Thread Number: 35566
Upper Crust
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Post# 530817   7/15/2011 at 12:18 (4,839 days old) by mixfinder ()        

I am current using a Kitchenaid KDS22.  It sounds good, seems to function on cycles as it should but there is a problem.  The upper rack doesn't come clean.  Inside cups and glasses is deposited the food soils and grit from the cycle.  The upper wash arm is clean and without blockage and spins freely.  Anyone here care to throw out suggestions for better washing performance?

Post# 530820 , Reply# 1   7/15/2011 at 12:53 (4,839 days old) by tlee618 ()        

Sounds a bit more serious than this Kelly but have you tried adding a little STPP to the load?

Post# 530835 , Reply# 2   7/15/2011 at 14:08 (4,839 days old) by roto204 (Tucson, AZ)        
Does it burp?

roto204's profile picture

My other thought was whether you have a failed drain check valve that is allowing cavitation and thus reducing strong water flow (which isn't all that strong to begin with) to the upper rack.  Sometimes you can hear them gurgle as they run (through the disposal)...sometimes not.

Post# 530880 , Reply# 3   7/15/2011 at 21:31 (4,839 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)        
things to check???

Have you checked the blue water delivery tube to the upper washarm? They often rotted away and developed holes in them which would let the water not reach the arm or cut down the volume.You should check the check valve for an obstruction as Nathan suggested. The check valve threads apart for inspection /repair.Then remove the wash arm support and check to make sure that nothing is blocking the flow down thru the pump that supplies the wash tube to the top arm.
And needless to say, is the machine getting a full charge of water when it fills up? It should be 1/4-1/2 inch below the wash arm or just up to the bottom of the wash arm hub, or in your case, it should be nearly up to the top of the fine mesh filter where it would meet the wash arm. Just a hair below the space bewteen the wash arm and the filter.

Let us know!

Post# 530920 , Reply# 4   7/16/2011 at 06:39 (4,838 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Check valve diaphragm

combo52's profile picture

Is often the problem you can get the rubber insert from GE [ sorry I don't remember the pt # but I can find it if you need it, it was also in an earlier post ]. Whirlpool in its infinite wisdom discontinued this critical part of KA KD 21s and 22s, probably so people would get fed up with the poor performance of thier old machine and buy a new KA DW. I always think it is inexcusable when a manufacture discontinues a part for one of thier premium products that is easily gotten else where. Are they just lazy or are they trying to sell you a new appliance?.


I had a customer the other year that needed a new heating element for her 22 year old Jenn-Air electric down draft grill. She even tried to buy a complete new appliance but they no longer made one to fit and hers was set in a stone hearth and would involve major work to install something different. Jenn-Air [ WP ] said the pt was NLA all it took me was one phone call to an independent heating element supplier to find the exact part for less than $15. This is one case where I wish consumers would do a class action lawsuit against manufactures to bring attention to thier crappy parts service. 

Post# 531011 , Reply# 5   7/16/2011 at 18:26 (4,838 days old) by mixfinder ()        

I have been away for a few days so I'll do some rough inspection and see what we get.  It fills to capacity as the water pressure here is at pretty phenominal.  There is a flat molded white plastic tube up the back of the dish tank and it seems to be in good shape and unobstucted but I have yet to inspect the tube that connects to the top rack.  It sounds forceful when washing and shoots the water down the drain with noise and aplomb.  Now the dumb question.  Is the check valve the blue plastic fitting in the drain hose?

Thanks again,


Post# 531304 , Reply# 6   7/18/2011 at 02:39 (4,837 days old) by mixfinder ()        
43 for Brunch

I had a house full today, a good test for Kitchenaid performance.

Post# 531305 , Reply# 7   7/18/2011 at 02:40 (4,837 days old) by mixfinder ()        
Moment of Truth

Bob load lower rack

Post# 531306 , Reply# 8   7/18/2011 at 02:42 (4,837 days old) by mixfinder ()        
Okay not a True Bob Load

You can see empty spaces.  I opened the machine to check the yibbles on the upper rack and nary a spot.  The cure?  Loaded by a church lady after careful rinsing of each dish.

Post# 531472 , Reply# 9   7/18/2011 at 18:47 (4,836 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Kelly, you're a man after my own heart! That buffet looks good enough to eat right off the screen. I'll bet your friends and relatives love it when you cook.

I've always thought that the love of feeding groups of people is a 'calling' of sorts. Three cheers!

Post# 531492 , Reply# 10   7/18/2011 at 20:48 (4,836 days old) by aldspinboy (Philadelphia, Pa)        

aldspinboy's profile picture

Kelly !!! I have a belly laugh that could reach your house, about the church lady for rinsing dishes WOOOOO lol funny !


I hope you find the cure, What a fantastic spread of food you enrich everybody they will be hunting you down forever.

What love in your dishes , of food that is.

Eugene your right that is a wounderful takeing.



Darren k

Post# 531496 , Reply# 11   7/18/2011 at 21:27 (4,836 days old) by mixfinder ()        
Water to Wine

I have said I perfected feeding the multitudes but I can't get the turning water to wine part to work.  I am isolated from Peter and normal social contact.  After days of going to my parents and back home to an empty house it feeds my soul to have company.  I love to cook like others might enjoy golf, a good book or going to the gym.  I am blessed to have found an Episcopal Church that welcomes the dismembered and doesn't even question having a gay man among the midst.  I invited the church after a huge and divisive ordeal when the priest was accused of sexual harrassment.  After 2 months and some among the congregation assuming his guilt the insurance company was called in to negotiate a settlement.  Under questioning the young man admitted he contrived the situation and was encouraged and advised by three members who wanted the gay priest gone because he didn't display enough humility.  I didn't know the outcome when the group was invited and the "rest" of the story waas announced in church the same day so this was truly a celebration of Truth and a Just God who always prevails.  Trying to finish the house, upcoming surgery, the normal wear and tear of life and church which feeds my soul in question I have been fractured and aching.  This was truly a time of tears, letting the anguish go and taking deep long breaths.  We prayed, laughed, loved, visited, hugged and had a long sweet afternoon.  It is demonstrated that when people occupy their hands, like eating, while talking it unhinges inhibition and thoughts flow more freely.  Someone said if we served tacoes to the Palenstinians and Isrealis during peace talks they might reach an accord.

I don't know what I would do without my trusted and beloved friends here at AWorg who provide sanctuary and safety for me.

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