Thread Number: 33935
Chlorine bleach... How to use it?
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Post# 509916   4/7/2011 at 04:04 (4,991 days old) by nrones ()        

I just bought a bottle of a chlorine bleach (ACE), and I don"t know how to use it.

From what I read on the internet I am really confuzed if I should put it on a long or short wash.. The only thing I"m sute is that I has to be rinsed VERY GOOD!
I am thinking of doing it separatley - no detergent.

In instruction manual of my Candy GrandOPlus it says that if I use chlorine bleach I should put it on the rinse only cycle and put a chlorine in 1st rinse.. is that correct?

I thought of putting it on Delicates 30 (I heared it works better on low temps?), and then an aditional separate rinse.. or if it needs long, on cottons 30, longest time with water+.

How much (ml) should I put?

I really don"t know, maybe my suggestions are ridiculous... so just tell me what should I doo? :)

Thanks alot indeed,

Post# 509918 , Reply# 1   4/7/2011 at 04:35 (4,991 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

Yes, nrones, chlorine bleach shouldn't stay in contact with clothes for no longer than a few minutes.
What Candy says in the manual is correct, also my washing machine says the same and on the ACE bottle there is written that one should do a short prewash and then rinse before proceding with laundering, otherwise, if the machine has a bleach dispenser, use it as it will, in fact, be dispensed on the first rinse.

As for myself I only ever used it once in the washing machine while using the 30 minutes cycle for "pre-washing" grossly stained kitchen rags as I had finished regular oxygen additive, which I seldom use anyway. (It was on the how full is full thread!)

Otherwise I only use liquid chlorine bleach to clean the toilet bowl if I forget to buy the special toilet cleaner.
If it were to me otherwise I wouln't ever buy it.

Post# 509919 , Reply# 2   4/7/2011 at 04:41 (4,991 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
hi nrones,

The text on the back of the bottle should hold the instructions for use


Post# 509921 , Reply# 3   4/7/2011 at 05:10 (4,991 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
My 'one' experience!

haxisfan's profile picture
I've never bought this kind of laundry bleach in my life but I used it once after borrowing it from my sister. Like you, I didn't know how to use it, so my mum and my sister guided me letting me add it to a prewash cycle.

I was using an Indesit machine at the time and the prewash would last only 15 minutes at 30 degrees, so I stop the machine for 5 further minutes once it had started the cycle, then it resumed by a few more shuffles, pump out and main wash.

The problem I was having at the time was an episode of colour run from a previous wash cycle which had left me with most of my clothes being tinted in red... hence the use of the bleach that really did the trick :-)

Good luck!

Post# 509922 , Reply# 4   4/7/2011 at 05:11 (4,991 days old) by nrones ()        

About the bottle, here people that work in the store stamped declaration for import over instructions, so I can"t see it :(

So, deffinatley COLD and SHORT? :) Then I should doo what Candy said in manual?

Post# 509923 , Reply# 5   4/7/2011 at 05:29 (4,991 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        

chlorine bleach is horrible stuff. it makes your whites yellow eventually. try rather using Vanish crystal white powder or liquid white liquid or try get Skip Perfect White washing powder. i use the Skip perfect white and works like a bomb! otherwise save the chlorine bleach for the toilet bowl or your tiles

Post# 509940 , Reply# 6   4/7/2011 at 07:22 (4,991 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        

iheartmaytag's profile picture

The reason bleach turns your whites yellow is because it is bleaching out the bluing.  Natural cotton fibers are not white they are more yellowish, hence the bleach is returning it to it's natural state.  This can be fixed with a little Mrs. Stewarts.


Bleach can also cause yellowing if it is of inferior quality and has alot of impurities floating around remaining in the clothes.


Now don't be affeared, Chlorine is your friend.




