Thread Number: 35725
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Post# 532879   7/26/2011 at 04:30 (4,852 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Dyson cr01 programmer not registering door and they want £200 for it!!!!!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO aquarius8000's LINK on eBay

Post# 532893 , Reply# 1   7/26/2011 at 06:37 (4,852 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture

Did anyone look at the water consumption on the sticker?


96 litres for a 7kg load!!!!


Post# 532897 , Reply# 2   7/26/2011 at 06:42 (4,852 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Candys drum is 50 l

Post# 532899 , Reply# 3   7/26/2011 at 06:57 (4,852 days old) by nrones ()        

Rhonic was talking about water consumption, not drum value....

Post# 532903 , Reply# 4   7/26/2011 at 08:12 (4,852 days old) by dyson2drums (United Kingdom)        

dyson2drums's profile picture
This machine is an excellent machine for people with a large family or who do large loads, I had one until pretty recently, has a large 78 litre drum volume hence the high water consumption. It washed very well, with the standard cottons wash being just over an hour. Rinsing was excellent with a generous amount of water.

I now have an LG steam F1479FDS5 which is an amazing machine :) which mum decided to buy after seeing my aunts F1479FDS6 (same machine but black)

Some people had many problems with the dyson's but mine was perhaps from a lucky batch as I only had one major problem with it, something to do with the planet carrier assembly. Still going strong, serving someone else as we needed the space for the LG.


Post# 532906 , Reply# 5   7/26/2011 at 08:32 (4,852 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture

Drum volume is not an indicator of actual water consumption....


....and in todays language, that 78 litre drum would be made to hold between 9kg and 10kg of laundry with water consumption around 80 litres....

Post# 532907 , Reply# 6   7/26/2011 at 08:40 (4,852 days old) by dyson2drums (United Kingdom)        

dyson2drums's profile picture
Yes that's correct, I agree but when the drum is bigger more water is needed for instance to reach the same level in a another (smaller) drum for example upto the door seal for rinsing.

Well the LG 11kg and Samsung 12kg have a 78 litre drum volume as far as i'm aware.

Post# 532917 , Reply# 7   7/26/2011 at 11:57 (4,852 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
Wash time...

haxisfan's profile picture
Another important element to be taken account in judging the machine capacity is the cycle profiles and wash times. The Dyson is fine for washing 7kgs of dry laundry but the LGs and other modern machines would be able to wash satisfactorily 11-12kgs in the same volume drum simply because of the extended wash time. The quick wash times of the Dyson would not be suitable to wash a load of clothes unless it sits comfortably in the drum. My 2 penny's...

Post# 532921 , Reply# 8   7/26/2011 at 12:10 (4,852 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Its probabtly big cause its something to do with the special drum

Post# 532925 , Reply# 9   7/26/2011 at 12:47 (4,852 days old) by dyson2drums (United Kingdom)        

dyson2drums's profile picture
Well the 2 drum action was stopped so the special feature was no longer one.

I always had medium loads, washing was excellent, although you could extend the time by slecting heavy stains etc.

Post# 532972 , Reply# 10   7/26/2011 at 16:56 (4,852 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
you could extend the time by slecting heavy stains etc.

ronhic's profile picture

Most European market machines are set up for long cycles/heavy soiling on their cotton programmes which is why the 2hr plus wash cycles are around - to counter lower water usage and large capacity/small (ish) still need to engage 'quick wash' options to get faster cycles or choose a specific 'quick' option, some of which use more water in the various components of the cycle to achieve the results we're used to with vintage Hoovers/Hotpoints/Servis machines in similar times.


Bosch is about the only manufacturer (in Oz at least) that sets cycle times on most new machines to what was the 'quick wash' default - around 60-75 minutes for a 40c cotton cycle.


What I'm basically saying is that the Dyson is a particularly water hungry machine for it's claimed capacity. If the cycle times are fast and the results excellent when used at capacity yet there is the option of a 'stained' or 'heavily soiled' cycle option, and by todays standards the capacity is small for the stated drum volume yet the water usage is very high, you can reasonably arrive at the conclusion that Dyson designed the machine to avoid long cycles for the majority of its use.


Most peoples clothes are not 'heavily soiled' and this does give the Dyson an additional marketing advantage - faster standard cycle times.


If accept that this machine would be handling 10kg in todays market, then 7kg is about right for the 'quick' cycle AND the water usage is still high.


Nobody is disputing the effectiveness of the wash though..... :)

Post# 532992 , Reply# 11   7/26/2011 at 17:16 (4,852 days old) by dyson2drums (United Kingdom)        

dyson2drums's profile picture
Yes, I agree, you're spot on there.

My old LG WM12220FD had quite long cycles, over 2 hours, my new one varies from 55mins to 3 hours depending on weight and my hotpoint aquarius wma58 took around 2 hours too unless time save was selected :)

Post# 533023 , Reply# 12   7/26/2011 at 17:43 (4,852 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        
96 litres for a 7kg load!!!!

Yes, I clocked that when they were originally on sale. Hardly beneficial to those on water meters, as most folk don't wash giant-sized loads most of the time.

My 7kg Panasonic uses about half that amount of water.

I don't know what Dyson were thinking of. Their drum lifter paddles didn't even sprinkle water over the clothes.

Post# 533191 , Reply# 13   7/27/2011 at 12:56 (4,851 days old) by ultimafan ()        
Dyson were unique in their washing...

I can see why they needed a 96litre drum to wash 7kg, nothing to do with wash time, but their wash action. I don't think you can stuff the machine to the brim and expect it to wash as it should, as the clothes needed to move freely to enable the 2-drum wash action. I've never owned one but seen videos, and I think if the machine was full you wouldn't get that hand wash action. But wow, 78 litres in the 7kg Dyson was bigger than Candy's 10kg, you could get away with more than 7kg though.

Dyson...well, they were expensive, there were two motors going wrong in the two drummed machine, they looks alone put people off buying them, which is why they failed. I quite liked Dyson's wash action, still do as it's more effective than most machines nowadays, it was a bit like Hoover New Wave of the 90's as that was a machine which was most ahead of its time (and still is) with the wash action.

Post# 533192 , Reply# 14   7/27/2011 at 12:59 (4,851 days old) by ultimafan ()        
sorry, my second paragraph links to the original topic...

I think the owners have latched on the rarity of Dyson washing machines and hiked the price for anyone looking for a spares machine. Especially if it has both motors active and turning two way, a rarity on Dyson machines now I think.

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