Thread Number: 33990
New Dishwasher versus Belgian Waffles and Sausage
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Post# 510688   4/10/2011 at 17:57 (4,985 days old) by JoeEkaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        

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I reach for one of my CorningWare Pyroceram dishes when I need to broil some sausage (easier to clean than a 2-piece broiler pan) and had been using the Pots and Pans cycle on the new Kenmore with the high temp wash and sani rinse for a little extra oomph.

Today, I wondered if the Smart Wash cycle was smart enough to say "Hey, there's a really dirty dish in here so I'd better amp it up!"

Here's the CorningWare dish BEFORE:

Post# 510689 , Reply# 1   4/10/2011 at 17:59 (4,985 days old) by JoeEkaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        
And now, the rest of the load

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CorningWare dish loaded face-down in the lower rack, along with the batter bowl, dishes and silverware:

Post# 510690 , Reply# 2   4/10/2011 at 18:01 (4,985 days old) by JoeEkaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        
Meanwhile, upstairs in the upper rack . . .

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Measuring cups, glasses, a food processor bowl and other miscellanea:

Post# 510691 , Reply# 3   4/10/2011 at 18:02 (4,985 days old) by JoeEkaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        
Drumroll, please!

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The sausage dish, after. Coulda knocked me over with a feather.

Post# 510695 , Reply# 4   4/10/2011 at 18:11 (4,985 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

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Very impressive.  My ISE Classic Supreme is a very capable machine but I honestly don't know if it could accomplish that.


How long did the Kenmore take to complete the job?

Post# 510697 , Reply# 5   4/10/2011 at 18:18 (4,985 days old) by JoeEkaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        

joeekaitis's profile picture

A couple of hours, which is par for the course. It paused a few times, as if it was checking to see if the wash water was becoming murkier. Then it drained and rinsed the dishes a couple times.

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