Thread Number: 34691
3 Miele washer/dryer sets in the ATL
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Post# 520276   5/24/2011 at 22:14 (4,865 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

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First, the older model. But you can't see the action...

CLICK HERE TO GO TO PeterH770's LINK on Atlanta Craigslist

Post# 520277 , Reply# 1   5/24/2011 at 22:15 (4,865 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Second, this highly recommended 1926/1526 set...

CLICK HERE TO GO TO PeterH770's LINK on Atlanta Craigslist

Post# 520278 , Reply# 2   5/24/2011 at 22:16 (4,865 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

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Post# 520283 , Reply# 3   5/24/2011 at 23:15 (4,865 days old) by A440 ()        

Those are really nice sets!

I can't get over the prices for units of this age.

Are you thinking about getting a pair?


Post# 520363 , Reply# 4   5/25/2011 at 11:56 (4,865 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Not me. The first pair for $20 I would be all over if it had the porthole window. I am currently using the second set -- it is amazing how much will fit into it.

Post# 520639 , Reply# 5   5/26/2011 at 15:15 (4,864 days old) by mieleforever (SOUTH AFRICA)        

hi all, I would just like to ask what is wrong with you or the machines because they are soooo beautiful, cant believe thnat anyone would want to get rid of these.

Or are you now not into Miele anymore.

just like to know.


Post# 520646 , Reply# 6   5/26/2011 at 15:52 (4,864 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
maybe the reaon is the persons selling there machines did some renovations in there homes and bought new sets or they needed a largaer capacety washer because those no longer fit there needs but it depends on the person needes

Post# 520648 , Reply# 7   5/26/2011 at 15:54 (4,864 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Those are not mine; I am not selling them.

Post# 520665 , Reply# 8   5/26/2011 at 17:05 (4,863 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Miele Washers & Dryers

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Especially of the "vintage" variety are widely consider too small by Amercians. Thus often the first reaction to those purchasing a home and finding them installed is to rip them out. Sometimes the contractor will take them himself to either keep or sell on ,or the owners will sell them on himself.

Often what also happens is during a remodel the Miele's will get kicked to the curb because owners now have the choice of the larger Amercian models including those made by Miele. That option wasn't available back then which is why persons wanting a high end front loading washer ended up with a Miele in the first place.

Post# 520688 , Reply# 9   5/26/2011 at 20:14 (4,863 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture

Sigh....  So far away.   Too bad about the windowless door on the first set, but with a new blade in the jigsaw that problem would be solved!

Post# 520694 , Reply# 10   5/26/2011 at 20:42 (4,863 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
me in my tough i think that for a starting couple with no kids a small capacety washer is ok the same go for an elderly couple with the kids out of the house but sometime as the family grows or depending on the family needs they revaluates there needs and decide to buy a larger capacety washer like if i take for exemple the front load whirlpool duet that i own is thats its a great capacety but as the years have pass 2004 to to 2011 i am at the part where i am revaluating my needs and for my mom and me its going back in 10 years from now around 2013 or if my mom and me decide to redesing the bathroom in my home they will be replace by a good old fashion toploading washer with agitator.

Post# 520714 , Reply# 11   5/26/2011 at 22:29 (4,863 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
But then, people don't know how to wash, let alone in a front loader, and let alone in a Miele.

I went from a Maytag 712 to the Miele 1918, the smaller size one. A full load in the 712 fit very nicely into the 1918. That right there just killed the capacity argument for me. There is no argument; the load fits and gets wonderfully clean. I recently pulled the 1918 out and put in the 1926. This machine is just a couple inches deeper, but seem HUGE to me. I can comfortably wash a fluffy queen comforter in it. Plenty of room in it with 2 queen sheet sets and 8 pillowcases. So, when it comes to capacity, these machines are plenty big.

I think the biggest downfall for Miele is cycle times. Now that front loaders are more commonplace, people are getting used to 1-2 hour long cycles. Back in the '80s and '90s, more than 45 minutes was pretty much unacceptable. Let alone, you only really had Frigidaire and Maytag Neptune from which to choose. So when the normal cycle is 1:47, and the "rapid" button doesn't give good results, you can see why people don't want to keep their Mieles.

Post# 520844 , Reply# 12   5/27/2011 at 18:44 (4,862 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Are like a used Mercedes Benz, they are very good appliances but they are overpriced and not the most reliable by any means. They cost more to buy and they cost a lot to repair, you diffidently pay for them more than once. I do agree with Peter that thier washers are plenty large enough and do a good job, only slight problem is they can take a long time doing it. Thier dryers are just too small and way too slow and to top off thier dryers problems they don't offer gas models. I see no reason that anyone that has the space and access to a good US machine would ever bother with a Miele dryer or any 24" machine as thier primary dryer.


Don't get me wrong Miele makes some very good appliances and thier are many on this site that can well afford the most expensive products on the market and if you value what Miele offers you should buy them. I value high quality as much as anyone here.

Post# 520847 , Reply# 13   5/27/2011 at 18:55 (4,862 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Now I will say that the larger T1526 does a much better job than the smaller T1515... Don't know if it is the capacity or that it is a hotter dryer. I seems to be much hotter, and again, the few inches of depth makes a huge difference.

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