Thread Number: 35191
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Post# 526242   6/22/2011 at 12:48 (4,915 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Hi all. Went to Currys yesterday to examine all the new washers and dryers and spotted a Currys ownbrand washer!? Anybody here know what their like??????

Post# 526273 , Reply# 1   6/22/2011 at 15:06 (4,915 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

They are made by wuxi little swan in china, they seem a little on the solid side oddly enough.......................................................... I think i will make a littl run to currys on the weekend, I'll see.............

Post# 526290 , Reply# 2   6/22/2011 at 17:03 (4,915 days old) by ultimafan ()        
sorry, I wouldn't trust them...

as far as I would throw them! It's part of the 'Currys Essentials' range joining the Essentials dishwashers and fridges.

Not just that, they also seem to resemble Siemens washing machines...

Post# 526296 , Reply# 3   6/22/2011 at 17:27 (4,915 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

My sister owns a compact currys essentials dishwasher

Post# 526318 , Reply# 4   6/22/2011 at 18:49 (4,915 days old) by FL1012 ()        
Formerly Matsui.....

My Gran owns a Matsui Compact Dishwasher, which from what i can tell is the same as the Essentials ones they sell now. Had it for 2 years, used more or less everyday & no problems at all.

I was abit worried when she said she'd bought it but after spending a fair bit on a Bosch Classixx that blew its circuit board after 18 months, i couldn't really say alot, and to be fair it's proved an alright decision so far, at only £189 ish.

I think they outsource production to different companies for different products & it just depends on what company any given item is made by as to whether it's alright or rubbish.

From looking at the control panel & base of the cabinets on the dishwashers, it looks the same as somw Hoover & Kenwood ones. Dunno which of those two companies make it though, or if they all outsource production :-/

It doesn't look like the washers are Hoover though, so they might be less sucessful since i don't think (despite the resemblance) that they'll be made by Siemens/Bosch!


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