Thread Number: 34234
Hotpoint Aquarius wash system
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Post# 513970   4/26/2011 at 15:17 (5,040 days old) by ultimafan ()        

Hi guys

I saw this advert of the launch of Hotpoint Aquarius, made in 1992. However I'm curious as to how it actually worked, as the footage of the machine showed water coming out like a jet, but I don't think I've ever seen it wash like this with every Hotpoint I've seen, could anyone tell me how it actually worked? One of my favourite machines ever, and I know nothing about how it washes!


Post# 513974 , Reply# 1   4/26/2011 at 15:30 (5,040 days old) by optima (Cumbria England)        

optima's profile picture
Its nothing really fancy. its what most washers do now it simply scoops the water up into the rear of the drum paddles the paddles have holes in them & showers it back down on top of the washing.

Post# 513985 , Reply# 2   4/26/2011 at 17:05 (5,040 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        

It was a commonly used feature by all manufacturers.

Hoover had the "Sensorspray wash system" (same thing, different name),
Ariston had something like the "Waterfall wash system".

The pumped system of the time was the Zanussi Jetsystem, but was protected by patents, hence the attempts by the others to sound unique.

Post# 513988 , Reply# 3   4/26/2011 at 17:18 (5,040 days old) by optima (Cumbria England)        

optima's profile picture
& i think tricity bendix had the Eco shower system.

Post# 514970 , Reply# 4   5/1/2011 at 17:11 (5,035 days old) by ultimafan ()        

I think at that time, every manufacturer was trying any gimmick possible as Zanussi Jetsystem was the leading one.

I watched videos of a Hotpoint 9526 (I've seen one and it had holes in the drum despite not being labelled Aquarius) and a 9534 which was made well before that one, and I did notice that the 9526's wash action was much better, water was splashed and sprayed more than the 9534's due to the improved drum. I think all the Hotpoints from 1991 with the new improved drum were of Aquarius wash action, despite the label appearing a year later.

Another question, I know that when the first Zanussi Jetsystems came out, they had a spin wash, much like Hoover New Waves. Was that patented as well? As Hoover seemed to clone it a few years later.

Thanks for all the comments.

Post# 515110 , Reply# 5   5/2/2011 at 05:38 (5,034 days old) by glenfieldmathk1 (Glenfield-Leicester-UK)        
Aquarius Wash System

Don't forget the Aquarius wash system (as they called it New Aquarius wash system) also features the slower build into tumble and longer distribution process (there is no launches or distribution drains)
This is supposedly better for the motor, and lasts slightly longer.
Machines not labelled Aquarius or Aquarius wash system would do the launch tumbles and most had the old drum (without the holes in the paddles).

Post# 515118 , Reply# 6   5/2/2011 at 06:15 (5,034 days old) by hoover1100 (UK)        
I think all the Hotpoints from 1991 with the new improved dr

The slightly larger drum with holes in the paddles was introduced before the Aquarius wash system.

Aquarius machines had longer wash times with lower water levels. The increased wash duration was achieved by adding an extra period of tumbling after each tumble, so the machines tumble twice in each direction.

The digital speed control module, which meant a more gradual ramp up to speed, wasn't introduced until the WM series in 1993/94.

Our 9517 will have been the last non-aquarius machine, it has the newer style drum, but still has the old style wash action with shorter wash times and higher water levels.


Post# 515180 , Reply# 7   5/2/2011 at 11:06 (5,034 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        
When aquarius waws introduced in 1991

aquarius1984's profile picture
Early Aquarius and Non Aquarius machines of the same time simply had new 5kg drums with holes in the paddles IIRC however the only difference was reversal of the Non Aquarius systems half load switch to utilise a low wash and rinse water level.

Super Rinse obviously utilised the higher setting on the pressure switch in the rinses on Aquarius models.

Slow tumbles and non distrubuting drains didnt actually become part of the programming until 1995 when the early WM/last of the 95 series machines were superseeded by those bearng "NAWS".
Both examples of WM12 I have encountered made in 1994 still drained while distributing.

The service manuals of this time have made some interesting reading!

Programming on these machines were also much better than the New Gens and 18's in that longer distributions and spin bursts between the rinses were incorporated.

Re the discussion on Jeans and spin speeds yes I now do believe speed has very little to do with extraction, Im shocked at how dry towels and bedding comes out at 800rpm in the Next Gen compared to the 1000 New Gen got them.

The extra time used in distribute to clear the pump makes so much difference in the spins and rinses. No water slap here!

Post# 515262 , Reply# 8   5/2/2011 at 16:31 (5,034 days old) by SuperElectronic (London, UK)        
From the brochure...

I've managed to dig out and convert a scan of the Aquarius Wash System blurb from the 1995 brochure. This info stands for the 1st generation of Aquarius machines. Rob has it spot on: basically they just ran the programmes on what was previously the half load water level - the addition of holes in the paddles acted as scoops to shower the load to compensate for the lower level.


As far as I know there was use of two drum speeds even in the early (1991 onwards) models - slow and short when heating - as witnessed in a 9546 I used to encounter regularly.


Around 1995-6 the first range of Ultimas arrived which trialled what became labelled as the "New Aquarius Wash System" from around mid 1996...these had the slow rinse tumbles on all cycles. This was then modified for the restyled models in 1997 or so.


Now as to spin efficiency...well...I find there can be a fair amount of fluctuation on any machine - a load will spin well one day and less so on another. Unbalances can affect peformance too.


Rob - I didn't know there was any difference between spin timing profiles on the Electronic 800 DeLuxe and the 1000 DeLuxe! I know the 1000 rests between interim bursts, plus you get 700 rpm interims on it rather than 500 rpm, hence more likely to see water down the door and hear slapping noises. Or am I confused about what you mean?


Friday is D-Day for my Aquarius...the repairman cometh. It's been a long wait! Fingers crossed...

Post# 515264 , Reply# 9   5/2/2011 at 16:41 (5,034 days old) by SuperElectronic (London, UK)        
Aquarius Ultima

Scan from the 1995 brochure about the deluxe version of the Aquarius Wash System...just for interest!

Post# 515432 , Reply# 10   5/3/2011 at 12:34 (5,033 days old) by ultimafan ()        
thanks for the replies

It looks like Hotpoint started off in 1991 with the improved drum which showered the clothes, then by 1996 the NEW aquarius wash system improved the programming and introduced intelligent care with the balancing and the machine didn't go straight into distribution without draining some water.

@Al fingers crossed that the Aquarius makes a full recovery!

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