The dishwasher in the rental was a low end GE, horrible, loude, didn’t fit much, and didn’t clean very well. I found a Miele on CL, floor model, never used, mint, Inspira series, $450.00. Drove to LA to get it and totally worth it. I thought it was a steal, came with the 1 year warrantee as well. Not only does it blow the old dishwasher out of the water, it works better than my top of the line Kitchenaid in my pervious home. Items in the third rack cutlery tray always come out clean, every time. That wasn’t the case with my kitchenaid. And it’s oh so quiet. My wife actually went to toss a few things in and opened the door not realizing it was on. “ Oh my god this thing is quiet”,she said. What’s even more hard to believe is this is Miele’s bottom of the line dishwasher. I’m sold and this bad boy will be coming with me to my new home.

My question is why doesn’t it have a vent, or why do other dishwasher have one for that matter? I know the drying systems are different in that it does not use a heating coil. Is that why? I always thought the vent was essential for drying.Guess not.

I'll put some pics up later. Thnaks for the input all!

Post# 508333 , Reply# 1   3/31/2011 at 07:52 (4,915 days old) by lavamat_jon (UK)        

Glad you're enjoying your new dishwasher!


The basic Miele dishwashers, along with the majority of European dishwashers - use condenser drying, in that the steam from the drying is condensed into water on the walls of the interior and is then pumped out - hence why sometimes the tub of the dishwasher will be wet at the end of a cycle.


Higher end Miele dishwashers with the Turbothermic fan have a vent in the plinth of the dishwasher, although this is quite unusual for European dishwashers and forced-air drying is only found on higher end models here.



Post# 508345 , Reply# 2   3/31/2011 at 10:33 (4,915 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
Your Miele may have the Clean Air system. If you look at the top rack and roof of the dishwasher there might be a covered hole in front. In my Miele a fan kicks on during dry and moves air around a chamber and the moist air gets pulled into that opening and moves thru the chamber and comes out the bottom opening on the right wall dry. It continues until the fan shuts off. I always get perfectly dry dishes every time. One thing though you do need to use rinse aid like Jet Dry or Cascade rinse Aid.
My Miele LaPerla is silent during normal can hear the water scouring the pots and pans during Intensive and Pots and Pans. My pump on my Miele uses Vario Pressure meaning it changes water pressure to the cycle. On Pots and Pans it will heat up to 170 degrees F and it will scour them clean. It will fill with more water to accomodate the intense water pressure. The holes in the bottom arm are Maytag Jetwash small. but one thing with pots and pans and Intensive is that it removes a water fill to stay at the 6 gallon mark for total water use.

Post# 508348 , Reply# 3   3/31/2011 at 11:16 (4,915 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Awesome Machine

mrb627's profile picture
Well, I love my Miele dishwasher. Far better than any I have owned in the past. I purposely got a model with illuminated controls so people could tell when it was running.

Now, I just have to convince myself not to buy a Miele washer and dryer :)


Post# 508349 , Reply# 4   3/31/2011 at 11:16 (4,915 days old) by mieleforme ()        

According to Miele there are two main drying systems, Passive drying & CleanAir, Terbothermic is now only on the slim line. My dishwasher uses the passive drying system. There is a fan running at the bottom and the dishwasher pump drains at the end of the drying cycle.

I have always used rinse aid. It makes such a huge difference in any dishwasher. In fact I had Miele come out to give my DW a clean bill of health and up the RA dosage to 4ml. I still cannot believe how much better this unit is compared to my Kitchenaid. Eventually when we purchase our new home I will replace it with a
La Perla or the current equivalent, hopefully a G5000 with interior lights by that time. When it cracks the door open automatically for drying I will piss myself because that is so freaken cool...

Post# 508353 , Reply# 5   3/31/2011 at 11:42 (4,915 days old) by mieleforme ()        

For us it started with the vacuum. Then the washer & dryer, now the dishwasher. If I recall Malcolm you are a Speed Queen fan. One of these days you'll have to give a Miele set a try. They haven't changed my life or anything but I could sit and admire the build quality all day. like many I demand every mechanical thing I have to work well, and for a decent amount time. So far Miele and Honda are the only companies that have lived up to this standard for me.

Post# 508356 , Reply# 6   3/31/2011 at 11:52 (4,915 days old) by mieleforme ()        

The New Miele

Post# 508357 , Reply# 7   3/31/2011 at 11:54 (4,915 days old) by mieleforme ()        

The new Miele

Post# 508359 , Reply# 8   3/31/2011 at 11:55 (4,915 days old) by mieleforme ()        

The new Miele

Post# 508360 , Reply# 9   3/31/2011 at 11:55 (4,915 days old) by mieleforme ()        

The new Miele

Post# 508433 , Reply# 10   3/31/2011 at 17:12 (4,915 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture
I have been fighting the urge to order a W3035 set. I wouldn't get rid of the SQ's, just have the Miele as a backup set.


