Thread Number: 34492
god no!!!
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Post# 517430   5/13/2011 at 11:09 (4,953 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

haier are back at making dryers again! looks like we will see lots of fiers caused by these

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Post# 517474 , Reply# 1   5/13/2011 at 14:13 (4,952 days old) by the7 ()        

It is hard to believe an 24" dryer could dry 8kg !?

Post# 517479 , Reply# 2   5/13/2011 at 14:23 (4,952 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

it's normal sized for us

Post# 517522 , Reply# 3   5/13/2011 at 17:38 (4,952 days old) by robliverpool (england Liverpool)        

robliverpool's profile picture
I personally would rather stick a maiden on the roof of my car and drive around till the washing is dry than have a Haier ANYTHING back in my house

Wonder how long it will be before it burns someones house down or flame effects the clothes

Post# 517526 , Reply# 4   5/13/2011 at 17:49 (4,952 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

i agree! it looks like a eap of crap! plus i remember you saying that you ad 2 haier washers. haer are crap!

Post# 517527 , Reply# 5   5/13/2011 at 17:49 (4,952 days old) by ultimafan ()        
they cause fire?

Haven't heard of any fire...wouldn't put it past them! The dryers look awful, and are pricey at £260 compared to washers which seem to be 200 pr less.

Post# 517531 , Reply# 6   5/13/2011 at 18:14 (4,952 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

i am suspicious of the fact that it is ''well equipped'' but it looks supwe ceap

Post# 517579 , Reply# 7   5/13/2011 at 22:31 (4,952 days old) by AutowasherFreak ()        

Ok, I don't want to sound stupid, but what does cupboard dry mean, LOL.


Post# 517596 , Reply# 8   5/14/2011 at 00:52 (4,952 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Cupboard dry means that the laundry is dry enough to fold it and to put it away in the cupboard.

I can't stand the fact that Haier lately makes their appliances look like Bosch and Siemens. Get your own style!

Post# 517606 , Reply# 9   5/14/2011 at 02:20 (4,952 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

I bet you they will create fires. The gold at the back is paint wich will probabtly peel off after its first use.

Foraloysius said they looked like bosch etc. I strongly aggree. The bosch dryer is simalar. (see pic)


Post# 517610 , Reply# 10   5/14/2011 at 04:01 (4,952 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
Yes, looks like Bosch combined with BEKO(?). I'm sure the golden touch is just due to the drum light and some Photoshop. Over here, dryers in catalogues all used to look like the had golden drums.

Post# 517741 , Reply# 11   5/14/2011 at 12:55 (4,951 days old) by ultimafan ()        

Lets not compare a superior brand to this junk, won't be long before these things appear on Watchdog!!!

Post# 517743 , Reply# 12   5/14/2011 at 13:05 (4,951 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

too right! haier are simply hazzardos products made too poor quality standards.
Update! i am getting a siemens heat pump condenser dryer. i know it's not relevent to the thread but i dident want to start another thread as i have one in motion.
Tom :)

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