Thread Number: 35325
FriGEmore washer question.
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Post# 527862   6/30/2011 at 13:10 (4,974 days old) by Volvoguy87 (Cincinnati, OH)        

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I just got a FriGEmore washer for free. It has front controls and includes the stand to elevate the washer, although the stand has no storage compartment. The washer is a Frigidaire and has a switch for slow vs. fast spin. I haven't even checked the model number yet.

I believe the washer needs the tub bearing, and I think the spider may be shattered too. Since I work for an appliance parts store, I can get a good deal on parts, so this may be economical to fix. i searched the site and couldn't find the thread on replacing the bearing on one of these I recall seeing. Does anyone else remember what the thread was or who wrote it? Also, can I get the spider seperately, or do I need to buy the whole inner drum?

A potentially interesting project, once I get a few WP Belt Drives rebuilt and some spare parts shipped out.

Post# 527920 , Reply# 1   6/30/2011 at 18:52 (4,974 days old) by eddy1210 (Burnaby BC Canada)        

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One of the fellows on the appliance blog did a great write up and shared it.  Here's a link to the pdf.


Post# 527935 , Reply# 2   6/30/2011 at 20:33 (4,974 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
bearing change

i did a bearing change on my 1998 frigidaire "gallery"-if your machine is the same
basic style i can give details on the job-was pretty easy and bearings can be
replaced without replacing the rear tub half.Back when i made the thread on the
repair,i misspelt frigidaire as"fridgidaire"just try the misspelling in the
searchalator to find the thread LOL.

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