Thread Number: 34555
Need black front panels for Maytag Dishwasher
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Post# 518284   5/16/2011 at 14:43 (4,874 days old) by philcobendixduo (San Jose)        

philcobendixduo's profile picture
I have a Maytag model DWU9921AAX dishwasher that has Almond front panels displayed.
Today, I was going to swap the Almond for Black and found that the black front panel (located behind the Almond one inside the door) had some kind of "glue residue" on it that looked really bad. 409 did nothing to remove it and when I scraped it with my fingernail, the paint came right off where the "glue" was. I don't know WHAT happened (it's been in there for 17 years!) but I am now trying to find a set of black panels to fit this dishwasher. I looked online, but I can only find the upper panel (main door) and not the lower access panel.
Anyone have any ideas - or maybe even have a set they would sell me?

As an alternative, I could go to TAP Plastics and see if they could make one for me but that would probably be cost-prohibitive.

Thank you for your suggestions!

Post# 518291 , Reply# 1   5/16/2011 at 15:38 (4,874 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
why not sand and re-paint....Appliance Black.....can be found at Lowes or Home Depot....

Post# 518296 , Reply# 2   5/16/2011 at 15:47 (4,874 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
i think that you can also find a black panel behind the white panel depending on the dishwasher model because i remember before i had to replace my 1993 inglis basic model dishwasher the almond panel had a black panel behind it and so did the white panel before repainting maybe you should check to see if the panel behind the white panel is black?

Post# 518348 , Reply# 3   5/16/2011 at 20:30 (4,873 days old) by philcobendixduo (San Jose)        
Changeable Panels on Maytag (1994)

philcobendixduo's profile picture
The panels on my dishwasher are Almond/Gold and White/Black.
Painting could be an option - it's just hard to get a really shiny finish like the original panel has.
I've never had much luck at spray painting!

Post# 518363 , Reply# 4   5/16/2011 at 21:17 (4,873 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
have you look in an appliance store part or on ebay to see if you can order a new black changeable panel because maybe applliance stores selling use or refurbish applaince may have some in stock?

Post# 518386 , Reply# 5   5/16/2011 at 23:11 (4,873 days old) by retropia ()        

It shouldn't cost that much to have a plastic company cut a piece of black plexiglas to your dimensions. Give them the old panel to use as a template. The edges will be covered by the chrome trim, so the plexiglas panel edges don't need to be polished.

The link is to a company that will cut-to-order. They have a ready-made size of 24" x 18" for $15; not sure what shipping would be.

Another option would be to contact a countertop company and see if they have a leftover remnant of black Formica or Wilsonart laminate that they could cut to your size. That might not give you the high-gloss finish you're looking for, so you'd probably want to look at it first before having it cut.


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