Thread Number: 34863
UK New 2011 Samsung
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Post# 522232   6/3/2011 at 12:51 (4,874 days old) by dave886 (united kingdom)        

I Really Really Like the look of these machines with the colour screen display and the 12KG drum it looks like LG have been beaten again! i wonder how many liters is the drum its self? these machines cost over 799 to 1000 pounds or more.

Post# 522239 , Reply# 1   6/3/2011 at 13:19 (4,874 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
really nice

They are. However the spinspeed disapoints me for a large amount not much will be extracted.

Post# 522243 , Reply# 2   6/3/2011 at 13:29 (4,874 days old) by dave886 (united kingdom)        

i think the max spin speed is really good 1400rpm you can't go wrong with that spin speed i think any higher than 1400rpm with 12kg would cause a hell of a lot vibrations, i just really like the look of this machine it quite makes me envy who already owns one of these

Post# 522247 , Reply# 3   6/3/2011 at 13:48 (4,874 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

you going to get one? And the large vibrations must mean that the concrete lumps must be the size of a house!!! 1400rpm isgood but we like our 1600rpm spin

Post# 522304 , Reply# 4   6/3/2011 at 16:13 (4,874 days old) by dave886 (united kingdom)        

only if my washing breaks down but it does not look like its going to for a long time my machine also has 1600rpm spin my machine even spins that fast even unbalanced 9kg load, what machine do u have by the way?

Post# 522398 , Reply# 5   6/4/2011 at 03:08 (4,874 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
I own

A Hotpoint wma 63, Hotpoint wt960 and a seimens varioperfect wich all spin at 1600.My 2 favoured ones , the candy aquamatic 3 is only 550 and my aquarius wd 61 is a 1100.

Post# 522431 , Reply# 6   6/4/2011 at 11:03 (4,873 days old) by AZREOSpecialist ()        

Do you understand g-forces? A large drum spinning at 1,400 RPM will extract more water and subject the laundry to higher g-forces than a small drum spinning at 1,600 RPM. You cannot judge a machine's spin speed without also taking the drum diameter into account. It's a very basic equation to anyone who understands physics.

Post# 522443 , Reply# 7   6/4/2011 at 13:24 (4,873 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

I apoligise for the misconfusion.

Post# 522478 , Reply# 8   6/4/2011 at 16:50 (4,873 days old) by dave886 (united kingdom)        

no need to apologize anybody could of mistaken that, i have hotpint AQ9D692IV washer and i had one problem with it and i got an exchange for the same machine and now it work perfectly washes and spins well it does a top speed of 1600rpm for 3 to 4 mins and clothes come out basicly dry i can actually dry 7kg of clothes in under 60mins which i think is bleeding excellent

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