Thread Number: 34285
Whirlpool Cabrio
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Post# 514686   4/29/2011 at 22:34 (4,886 days old) by AutowasherFreak ()        

Anyone like the WP Cabrio with the wash plate or the WP Cabrio with the normal agitator?  I thinking of getting a Cabrio, after going back to the Maytag 606 our water went from about $125.00 every three months to $225.00 every three months.


So I have been considering getting one of these Cabrios but can't really seem to decide on which one.  I've seen videos on Youtube of the Cabrio with the wash plate and it doesn't seem to have very good rollover.  I believe the new Cabrio with a regular agitator has auto water level detection, so that might help save a little on the water bill--maybe?


Post# 514763 , Reply# 1   4/30/2011 at 11:06 (4,885 days old) by gr81nknox ()        

None of the current "Cabrios" have an agitator, all of them have the wash plate. The non-Cabrio models still use an agitator, however, I believe they now use the same belt driven motor and indexing tub as the smaller(3.6 cu ft) Cabrios do. Surprisingly, those models still have water level selection control. The Cabrios all use the automatic water level. As for how well they work, there are mixed opinions here. My parents have owned the Kenmore version of the "smaller" Cabrio since last fall and have had no complaints with it. They previously had a 90 Series Kenmore and have not noticed anything not getting clean with the new one. I'm still not sure that I am ready to give up my deep-fill agitator washer, but so far the results of the newer ones look promising. One advantage is the Cabrios do a higher speed spin so your dry times are reduced.

Post# 514770 , Reply# 2   4/30/2011 at 11:46 (4,885 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

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I guess an HE toploader doesn't save as much water as a frontloader. If you really want to save water you'd better get that frontloader back...

Ducking and running...

Post# 514785 , Reply# 3   4/30/2011 at 13:25 (4,885 days old) by whirlpolf ()        
washplate please!

Personally I would always go for the washplate, but this is only due to the fact that I already have got 2 frontloaders (HA topic ticked) and a GE Filter Flo (waterhog agitator? ticked!) and a Shredmore Dual Action (ratchet type agitator AND so-called direct drive = ticked)

Missing here is only the washplate (ok, the dual agitator-tub Neptune TL and the wobble-o-matic Fridgidaires and the dry-rollover Apex invented by Mr. Kirby)....

Always on the hunt for spectacular mechanisms, no matter how odd.
But the washplate Cabrio has this wonderful wuieeeeeg-wuieeeeg sound, not to mention this ramp-up whine when spinning (like a subway train on steroids, gives me goosebumps).

Sorry for being so silly, please choose sensibly. I am washer crazy and biased and a play kid, so my pros and cons might be entirely irrational ;-))

Post# 514818 , Reply# 4   4/30/2011 at 17:24 (4,885 days old) by AutowasherFreak ()        

My roommates niece is moving in with us in June, and I think washing for four people might be to much for the old Maytag. 


Post# 514859 , Reply# 5   5/1/2011 at 02:22 (4,885 days old) by BlogShag ()        
High Efficiency Top Loaders

Whirlpool Cabrios, Kenmore Oasis, etc.. All these washers that use wash plates seem to get a slew of complaints with the exception being the LG Waveforce. And the WaveForce comes with a 10 year warranty.

People have complained that these types of washers wrinkle and twist clothes, and often times they don't completely saturate clothing. Also according to user experiences, their electronic control panels are nightmares

People have also complained that it's impossible to wash small loads in these types of washers. It either shreds the clothes too much or doesn't clean the load evenly. There is also much less turnover with these washers. There have also been complaints that the washer (Cabrio) does not fill with enough water to do the job properly. The reviews for the Oasis are even worse. But... there are people that are happy with these washers, so maybe they read the intructions or otherwise did their homework before buying one.

Your best bet in my opinion is the LG Waveforce or front loader of your choice.


Post# 514905 , Reply# 6   5/1/2011 at 11:43 (4,884 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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I don't see any difference in the way these work from the miserable GE harmonies that have been around for years.


The first rule about online opinions is to know whose opinions you are reading, BlogShag clearly works for LG. I have had several GE Harmonies and have been very unimpressed with them [ very cheaply built, way to much plastic in the wrong places ]. The best bet on a hi efficiency TL washer are the newer 27" WP built machines, avoid the larger DD models with the Fisher Paycal motors.


