Thread Number: 35697
5-year-old Speed Queen washer leaving oil on clothes
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Post# 532530   7/24/2011 at 09:19 (4,830 days old) by soakerjoe ()        

Speed Queen Commercial size large capacity washer, just 5 years old, leaving oil spots on clothes. Any ideas? Just started doing this.

Post# 532532 , Reply# 1   7/24/2011 at 09:35 (4,830 days old) by rapunzel (Sydney)        

Are all your garments covered in oil and does this happen all the time regardless of what kind of load you are washing? Do you see evidence of oil in the wash water? Have you removed the agitator to see if there is evidence of oil underneath? Do you mainly do hot/warm/cold washes? Does the wash tub feel greasy? Alternatively, do you use any laundry additives that may be staining your clothes. Do you notice the oil stains when you take your stuff out of the washer or after you take them out of the dryer? Do you use dryer sheets?

Post# 532537 , Reply# 2   7/24/2011 at 10:22 (4,830 days old) by soakerjoe ()        

No dyer sheets, laundry additives (we use the detergents that are the enviro friendly type), have not pulled the agitator, but I am checking to see if there is oil in the wash water (by letting it stand for a bit); we wash mostly in cold water. oil spots on clothes are nickel sized and discovered after dryer. Checking there for sources of oil (melted chapstick) .

Post# 532567 , Reply# 3   7/24/2011 at 12:17 (4,830 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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WOW Olav you are good you asked all the right Questions, you can come work with us anytime.


Soakerjoe I hope you find the problem and while it could be the washer transmission seals [ the transmission has a 10 year free replacement warranty, but no labor ], but I would dump the environmental detergents and NEVER wash anything in water that is not warm enough to take a bath in. Doing so can leave nasty buildups in the washer that can come loose and leave nasty oil like stains on clothing.

Post# 532593 , Reply# 4   7/24/2011 at 14:31 (4,830 days old) by Huebschman (Quebec, CA)        
Leaking transmission

I agree. Your transmission is leaking. I once experienced the same problem with my old used GE Medallion (although expected as it was OLD). Even if you open the lid and check, you might not even see droplets of oil... but they will deposit on the fabric during the spin cycle.

And no, nothing will get those stains out.

Please keep us posted. You are not the only one using this machine and it is not a problem that should occur so soon in the lifetime of a TL (high end or low end).

Alliance should provide adequate service/explanation.

Post# 532669 , Reply# 5   7/24/2011 at 22:32 (4,830 days old) by brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        

In Australia, Choice (our version of consumer reports) refers to the that buildup as Scrud.

Fill the machine with hot water and 2 or 3 cups of dishwasher powder.

Let it agitate and then turn it off for the night and let it soak.

Let it complete the cycle, then put some old towels in, a good quality detergent and run it through another long hot wash.

You should find the towels covered in bits of gunk, this'll be all the stuff that you've flushed out of the machine.

From then onwards, use the hottest water for a given load that you can, and the issue shouldnt happen again.

Post# 532695 , Reply# 6   7/25/2011 at 07:05 (4,829 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Good advice Nathan, but the only other I like to do when filling the washer for the overnight soak is to add another 2-4 gallons of very hot water to raise the water level above the regular level. You can even boil this extra water that you are adding.

Post# 532763 , Reply# 7   7/25/2011 at 14:28 (4,829 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture

Pop open the top and remove the splash shield.  Most of the gunk will be around the splash shield. 



Post# 532802 , Reply# 8   7/25/2011 at 18:30 (4,829 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
may be that your fabric softener dispenser(if there is one on your agitator0 may be in need of some good cleaning

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