Thread Number: 33838
New Washing Machines from Samsung & Panasonic
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Post# 508520   4/1/2011 at 06:12 (4,945 days old) by L86810 (Southend, UK)        

l86810's profile picture
Hi Everyone!

Have noticed over the past couple of weeks or so a surge of new machines coming our way, what with AEG's 'ProTex' and Siemens + Bosch 'iDos'

But I've also found these two...

The first is new 10kg and 12kg (?!) models in Samsungs Ecobubble range...
The 12kg will feature colour touch-screen display

(I've attached a link, but there's no pictures yet)


Post# 508521 , Reply# 1   4/1/2011 at 06:21 (4,945 days old) by L86810 (Southend, UK)        

l86810's profile picture
and the second are new 10kg and 8kg models from Panasonic.

They have added some more programs and also their take on the 'Speed Perfect' 'Eco Perfect' option from Bosch/Siemens, with a button that lets you toggle between speed/normal/eco.

It also has 5 Jets!!! (amazing!!), improved sensors, new door and control panel lay-out.

I've also attached a link :D

Interestingly, if you look at the specifications they list 'AutoStainRemoval' and 'Detergent Notice' but every machine on their site is marked with a 'No' against those features... so perhaps they are to come?...

Enjoy :D


Post# 508553 , Reply# 2   4/1/2011 at 10:18 (4,944 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I was very excited about the Samsung machines a while ago. But when I watched some Youtube videos I found them quite loud. The Panasonic machines look very good, especially the new models. I love all the programmes they have. A programme called Cotton rinse + and perhaps still the option to choose an extra rinse? That would be great. A pity the manual of the new TOL machine is not yet available.

Post# 508559 , Reply# 3   4/1/2011 at 10:30 (4,944 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

them new pannasonic's loook like samsung's

Post# 508573 , Reply# 4   4/1/2011 at 11:19 (4,944 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

I don't know, as much as I like Panasonic for tv, dvd, etc, I wouldn't trust them for a washing machine!
Even if I must say that the machines look smart!

And I wouldn't ever buy Samsung because of their (lack) environmental policies and sweat shop like working conditions.

Give me an Italian made machine anyday! :)

Post# 508578 , Reply# 5   4/1/2011 at 11:30 (4,944 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Those Panasonic look more like "Bosch meets Miele!!"

Post# 508639 , Reply# 6   4/1/2011 at 17:56 (4,944 days old) by paulinroyton (B)        

Found some interesting info on Bendix.


CLICK HERE TO GO TO paulinroyton's LINK

Post# 508688 , Reply# 7   4/2/2011 at 02:39 (4,944 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
Pretty cool! BTW: already has the manuals online.

Post# 508690 , Reply# 8   4/2/2011 at 04:56 (4,944 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Danke Alexander!

Post# 508716 , Reply# 9   4/2/2011 at 08:29 (4,943 days old) by askomiele (Belgium Ghent)        
Bosch meets Miele?

I guess is't just Bosch meets Panasonic. I don't really see it. It seems pretty flimsy if you compare it to the earlier panasonic models...

Post# 509173 , Reply# 10   4/4/2011 at 11:20 (4,941 days old) by ariston4life ((Dublin) Ireland)        

ariston4life's profile picture
Their all made by Haier... built like they used to be..never...they'll never be as good as the old square door machines etc.

Post# 510474 , Reply# 11   4/9/2011 at 18:40 (4,936 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        
Panasonic spray jets

I suspect that this is not a pumped system.

My machine (a VX1 model, now approaching two years old) has one jet that is fed from the water inlet valve distributor. There is a small hose that connects from the soap box to the tub, in the general area of the door seal. The actual spray jet is moulded into the tub flange, not the door seal. Only fresh water is fed to this jet, when filling.

I imagine that the new five jet model works the same way; i.e. not pumped like a Zanussi Jetsystem.

Panasonic have also rejigged their drum design. The peculiar plastic panel on the older drums appears to have disappeared on the new ones.

Post# 510551 , Reply# 12   4/10/2011 at 06:37 (4,936 days old) by variomatic ()        
I just ordered the Panasonic NA-168VG3WDE!

hey guys,
I just ordered the Panasonic NA-168VG3WDE washing machine and I canīt wait to get it and to test it!
Actually, Iīm not in need of a new washer since my AEG Lavamat 78800 (6years, 1800 rpm) is still working, but the Panasonicīs promotion for washing machines convinced me to order one! You can test the washer for 4 weeks and when youīre not satisfied with it, you get your cash back! So I think itīs a nice campaign to test this kinda uncommon brand.
Especially, Iīm excited about the "HydroActive +" washing and rinsing action with its 5 nozzles and about the 3D washing system.

It will be delivered next week and Iīll keep you updated!


Post# 510564 , Reply# 13   4/10/2011 at 07:19 (4,935 days old) by variomatic ()        

and it needs to be said, that Iīll keep it when Iīm happy with it ;)
The AEG is still running, but the shockabsorbers are worn and thereīs somethin wrong with the water inlet.

Cheers ;)

Post# 515112 , Reply# 14   5/2/2011 at 06:04 (4,914 days old) by glenfieldmathk1 (Glenfield-Leicester-UK)        
Panasonic Guarantee

What guarantee does the Panasonic come with for parts + Labour? 1, 2 3 or 5 years? I know it comes with 10 Years Motor!

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