Post# 510123 , Reply# 7   4/8/2011 at 00:40 (4,991 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        

i still prefer to use a whitener instead of a bleach. blech also damages the fibres of your clothes. i use a normal stain remover and the Skip Perfect White washing powder in a warm wash and set the machine to do a 30 min soak before washing and my whits vcome out blinding

Post# 510142 , Reply# 8   4/8/2011 at 05:47 (4,990 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
If using a front loading washing machine (H-Axis), then add chlorine bleach (no more than 1/4 I should say) to the first rinse. If you can find make the machine fill with hot water for this rinse, the better, if not then go with the flow. Chlorine bleach does not need to be in contact with textiles longer than five minutes. That is all it takes for stain removal, whitening and disenfection. This will take place faster in hot water, but again long as the rinse cycle lasts about five minutes you should be fine.

Depending upon how many rinses your machine has, after the final rinse restart the washer again and set it to another final rinse. This time add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to counter act any remaining chlorine.

If your laundry ever still smells of bleach, it is not rinsed enough and there is still bleach left in your clothing.

Chlorine bleach is hard to rinse and cotton in particular tends to hold onto the stuff. If not rinsed properly the bleach residue will cause textile damage. This is the holes and such people refer to as being caused by bleach.

Quite honestly if your washer is capable of doing a boil wash, I'd skip the LCB and do that with extra oxygen bleach added.

Post# 510214 , Reply# 9   4/8/2011 at 11:37 (4,990 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

thomasortega's profile picture
RT Matthewza: "chlorine bleach is horrible stuff. it makes your whites yellow eventually. try rather using Vanish crystal white powder or liquid white liquid or try get Skip Perfect White washing powder. i use the Skip perfect white and works like a bomb! otherwise save the chlorine bleach for the toilet bowl or your tiles"

I can say I'm lucky because I can buy Skip Perfect white in Argentina, ant it's very cheap.

That detergent is simply the best detergent I've ever used in my whole life.
It makes the whites more than perfect, no matter what stain, it's going to really remove and recover the whites in only one wash.

Mixing it with Vanish Crystal White is even better, the whites are so white that I have the impression they are going to glow in the dark.

There's also the Skip perfect black. Other MARVELOUS detergent. I don't know how it works as it has no dyes, but blacks that are starting to fade comes out of the washer really black like new and it also identify the colors... it understands that dark brown and dark blue aren't black. This detergent is kinda magic. LOL

Post# 510229 , Reply# 10   4/8/2011 at 13:15 (4,990 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
a 98 year old product here

"A bottle of a chlorine bleach" is as common in a grocery store as butter, milk, coca cola or apples.

See link

: "On May 3, 1913, five California entrepreneurs* invested $100 apiece to set up America's first commercial-scale liquid bleach factory, which they located in Oakland, on the east side of San Francisco Bay. In 1914, they named their product Clorox® bleach."

One can go to a little country store in the middle of some crossing in the USA and they they will have jugs of "chlorine bleach"

A store here that does not sell "A bottle of a chlorine bleach" would have to be insane! :)


Post# 510231 , Reply# 11   4/8/2011 at 13:18 (4,990 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

A few drops of liquid chlorine bleach can be used to make found water drinkable in a disaster. It is what clean mold off of items, its used for many non laundry things.

Post# 510399 , Reply# 12   4/9/2011 at 08:24 (4,989 days old) by joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

joe_in_philly's profile picture
I use 1/3 a cup of bleach to my front load washer's bleach dispenser, and it is dispensed in the first rinse. It is in contact with the load for 4 minutes. It works quickly, and in cold water. When used properly, it whitens and disinfects without damage. In the USA, it is added to the wash cycle in top load washers after about 5 minutes of washing, as it deactivates the enzymes in detergent. Keep in mind a traditional top load washer only washes for about 10 minutes or so. Using bleach in a front loader's longer wash cycle doesn't sound like a good idea. I would suggest adding it to the first rinse, and using the additional rinse setting.

Because bleach deactivates enzymes, it is better to use it after (or at the end) of the wash cycle. If you use it before washing, you need to thoroughly rinse the item, then wash it, which seems like extra work and a waste of time and water to me.

Post# 510401 , Reply# 13   4/9/2011 at 08:53 (4,989 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
me i never use bleach or very rarely and only when it comes to cleaning rags or if i have white t-shirts with stains other wise i never use bleach.

Post# 510543 , Reply# 14   4/10/2011 at 04:53 (4,988 days old) by nrones ()        
Saturday - was the wash day!

