Thread Number: 35823
My First Machine
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Post# 534241   8/1/2011 at 05:37 (4,843 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
Hi Guys,

As some of you fellow Persilheads know, my parents won't let me start a collection. The thought of where to put the collection jumped (not literally) on me. Get a mini washer. Now on first thought, it would have to be a front loader, not a camping mini one you can buy at Argos or a camping store, so they were crossed off my list. There is enough room for a 3kg machine, but I have a choice. I can either choose from, a Candy Aquamatic, or a Zanussi Studio machine. I am going to buy second hand, and I have a budget of £60. Also if there are any other compact front loaders let me know. Also could you recommend what would suit me best. The machine in question needs to have a quick wash.

Thank You


Post# 534242 , Reply# 1   8/1/2011 at 05:49 (4,843 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
Should I go for it?

hotpointfan's profile picture
Its quite far away - Zanussi on eBay

CLICK HERE TO GO TO HotpointFan's LINK on eBay

Post# 534243 , Reply# 2   8/1/2011 at 05:56 (4,843 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
Another One

hotpointfan's profile picture
Bit closer to me - Zanussi on eBay

CLICK HERE TO GO TO HotpointFan's LINK on eBay

Post# 534254 , Reply# 3   8/1/2011 at 07:21 (4,843 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

Jacob, when i was buying my aquamatic i looked at zanussi too, i read a very dissapointing review that said and i quote "if water pressure is high-normal it will shoot water out of its soap dispenser"
you are better off looking at a candy aquamatic.
Tom :)
BTW do your mam and dad know about the compact washer idea?

Post# 534271 , Reply# 4   8/1/2011 at 08:55 (4,843 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
oh dear

hotpointfan's profile picture
i don't want the shed flooding. lol. i can't buy new cos i cant afford it xD!
i think i might have to go with the zanny or put up with the bosch for a few more months till an aquamatic pops up on ebay:)

my dad knows but i'm gonna ask my mum


Post# 534272 , Reply# 5   8/1/2011 at 09:04 (4,843 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

all it needs is a new waste pipe

CLICK HERE TO GO TO aegokocarat's LINK on eBay

Post# 534276 , Reply# 6   8/1/2011 at 09:32 (4,843 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
too far i'm afraid
though i do like it
if i was closer i WOULD buy
it would make a good first repair job


Post# 534280 , Reply# 7   8/1/2011 at 09:44 (4,843 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

oh, ok :)
as much as i hate zanussi and every elux brand i would say (reaches) zanussi

Post# 534285 , Reply# 8   8/1/2011 at 09:49 (4,843 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
are there...

hotpointfan's profile picture
... any other brands of compact machines?


Post# 534289 , Reply# 9   8/1/2011 at 10:07 (4,843 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

eudora models cost £1,000 upwards

Post# 534294 , Reply# 10   8/1/2011 at 10:26 (4,843 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
there the ones that look weird right

pricy too pricy


Post# 534306 , Reply# 11   8/1/2011 at 11:12 (4,843 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        


Post# 534312 , Reply# 12   8/1/2011 at 11:31 (4,843 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
if i was spending that much on a washer, I would go for Miele.


Post# 534314 , Reply# 13   8/1/2011 at 11:50 (4,843 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Candy aquamatic

Post# 534327 , Reply# 14   8/1/2011 at 12:26 (4,843 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Or there is this

CLICK HERE TO GO TO aquarius8000's LINK on eBay

Post# 534490 , Reply# 15   8/2/2011 at 10:07 (4,842 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
i typed in zannusi studio and noticed this

its a weird integrated thingy

how fast does your candy spin?

Is the optima here yet?

sorry about all these questions Chris. I am just being curious


Post# 534491 , Reply# 16   8/2/2011 at 10:17 (4,842 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

Jacob, my aquamatic is a 1000 rpm model, Chris's aquamatic is 550 rpm model being that mine is a 2000's model and his is an 80's model

Post# 534503 , Reply# 17   8/2/2011 at 10:53 (4,842 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
thank you


Post# 534524 , Reply# 18   8/2/2011 at 13:02 (4,842 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Thats only 3kg like my aqua 3 but the thing was the aqua3 when it came out, 3kg was normal so that was impressive!

