Thread Number: 34167
Calypso Replacing Pumps every 18 months
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Post# 513023   4/22/2011 at 10:21 (4,916 days old) by kuba1953 ()        

I have gone through 3 or 4 pumps. I am getting good at changing them though!
We use Tide liquid HE or sometimes 20 Muleteam Borax powder HE. I read on the forums that to much foam could cause the pump to starve for water. I took the last 2 pumps apart and they were not clogged. They looked brand new inside and turned easily. The hoses are not plugged or kinked. Are they just made sub standard?

Post# 513028 , Reply# 1   4/22/2011 at 10:34 (4,916 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
They old ones looked close to the directdrive pumps, with the exception of the seperate motor......the new replacement is a all-in-one design......I had to replace the first original with a new design one, no issues until I took it out of service for a while, and then hooked it back up, it wouldn't work until I took it out of the machine and stuck a screwdriver down to push the impeller around once, reassembled and has been working ever since, this is going on about a year with no other issues......and yet the other Calypso doesn't have a problem with the pump at all.......I actually wonder if it is a board glitch, the one with the problems is a 00 first generation, even though both boards have been replaced, the newer one is a 02 series

Post# 513034 , Reply# 2   4/22/2011 at 10:52 (4,916 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 513041 , Reply# 3   4/22/2011 at 11:10 (4,916 days old) by kuba1953 ()        

Maybe it is a board issue. Every now and then I have pull the plug on it or it will not start at all. The touch controls are dead for 24 hours. then the machine works fine for another 3-6 months without resetting it. Replacing both boards is very expensive.

Post# 513066 , Reply# 4   4/22/2011 at 12:52 (4,916 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
You mean "Colapso" not Colypso

Post# 513084 , Reply# 5   4/22/2011 at 15:45 (4,916 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture

What is the recurring problem?  Pump motor burning out?  There may be an electrical problem if you're repeatedly burning out pumps motors.  The revision to a 1-piece pump apparently was toward the end of production, the 0, 1, and 2 revision models show the original style pump, revision 3 is 1-piece.  Replacement pumps are the 1-piece design after old stock ran out since the revision.

Water flowing through the pump helps keep the bearing cool (on the pump impeller, not so much the motor), so excess suds / starving for water can cause premature failure on that point.

I have two spare pumps (one of each design), and three full sets of control boards ... but I have two machines so don't want to give up any of my spare parts.  The machine I've been using for the past 2.5 years has not given any trouble, not been unplugged for the duration.  It has the two-piece pump, so I assume the pump has not been replaced.  A "1" model, per the serial # it was manuf'd 41st week of 2001, I bought it used in 2007.

Check eBay, there are usually some listings.

Post# 513138 , Reply# 6   4/22/2011 at 21:29 (4,916 days old) by neptunebob (Pittsburgh, PA)        

neptunebob's profile picture
Nooooo, Calypso, the parts that we go through,
the waiting for service,
the clothes I can't wear....

Noooo Calypso, the washer I can't use,
cos I miss the Kenmore that I liked so well.

Post# 513267 , Reply# 7   4/23/2011 at 16:01 (4,915 days old) by kuba1953 ()        

The first time the pump was changed the new one piece pump was put in. Those all seem fine for about 18 months. They spin by hand and are clean inside when I take them apart. I would guess the windings burnt out. This latest bad pump makes alot of noise when it is on. I ordered a new pump online. My old Whirlpool lasted 25 plus years without a service call.

Post# 513388 , Reply# 8   4/24/2011 at 10:07 (4,914 days old) by JaredH ()        

I have A Solution. Get rid of it!

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