Thread Number: 34217
DD smell
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Post# 513717   4/25/2011 at 20:28 (4,920 days old) by Supersurgilator (Indiana)        

I've noticed both on our DD Kenmore 1983 model as well as on my grandma's 2005 model a funny smell. Its not a burning smell, but kind of like a hot smell. I've noticed on my grandma's machine that when washing heavy items,like sweatshirts and towels, that the tub indexes a little bit. I'm wondering if the smell is coming from the break pads (especially when trying to hold the tub down during heavy loads). Any other ideas?

Post# 514099 , Reply# 1   4/27/2011 at 05:53 (4,919 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Thank heavens you meant Direct Drive! I was thinking the worst and wondering why a washer smelled like doo doo.

Post# 514113 , Reply# 2   4/27/2011 at 07:16 (4,918 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

It is not the brake pads but it is some what for the motor to make a hot smell with a heavy load and even the transmission heats up a little and can produce a warm oily smell. It is not likely anything to worry about, but as with any major gas or electrical appliance do not keep combustible items around or on top of any machine that is hooked up and used. That means no paper or plastic bags shoved in the space between the refrigerator and the wall etc. Yes even refrigerators can start fires I have seen it happen, we had a customer with a 1970s GM Frigidare that keep her paper shopping bags there and the house burned to the ground. If the bags hadn't been there she would have only had a little smoke from the shorted and burnt compressor relay.

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