Thread Number: 34576
servis washing machine drum seams
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Post# 518599   5/17/2011 at 17:40 (4,868 days old) by ultimafan ()        

I apologise in advance as I'm touching on that delicate topic of exploding drums, but I'm a bit concerned. A friend of mine has a servis washing machine, one of the final models before its demise in 2008. So I was looking inside the drum (the one with 4 paddles) and couldn't find a seam in the drum; its hidden under a paddle. I also remember, before I became a member, seeing a pic of an exploded servis (or its equivalent). Could anyone tell me if they know whether the drum is screwed or welded? Thanks

Post# 518640 , Reply# 1   5/17/2011 at 20:50 (4,868 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
just my toughts yet again but i would trash the machine and buy a new one would be much safer than repairing that actual amchine but yet again this is just my toughts

Post# 518681 , Reply# 2   5/17/2011 at 22:58 (4,868 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
You should be able to find where the seam is without removing all the paddles as the paddles rarely go the width of the drum...

...but I'm very much of the 'if it hasn't broken, don't stuff with it' mind set.

Post# 518688 , Reply# 3   5/17/2011 at 23:40 (4,868 days old) by ultimafan ()        

I don't intend to! They're happy with it but for this. Since merloni plays/played a part in their production, could it have the same issue? I'd tell them to use slow spin perhaps.

Post# 518706 , Reply# 4   5/18/2011 at 00:48 (4,868 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
They're 2 completely different company's....

The firm that owned Servis also owned ASKO....I don't think there is anything to worry about actually.

Post# 518720 , Reply# 5   5/18/2011 at 01:56 (4,868 days old) by nrones ()        

Are you talking about Antonio Merloni Servis?

If it is that one, old style with 4 paddles (metal paddles) was screwed as far as I know, new style (plastic paddles) is welded.. Sorry if I mixed up names, just to be sure, new style is attached same way as Candy and Indesit..

Hope this helps :)


Post# 518724 , Reply# 6   5/18/2011 at 03:07 (4,867 days old) by ultimafan ()        
ohhhh i knew it...

Thanks for the reply dex. After seeing that pic of that servis and the drum my friend has got is studded with those paddles. I'll tell him to reduce the spin speed to 800

Post# 518729 , Reply# 7   5/18/2011 at 04:30 (4,867 days old) by nrones ()        
don't doo that

Well, don't understand this as I am defending any manufacturer that produced few exploding machine, but it is 99% chance that your friend's machine isn't affected..

Also, don't tell him to reduce to 800, tell him to reduce to 1000-1200, since only 1400+ washers explodoed both on A. Merloni, Indesit and Candy.. But also it would be nice for some people to reduce speeds - it's good for clothes and machine! xD


Post# 519061 , Reply# 8   5/19/2011 at 12:30 (4,866 days old) by zodawash (Lincolnshire,United Kingdom)        

zodawash's profile picture
I fail to see why your worrying about a Servis Drum. They are more likely to win the lottery than have a drum failure. I'm not aware of any issue with Servis drums. They seem quite well made and sturdy. I have one of the last line of Servis machines and it runs quite nicely at 1400rpm. There is no connection with Indesit Merloni as already mentioned. Reducing the spin speed quite frankly is rather silly

Post# 519106 , Reply# 9   5/19/2011 at 15:56 (4,866 days old) by nrones ()        

Well, as with all brands washing machines that exploded, as zodawash said "more chance to win a lottery, than their machine to explode" - what a GREAT sentence!!! :D
But since you haven't heared of Antonio Merloni machines exploding, here's a pic... just an info :)

P.S I don't want to start any similar exploding conversation like previous (think we talked about that enough), this reply is STRICTLY made for Zodawash and Ultimafan.

Post# 519119 , Reply# 10   5/19/2011 at 16:58 (4,866 days old) by ultimafan ()        
i guess you're right zodawash and dex...

But it was that pic above that crossed my mind when checking the welded drum, the machine my friend has spins at 1200, and balances quite well, aborting the spin if it won't balance. I guess it should be fine at 1200 (or 1000 as it is the default spin setting). I guess the machine above is a total mystery as to why it happened...

Post# 519123 , Reply# 11   5/19/2011 at 17:33 (4,866 days old) by nrones ()        
I thought it was 1600!! :D

If it is 1200 machine, they should 100% keep using it normally..
As I for all explodings that I've heard only one or 2 were from 1400, all others (that is like 8-9), from all manufacturers were 1600.

So, there are no worries at all, completely! Not to mention if using 1000rpm ;)

But anyway, I tend to recommend people to use lower speeds, because it's better for bearrings and motor, creasing and whole care of clothes.. However I am the first one who will always respin at maximum available xD just can't control myself with that! xD

Post# 519498 , Reply# 12   5/21/2011 at 11:45 (4,864 days old) by zodawash (Lincolnshire,United Kingdom)        
lowering the spin

zodawash's profile picture
Talking of lowering spin speeds, I remember our Indesit 2103 from the 80's was an 1100rpm machine but the motor failed after just 3 years and the engineer said he was surprised it had lasted so long. we used it at 900 rpm after that and it lasted a further 11 years failing with another fault in the end. Certainly using a machine at a lower speed makes it last longer. I guess it just depends on what you bought it for in the first place or weather you use a dryer alot as to weather its worth selecting a lower speed. It's an interesting discussion. I also remember back in about 1980 seing a neighbours new washing machine with the drum exploded.I can't remember what brand it was but it wasn't a Servis. I think drum failures have always been going on its just now we get more access to pics/stories online which we never had back then and obviously with clusters of recent HooverCandy failures its become more noticable.


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