I not only use these machines but have had them disassembled down to the last part.  If you are looking for the best built longest lasting most efficient washer on the market the SQ FLer is by far the best, it is the only commercial built washer built that comes in a home model available in the US. 

Post# 514947 , Reply# 7   5/1/2011 at 15:43 (4,884 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
Are there other ways to conserve a wringer or twintub.....or a way to reuse some of the wash water?..........

I am just looking at savings versus a new machine that would cost close to 1000.00 give or take, and how long will it take for you to reap the rewards and get your money back before seeing any savings after the cost, provided the new one actually will last that long.....

Its hitting warm weather, and although I don't hang clothes outside, I will hang out the dogs blankets, but I also collect the wash water from the FL's into a TL machine to wash them in.......

just trying to save where I can.....

Post# 515005 , Reply# 8   5/1/2011 at 19:56 (4,884 days old) by AutowasherFreak ()        

I will be going through Rent A Center to get the washer unfortunately, but that is really the only way I can get a new washer, and I don't think they carry any front loaders anymore, just the WP Cabrio and WP's with the standard agitator is all they have.  Aarons, as front loaders, but I can get a better deal with RAC.  I'm going to try a Cabrio for a month or so, and if I'm not satisfied with it, I will send it back and look for a used front loader.



Post# 515027 , Reply# 9   5/1/2011 at 21:27 (4,884 days old) by AutowasherFreak ()        

Aaron's has Frigidaire (NO Way!) and Samsung for front loaders, I would rather have Whirlpool over Frigidaire.


Post# 515129 , Reply# 10   5/2/2011 at 07:42 (4,883 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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Someone should come up with a water saver FL machine that stores the wash water in the pedestal.  Then pumps it back up for the next wash and heats it to the target temp.  Then they wouldn't have to worry so much about the level of water used per fill.


Could be an interesting Franken-Duet project for someone...



Post# 515163 , Reply# 11   5/2/2011 at 09:54 (4,883 days old) by KenmoreGuy64 (Charlotte, NC)        
About the agitator model Cabrios...

kenmoreguy64's profile picture
WP discontinued the agitator Cabrio just about a year ago. I was helping a friend of mine purchase a new top load washer and he and his family liked that model. They got one of the last ones that HH Gregg had in new stock (though they may have had one more delivery). This was May/June of last year. They used it to replace an 18 year-old Kenmore DD.

This was just about the time that the new line of WP VMW (the new belt-drive agitator machines and the smaller Cabrios) was being introduced.

I suspect that the only agitator Cabrios left would be at some store's inventory, tucked away. You'd have to check store to store.


Post# 515186 , Reply# 12   5/2/2011 at 11:30 (4,883 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

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There once was an Electrolux(?) washer that would pump the rinse water into an internal tank and re-use it for the next wash. Kinda like some current Bosch dishwashers.

Post# 515381 , Reply# 13   5/3/2011 at 06:22 (4,882 days old) by limitededition ()        
cabrio agi

They are available at the price is I believe $639.00. The model is the 6200

Post# 515389 , Reply# 14   5/3/2011 at 07:58 (4,882 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
I don't know if their still available, but RAC had Whirlpool Duets and SportDuets when I stopped in about 3 months ago.......

NorfolkSouthern rented a few from them just to test drive them before deciding to buy one, not a bad idea.....

these are days where I missed the machines being hooked up in the store to see a demonstration, they claim is a safety issue with water splashing on the floor, I say it wil show how bad thse machines perform, that no one would buy one, this way your stuck with it by the time you get it home and find out how awful it washes.....doesn't stop me, I will send it back for a refund.....

Whirlpool did a great sample of a test drive with their Calypso's......try it for one year, if you didn't like it, they would buy it back!.........this needs to be done by manufacturers for all machines.......

Post# 515441 , Reply# 15   5/3/2011 at 12:59 (4,882 days old) by AutowasherFreak ()        

The RAC that I'm using is going to order me a brand new machine, I believe it will be model number WTW7600XW, the only other Cabrio model they have is WTW6500WW, which has been discontinued so I know I won't be getting that model.


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