Thread Number: 35371
Ordering the new candy aquamatic :)
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Post# 528428   7/3/2011 at 11:39 (4,972 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

Hay, i am going to order the new candy aquamatic in a few days time to go down the celler as my beko is to heavy for the stairs to support and my mum wants to keep it as a spare washer. IDK when i'll order it but it should be some time this week and piccys wehn it comes but they will be of the machine pakaged up as i need my cousin to run a wahing machine ilet and outlet line.
Cheers Tom :)

Post# 528432 , Reply# 1   7/3/2011 at 11:56 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
Aquamatic rock out

Firstly congrats. I own the aquamatic 3 and wiull show you all of Candys aquamatics...

Firstly 1969 misura...

Post# 528435 , Reply# 2   7/3/2011 at 11:57 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Then the aqua 1 with its matching dryer heliomatic 1

Post# 528436 , Reply# 3   7/3/2011 at 11:58 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Then the aqua 2 with out its dryer next to it,heliomatic 2

Post# 528437 , Reply# 4   7/3/2011 at 12:00 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Then my aquamatic 3

Post# 528438 , Reply# 5   7/3/2011 at 12:01 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

After that the aqua 8t

Post# 528439 , Reply# 6   7/3/2011 at 12:01 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Aqua 100f

Post# 528440 , Reply# 7   7/3/2011 at 12:02 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

And finaly yours...

Post# 528441 , Reply# 8   7/3/2011 at 12:02 (4,972 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

Thanks Chris! i am starting to get a bigger soft spot for candy washers.
how are you getting on with the aquamatic 3?
i cant wait to get it, its acctualy a present off my nan:)

Post# 528442 , Reply# 9   7/3/2011 at 12:03 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

competes against...

Post# 528444 , Reply# 10   7/3/2011 at 12:06 (4,972 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

the zanussi model is very sensitive to water pressure according to one review i read and apparently if the water pressure is to high eg, normal-ish then it will shoot water out of the soap drawer erk!

Post# 528445 , Reply# 11   7/3/2011 at 12:09 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Your features
A energy & wash
1000 spin
3.5 kg load
mini 30.c
and others.
pleased to hear it. yes the aquamatic 3 is still lounging there but with the whight knight ontop though!

Post# 528446 , Reply# 12   7/3/2011 at 12:11 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Aquamatic 8 better pic

Post# 528449 , Reply# 13   7/3/2011 at 12:29 (4,972 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

hehe! good to hear that the candy is doing fine!
Candy sa come si fa!

Post# 528457 , Reply# 14   7/3/2011 at 13:09 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Wich is itallian fort can do or knows how?

Post# 528458 , Reply# 15   7/3/2011 at 13:13 (4,972 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

i have no idea lol!

Post# 528461 , Reply# 16   7/3/2011 at 13:21 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Its gotta be something like that lol

Post# 528462 , Reply# 17   7/3/2011 at 13:23 (4,972 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

true true :)

Post# 528476 , Reply# 18   7/3/2011 at 14:46 (4,972 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Well now you know some itallian!!!:)

Post# 528480 , Reply# 19   7/3/2011 at 14:57 (4,972 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

i wonder if it has a door lock or as safety switch, or maby boath?

Post# 528495 , Reply# 20   7/3/2011 at 16:37 (4,972 days old) by supermaticjames (Donegal, Ireland)        
Glass Washboard

Aquarius8000, I have a glass washboard very similar to that. I thought I was the only one as the steel ones seem to be more popular.

Post# 528499 , Reply# 21   7/3/2011 at 17:06 (4,972 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

you can get thoes glass wash boards from

Post# 528507 , Reply# 22   7/3/2011 at 18:14 (4,972 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
Sweet as 'Candy'?

haxisfan's profile picture
Hi guys, just quickly wanted to throw some light on the name 'Candy'... it isn't an Italian word, it is the word for 'sweet' as you know as English speaker. As it's written in the history of 'Candy' in their online archives, Mr. Fumagalli, the founder, had been to the States previous to the birth of the company 'Candy'... further to his humming the words... Candy... oh Candy... and so forth... from a song he heard while staying in North America, they decided to give the company such a memorable name.

As for the Candy Aquamatic... isn't it a tad too small for a household? Even if there's only one person living in it, there are still some biggish items to wash... like curtains or sheets... anyway, I never owned one and I don't know how much it can really swallow. I like the look of it though... especially the latest, I think it's really sweet as candy ;-)

Post# 528584 , Reply# 23   7/4/2011 at 09:19 (4,971 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

haxisfan, itsa collection machine not a daily driver :)

Post# 528600 , Reply# 24   7/4/2011 at 10:32 (4,971 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Brace your self I got that for £1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post# 529086 , Reply# 25   7/6/2011 at 16:39 (4,969 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

its comming next week!

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