Thread Number: 34782
A new addition: a Maytag Neptune MAH3000
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Post# 521325   5/29/2011 at 18:02 (4,852 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        

mayfan69's profile picture
Hi guys

I managed to pick up a Maytag Neptune off Ebay for a whole US$121.00 (AU$127.50)

Not a bad bargain i believe, remembering these were AU$3000.00 brand new. Luckily, it was only a 20 mins drive from me.

I have not had a chance to put it through a full cycle, but the only issue appears to be a very noisy pump when testing on spin and according to the seller it would sometimes stop working, so looking for a replacement.

It's in very good condition and no mould what so ever on the inside gasket.


Post# 521326 , Reply# 1   5/29/2011 at 18:03 (4,852 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
Control panel

mayfan69's profile picture
Pic 2

Post# 521327 , Reply# 2   5/29/2011 at 18:05 (4,852 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
Contyrol panel 2

mayfan69's profile picture
Close up of control panel

Post# 521328 , Reply# 3   5/29/2011 at 18:08 (4,852 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
Money shot

mayfan69's profile picture
Interior: very clean and no mould.

Also, Serial Number: 53748308YS. Can anyone give me any idea on when it was built?
And....are repair manuals easy to come by for these models?


Post# 521331 , Reply# 4   5/29/2011 at 18:37 (4,852 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
these came out about 1997 and only ran for about 2 years, with so many issues/glitches...then the 4000 series appeared where most of all the bugs were worked out....I liked the 3000 motor as it revved up like a jet engine for take off during the last spin.....

try cleaning out the pump and the hoses first.......I got a 5500 series recently with a sluggish pump....a good cleanout, and a few hot water washes, and its pumping quiet and full force again....

hopefully your has the upgraded wax motor and control board...considering its running OK with the exception of the pump, it most likely safe to say it has been done.......

of course I am partial to the Neptunes.....

Post# 521333 , Reply# 5   5/29/2011 at 19:07 (4,851 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
mah 3000 neptune

nice score!!-i have that exact same machine,mine built in late'98/early99.
I got mine for$25 in non-working order-had to do a wax motor/PC board repair
along with clearing a plugged pressure switch line-has worked perfect since
though twice i have found around an inch of standing water in the tub,inlet
valve must seep a little at times...
Pump on my neptune is nearly silent,possibly yours only has a foreign object
in it that you can clean out.
Earlier neptunes had a reddish-brown"wax motor"for the door latch,in this
style wax motor the disc-shaped heat pellet was not insulated along the edge,
and right above the door,it can get damp and "flash over"-blowing out a little
triac and resistor on the control board(the fix is easy)220v export neptunes
might have a different wax motor than the north american versions.
The neptune has a vibration detector on the control board and should be
placed on a solid and level footing for proper spin action.
Though these do not have the best reputation,i have found them to be great
machines-Cool motor sounds too

Post# 521414 , Reply# 6   5/30/2011 at 07:04 (4,851 days old) by jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Martin do you mean

jetcone's profile picture

the, model line ran for 2 years, or, the machine ran for 2 years? My MAH3000 just died this year after 13 years service. It now has a new motor set and is getting a new board today.

Great machine.

Post# 521418 , Reply# 7   5/30/2011 at 07:34 (4,851 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
this is a great machine.

Post# 521423 , Reply# 8   5/30/2011 at 08:44 (4,851 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

as long as washer has a solid footing,neptunes can spin heavy ,unbalanced loads
very well-but if neptune not solidly placed,will abort top spin speed due to
excess movement of vibration detector.Mah3000 neptunes use a"switched reluctance"
type motor-during spin runup sounds like the spacecraft in the movie"ET"lifting
off LOL

Post# 521430 , Reply# 9   5/30/2011 at 09:25 (4,851 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

hope it gives many years service. Whats the load capacity?

Post# 521472 , Reply# 10   5/30/2011 at 12:39 (4,851 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

the load capacity is given as 3.1 cubic feet,with my usuall loading methods
i'd rate it at around 16LBs.The top spin speed is 800rpm.

Post# 521487 , Reply# 11   5/30/2011 at 14:28 (4,851 days old) by MaytagA710 ()        

Lovely machine! I always had a soft spot for the Neptunes with analogue controls. Don't get me wrong, I like the Neptunes, but I think its more classy with the vertical stacked buttons and the timer knob. Excellent find, thanks for sharing!

