Anyone out there have one of these. just bought a new set and wanted to get feedback from other owners. Can't decide if I like them or not, I think cycle choice is very important with these machines.
Post# 524188 , Reply# 1   6/12/2011 at 23:43 (4,872 days old) by westtexman(Lubbock, Texas)  
I bought the washer a few months ago, and set it up in my utility room next to my LG Steam washer with matching dryer stacked on top. So far, I really like this machine. Mine has the internal heater (for sanitary cycle) which I have used only once. I'm not sure if I would want to use this as my only machine, but I love having the choice between using this machine and my FL. I typically run two loads at the same time - washing a load that requires less drying time in one machine while washing another load on the Sanitary Cycle in the other machine as to not have several loads sitting around waiting for the dryer to finish.
I agree with your statement that choice of cycle (or manipulation of other cycles) leads to better performance, and thus greater satisfaction with the machine! Overall, I'm very pleased with this purchase.