I did it! I completely abused my Candy GrandOPlus yesterday!
Here"s what I did: I started a load on delicates 40, with chlorine, clothes were rotating for 7 minutes. Then I stopped it, did a spin only for a short time, then started it on slik (water level half of the door) and when it filled, put on R30 and left clothes to rinse for about 2-3mins /this action was repeated like 5times until chlorine was gone/, In one of the rinses I put a vinigear as Launeress said. also I put there few caps of a cheap liquid detergent, since I was scared that chlorine was going to destroy my clothes.. then it finally gone.


Post# 510544 , Reply# 15   4/10/2011 at 05:03 (4,988 days old) by nrones ()        
now, something else...

My dad came back from Dusseldorf, Germany, few days ago. I wanted him to bring me Persil Actic power, but as there wasn"t one in the store, he bought me Ariel Exel GEL.
It is now more liquid, and having a much "darker" green colour than the previous ones I used. but anyway, I was never so crazy about it, but now I"m NEVER buying it again.
I am often bleeding on my nose (don"t ask why), and it happend once while I was sleeping. So, there were blood stains on duvet cover, 2 pillow cases, and matress cover (just a little but there was).
So, I washed them.. Previously no matter how cheap detergent I had, blood stains were the first and easiest comming out.

So, I am starting a boilwash with Ariel Excel Gel... Candy washing.. END.. I take out my laundry, RED BLOOD STAINS TURNED GREEN! but they weren"t out!!! I just went to a local shop, and bought a 4-wash small box of cheapest detergent (cost 0.67eur) and had a boilwash again, stains were GONE. Ariel powder and liquid are fine, but GEL is horrible. I also heared somewhere that it is destroying machine too (mold, mud and those dirty stuff)...

your experience / oppineons?

thanks again for the tips about Chlorine,

Post# 510546 , Reply# 16   4/10/2011 at 06:17 (4,988 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

Here I just wash out blood stains by hand with cold water.

The "trick" is to do it immediately, waiting until dry makes the task longer.

My bias is to never used liquid chlorine bleach on a blood stain.

You really want the stain out before a bad wash dry attempt. drying sets the stain.

Post# 510593 , Reply# 17   4/10/2011 at 08:41 (4,988 days old) by nrones ()        

I bleeded while I was sleeping, so it just was dry when I woke up.. all other detergents wash that up without a problem, except Excel Gel, which apparently doesn"t... I"m sorry I haven"t took a picture so you can see it :(

Post# 510600 , Reply# 18   4/10/2011 at 09:18 (4,988 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
Ariel Excel Gel

haxisfan's profile picture
I guess it doesn't work so well on certain stains... like blood. These proteinic stains should not be boiled as they set into the fabric... your Candy manual might contain advice on how to remove certain type of stains, if that's the case you should be able to see that any protein based stain should be treated with cold water.

I haven't used Excel gel for a while now but when I did... some time back... I was getting good results everytime... I would only run cold or cool cycles with it.

I was always suffering with a nose bleed when I was younger... and still now to a much lesser extent... it's such a nuisance when it happens! I was being told that I needed more vitamin C... but it never really seemed to make any difference... one of those things that ease off with age I guess ;-)

Post# 510606 , Reply# 19   4/10/2011 at 10:02 (4,988 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

Here on this side of the pond; I have always heard NOT to use liquid chlorine bleach with blood stains.

ie if one uses bleach, use a non chlorine bleach. Since this old stance is older than anybody alive; there are probably exceptions

Usage of hydrogen peroxide as a bleach is sometimes mentioned for blood stains; and rarely liquid chlorine bleach.

If you want to experiment; liquid chlorine bleach might work in some cases; but since some many places say it is not good; beware that your results might not be good.

Post# 510608 , Reply# 20   4/10/2011 at 10:08 (4,988 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

Hydrogen peroxide is used by nurses to remove blood from their uniforms. And it removes it very quickly too! Just pour some on, rub it in and throw in the washer.
That's all there is!

Post# 510611 , Reply# 21   4/10/2011 at 10:45 (4,988 days old) by nrones ()        

Thanks for telling me all that :)
My stains are usually food, or blood - so organic stuff..not situable for Ariel Excel Gel xD

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