Post# 534526 , Reply# 19   8/2/2011 at 13:09 (4,842 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        


RE the optima...

Still no replies and I am NOT going to chase him up. How much was it new? Please dont ask about it as I will do my best to inform you.

I will make a thread now but if anyone asks outside the thread then I will reply in that thread as odd posts in a thread do not work.


Post# 534530 , Reply# 20   8/2/2011 at 13:22 (4,842 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
Make a new thread?????

I daresay seeing as its just the 4 of you interested in your latest "will i wont i" dilemma id just stick to FB eachother or MSN'ing eachother rather than waste threads here.

Getting tired of this lads, I have the guts to speak up and say, meanwhile everyone else is getting fed up of these antics.

Adult and mature conversations welcomed,

Rubbish about over flowing and sudslocks, imaginationery adds to collections, childish conversations about your school day and using swear words to make you think your looking cool are really not what I imagine this site is about.

Have a think eh lads because right now a few of dont really want to post here due to this.

Post# 534538 , Reply# 21   8/2/2011 at 13:48 (4,842 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
i dont have msn or facebook

do you want me to leave this site?


Post# 534546 , Reply# 22   8/2/2011 at 14:00 (4,842 days old) by AquaCycle (West Yorkshire, UK)        

aquacycle's profile picture
Jacob, nobody would want that. Rob very rightly pointed out that a lot of threads are being posted by a select few individuals which are rather pointless and don't really add anything new or interesting to the site. Posts asking for advice are fine, as are posts sharing experiences, but a lot of these really have no point of interest and are just general chit-chat. This is why the great technology gods gave us MSN, Facebook and mobile phones :).

It always a pleasure to see more people joining the forums, but please lets keep it relevant and not overloading the boards with general banter

Post# 534548 , Reply# 23   8/2/2011 at 14:02 (4,842 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture


Post# 534549 , Reply# 24   8/2/2011 at 14:02 (4,842 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
if you dont like these threads then why do you visit them?


Post# 534557 , Reply# 25   8/2/2011 at 14:10 (4,842 days old) by AquaCycle (West Yorkshire, UK)        

aquacycle's profile picture
it's impossible not to visit them, they're are so many! If people didn't visit these threads with the occasional post inbetween, this whole board would consist of about 3 - 5 people posting the same things over and over. And then it wouldn't be a forum, would it?

Post# 534561 , Reply# 26   8/2/2011 at 14:14 (4,842 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        

hotpointfan's profile picture
please u are making me want to cry
i thought it would be fun here


Post# 534562 , Reply# 27   8/2/2011 at 14:18 (4,842 days old) by washboy2005 (UK)        

Get over it. Life aint easy...

All were asking you to do is stop treating the website as some sort of social network or instant messaging site and your taking offence from that!

What do you want us to do when your clogging up the forums?!!?

Post# 534567 , Reply# 28   8/2/2011 at 14:22 (4,842 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
sorry dan but

hotpointfan's profile picture
ive prtessed the report button

i thought here would be fun


Post# 534570 , Reply# 29   8/2/2011 at 14:25 (4,842 days old) by AquaCycle (West Yorkshire, UK)        
i thought it would be fun here

aquacycle's profile picture
It IS fun here.
I have met a lot of fantastic people and gained a lot of knowledge from others. You can have a blast on here but there is no need for so much posting, creating more than 1 thread about the same topic or irrelevant posts. Also, there is no need to post messages saying "hello?" or "is anybody there?" if nobody replies. Generally, if nobody replies, it means that nobody has the answer to your question or anything interesting to contribute to your thread

Post# 534575 , Reply# 30   8/2/2011 at 14:32 (4,842 days old) by HotpointFan (United Kingdom)        
i've seen it before

hotpointfan's profile picture
some people have done it before



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