Thread Number: 35604
Help with Briva Insink DW
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Post# 531245   7/17/2011 at 21:57 (4,830 days old) by michaelman2 (Lauderdale by the Sea, FL)        

Hey all,

My Briva has had something happen to it. The system is an air dry so when the cycle is complete the top pops up.

This action creates a bit of resistance when you are closing the top as well.

Now it seems as though something has "sprung" the top will flop down with very little resistance.

At the completion of the cycle the top barely pops up and looking at it from the front it appears that one side is lower than the

This post was last edited 07/17/2011 at 22:29

Post# 531254 , Reply# 1   7/17/2011 at 22:39 (4,830 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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You may have a broken lid cable, does the lid feel heaver when you lift it to open?

Post# 531285 , Reply# 2   7/17/2011 at 23:36 (4,830 days old) by michaelman2 (Lauderdale by the Sea, FL)        

HI John/Combo....

Yes, the lid does feel heavier than before. I suspect you are right about the lid cable.

Trying to find someone that knows how to work on this thing has proven to be an ordeal at best in the past......not to mention that there is almost zero clearance between the unit /the wall / and the is very very tight.

Post# 531369 , Reply# 3   7/18/2011 at 11:45 (4,829 days old) by Volvoguy87 (Cincinnati, OH)        

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I believe Dishwashercrazy did a post on this very repair.

Post# 531385 , Reply# 4   7/18/2011 at 13:35 (4,829 days old) by roto204 (Tucson, AZ)        
Here you go

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Post# 531530 , Reply# 5   7/19/2011 at 00:09 (4,829 days old) by michaelman2 (Lauderdale by the Sea, FL)        

Thanks Volvo and Roto....this is exactly the problem...I bet I will have to have the entire unit taken out of the sink area.....what poor design on this thing.....every time something goes wrong with this damn thing it costs a fortune....Thanks for the help on diagnosing the problem..I really appreciate it.


Post# 531813 , Reply# 6   7/20/2011 at 13:51 (4,827 days old) by dishwashercrazy (West Peoria, IL)        

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If you wish, I can buy the same exact parts that I bought for my briva, and mail to you. You can make this repair yourself using my steps and photographs. Probably about $10 or less in parts. The Yoke is the most expensive part that I used.

As you are probably finding out, Whirlpool/KitchenAid no longer has the replacement Lid Link available to purchase. I know - I called MANY part houses in my search.


Post# 532665 , Reply# 7   7/24/2011 at 21:50 (4,823 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)        
Now isn't this a hoot!

Why did Whirlpool can the Briva here? Too costly to support under warranty? Nobody bought them in the numbers forecast for them? So what do they tell the American Public? Hey we made a piece of crap for a machine and we won't help you or ourselves get them fixed!
How about all the money they spent tooling up to make a short lived product here?
Easy solution... Send it all overseas and sell the machines there! Should work nicely in the smaller kitchens that are found there!

If you want or need parts, maybe you can contact the folks in England or Ireland and see if they can send you the factory OEM parts though the fix we have seen here looks better than anything they ever thought of!


Post# 532667 , Reply# 8   7/24/2011 at 22:11 (4,823 days old) by michaelman2 (Lauderdale by the Sea, FL)        

Good Grief.....I really like this thing, but I have to say it really has been a problem from the beginning. From the installation of it (they ended up sending two reps from Kitchen Aid to meet with my plumber) ...literally after TWO full days of messing around with something really very was installed. Then several other little glitches..........I wish I had not been so impulsive.

Post# 532700 , Reply# 9   7/25/2011 at 07:25 (4,822 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

These were actually very well made but poorly promoted. They never really advertised them and the few customers that I tried to sell them to said that it looked odd to have this large flat SS item in thier beautiful granite [ yuck ] countertops.  Michael I think once you get past a few problems that this will be a very long lived appliance. These were built here in Ohio but did use a lot of imported parts and its looks like they are still building and selling them elsewhere so hopefully parts can be found in the future. I thought they were a great idea for smaller kitchens or for an extra DW in larger kitchens.

Post# 532703 , Reply# 10   7/25/2011 at 08:17 (4,822 days old) by michaelman2 (Lauderdale by the Sea, FL)        

Hi Combo, agreed, I really like the Briva. I have to say though that I feel is was moderately well built. It was very expensive and really is a simple contraption. I liked the idea but really now miss the other compartment of my sink. The racks are removable and the DW can double as a large sink, but it is a hassle to house the racks when they are removed.

All in all, it works well in my kitchen, especially when I had my son and partner at the house. Now that it is me, I simply do not use it, the large DW or hell...even the sink for that matter.

I guess I got so frustrated when that cable broke, seeing as this thing did not have any abuse or alot of daily use for that matter.

I would imagine to have sold these, as you said it would have been a dificult sell?
They are expensive, take special installation procedures, really need the small hot water heater and they take a tremendous amout of cabinet space underneath.

Post# 532718 , Reply# 11   7/25/2011 at 10:32 (4,822 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Perhaps the spring loaded lever with the wheel on the end for popping open the lid and the locking brace along one side for holding it all the way up that GE used for the run of their top loading dishwashers was a smarter idea, but maybe not sophisticated enough for today.

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