Post# 508474 , Reply# 11   3/31/2011 at 20:41 (4,915 days old) by hunter (Colorado)        

Now I am having Miele envy.

Though, really, my Bosch is a beautiful dishwasher and cleans very well.

Post# 508484 , Reply# 12   3/31/2011 at 22:17 (4,915 days old) by henry200 ()        

After exhaustive research I swallowed hard and plunked down $1300 for a Miele dishwasher. I couldn't have been happier with the choice. The flatware rack is a brilliant idea and the racks in general allow tremendous flexibility in loading odd size/shape items. It's amazingly quiet and the cleaning ability is outstanding. Even the racks from the barbeque grill come out looking brand new!

Post# 508544 , Reply# 13   4/1/2011 at 09:10 (4,914 days old) by mieleforever (SOUTH AFRICA)        

Hi all, would just like to give my 5 cents worth of opinion, yes they are great very very efficient quiet, and yes they dont look very flashy and blingy. They are just good, no matter what you through at them they will just handle it perfectly every time, We have the washer and dryer w 5740 and condenser dryer t88 something. We originally started with the vacuum cleaner then the dryer, washer another vacuum for my office and a Miele ceran stove top. What marvelous pieces of engineering. So Malcolm get yourself those Miele washer and Dryers they are fantastic.


Post# 508591 , Reply# 14   4/1/2011 at 12:14 (4,914 days old) by mieleforever (SOUTH AFRICA)        

Hi me again I just want to elaborate more on the washer and dryer.

When we first got the Dryer before the washer I was so impressed, we just had a regular bottom of the range dryer. It only worked on time and had a high and low setting, so when we had clothes to dry we just chucked them into the dryer put the timer on 120 minutes and then sometimes you had to give it some more time.

So eventually when you take the clothes out it was very crunchy and usually over dried. SO when we first started to use our new Miele condensor, ..... wow what a difference that machine is extremely fast on things like cotton, say jeans bedding and towls. Where it would usually take 2 hours to complete (and remember you only get electric dryers in south africa)it would take aprox. 45-60 min.

when drying things like fine knitted sweaters one uses the low heat settings and nothing will happen to your best sweaters. what is fantastic about this dryers end that they sense the dryness/wetness according to your fabric tipe you selected. You will never look back to using a Speed Queen.

Any more questions on the washer and dryer just drop me a ...well drop me a post.

Oh yeah we dont use dry cleanners anymore, your Miele washer can handle dry clean only items.


Post# 508592 , Reply# 15   4/1/2011 at 12:21 (4,914 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
For me I have a Miele vacuum..a 248i that I bought in the 80's. it still runs flawlessly. Then I have Miele Ariel Vac cannister. A Miele LaPerla Dishwasher and a Miele Premier dishwasher, Miele 4800 washer and 9800 dryer. Yes its Miele Madness....but they make great stuff.

Post# 509589 , Reply# 16   4/5/2011 at 22:35 (4,910 days old) by mieleforme ()        

Still yet, wouldn't having a vent help it dry faster? Personally I'm glade it doesn't have one. Now I just don't understand why every other brand doesn't adopt this system. Simple yet brilliant...

Post# 787366 , Reply# 17   10/5/2014 at 07:57 (3,631 days old) by BEHZAD (Home Appliances Lab)        

As you said your MIELE has a drying unit right down in the basement of the machine, some older ones had a went drying system which powered up by a small motor to circulates the air and does some job that based on condensation principle,
by the way the new MIELE dishwashers using the tiny arm which located at look latch area right at front top of machine,and that tiny white arm can push down the door at the end of cycle and let it be a little bit open to helping the dishes to natural dry(by the time the machine will shot off), that means you use no electricity to dry the dishes, almost pay less for whole cycle.that calls Natural Dying that tiny-arm developed and made up>the Knock To Open< technology to opening the dishwasher's door by knock twice on the front panel, as soon as the arm releases the door you can open the door fully.

please pay attention to these statements:
MIELE uses that technology as a great features in very high-end products, but most of people have been doing some act like MIELE does to assist drying the dishes by open dishwasher's door and let it be open for some minutes, but by hand!

if you search in vintage models, you will find some dishwashers which they had auto-open door right at the end of cycle- they were basic top loaded types in US)

at the end:
your MIELE is a classic one, but it's totally perfect
it's German-made, but it hasn't internal softener cause it's only made for US costumers
it doesn't have stainless still panel. the more the appliances turn to black the moor I like them!I like your blackish MIELE

Enjoy running your high-end MIELE

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