Post# 521495 , Reply# 12   5/30/2011 at 15:36 (4,851 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
the 3000 series only had a short run for about 2 or maybe 3 years, and then the upgrades became the 4000 can tell a 4000 because they added another set of buttons under the start switch, this was for the signal I believe, and that button then became the STAIN cycle selector.....which just added a prewash and longer wash/soak portion to the were instructed to add double the detergent at the actually worked quite well.....but I do prefer the 5500 series, also the 6500 with the heater, and the 7500 with touch screen stain thing the 3000 lacks is the high rpm rinse that cleans the machine to avoid mold and odors.....although I never had these issues with any of mine......

Post# 522084 , Reply# 13   6/2/2011 at 18:38 (4,848 days old) by neptune_dude ()        
A new addition: a Maytag Neptune MAH3000

I would check the water inlet screens for any debris which can cause the machine to shutdown on the rinse cycles.

The 12002035 wax motors will operate on 120 and 240VAC. I've sold Q6 R11 repair kits to Australia numerous time due to the brown tipped wax motors shorting out. The new wax motor design has the black actuator tip.

Also, the MAH3000's with serial numbers starting between 10 - 25 have 2 more wax motors in the soap dispenser to control the bleach and softener flows. I would replace those as well before they short out. They won't damage the machine control board like the door latch one will but they can damage the timer contacts that control them.

You can also replace your Neptune bearings at and save a bundle. They quote US $900 to replace the outer tub when the bearings go.

As for the serial number and date code... YS indicates August, 2000 as the manufacture date.

1980 --E --March
1981 --G --April
1982 --J --May
1983 --L --June
1984 --N --July
1985 --P --August
1986 --R --Sept.
1987 --T --Oct.
1988 --V --Nov.
1989 --X --Dec.
1990 --B --January
1991 --D --February
1992 --F --March
1993 --H --April
1994 --K --May
1995 --M --June
1996 --Q --July
1997 --S --August
1998 --U --Sept.
1999 --W --Oct.
2000 --Y --Nov.
2001 --Z --Dec.
2002 --A --January
2003 --C --February
2004 --E --March
2005 --G --April
2006 --J --May
2007 --L --June

Example serial number: 15154872UY

15114672UY - UY is the date code. The first letter is the year - U = 1998. The second letter is the month - Y = November. This appliance was made November of 1998.

First letter is the year, second letter is the month.

I hope this helps...

CLICK HERE TO GO TO neptune_dude's LINK

Post# 522130 , Reply# 14   6/2/2011 at 21:01 (4,847 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

my neptune is "uk":may 1998-a few months older than i thought-thanks for that
date info! My machine does have the same wax motors for the dispenser-i took
the one for the fabric softener for the door latch and put the repaired wax
motor from the door in the softener dispenser as i don't use that.I took each
wax motor apart(kinda tricky-there's a strong spring!)and carefully insulated
the edge of the heat pellet in each one with"glyptol"insulating paint-the one
that "flashed over"needed the pellet dressed a little at the damaged area.
Just in case i added a little"picofuse"to the circuit of each wax motor.
BTW welcome along "neptune_dude".

Post# 735437 , Reply# 15   2/15/2014 at 13:32 (3,859 days old) by wrungout ()        
Old thread, I know

my very first FL was was a Maytag Neptune. I ran into some mold issues, but suspect that it was partially my fault. I only washed in cold, didn't keep the door open, etc. I have been shopping for an additional FL washer for a while, and am struggling to make a decision on what brand. My Neptune has been on my mind a lot, and today I placed a wanted ad on an online buy and sell site. It will be interesting to see how many, if any responses I get. My original washer was the push button control panel, not touch pad. I really don't care what I end up with. Wish me luck in my quest!

Post# 735472 , Reply# 16   2/15/2014 at 16:24 (3,859 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
may have to check out what shipping would be....but for $200.00 for the can't go wrong....and these are the 4000 series....still have the blue protective covering on them....

worth a shot.....

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Yogitunes's LINK on Delaware Craigslist

Post# 735490 , Reply# 17   2/15/2014 at 18:04 (3,859 days old) by wrungout ()        
those are flippen gorgeous!

the distance is approximately 2000kms! I have found a couple of potentials relatively close to me, by relatively, I mean within a 5 hour drive. If possible, I would like to do the trip in one day.

Thank you so much for the link, and I will let you know if I get any hits on my ad.

Post# 735622 , Reply# 18   2/16/2014 at 10:41 (3,858 days old) by imperial70 (MA USA)        

My brother and his wife have a pair of those they bought in 2000 (IIRC). I've never heard of any repairs. And they run it constantly with a toddler in the house.

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