Thread Number: 35875
Help I Need Some Modern Washer Advice :-D
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Post# 535043   8/4/2011 at 14:32 (4,812 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

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Hey everyone, as most of you know, I personally know very little about washers made after 1985 or so.  A friend of mine has sent me an email asking me about a new washer purchase.  He says their washer and dryer are located on the second floor, and their first washer (a front loader) shook the whole house.   They are considering this Samsung:" target="_blank">


I didn't even know Samsung was making full-size top loaders for the US Market, is this an LG made machine? For those who know about these new fangled machines what advice can I give him?


Thanks everyone!

Post# 535049 , Reply# 1   8/4/2011 at 14:53 (4,812 days old) by joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

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The TL Samsung washers are new, and made by Samsung. Just from my brief inspection of the Samsung washer in person, I felt it was fairly cheaply made compared to other brands. They seem to be made to a reduced price point. I haven't seen or heard any comments on the washing ability. The matching dryer door flexed significantly when opened. I felt it would not be durable.

The Whirlpool made HE Top load washers (Whirlpool Cabrio/Maytag Bravos) rate pretty highly in consumer reports for their cleaning ability. While they seem to be less than thrilling to watch (to put it mildly), they apparently do a pretty good job at what they are supposed to do - wash clothes.

The LG TL washers (LG Waveforce/GE Harmony) look very nice, especially with the metal wash plate, but they are rated lower, and are neither recommended or considered a best buy.

Post# 535073 , Reply# 2   8/4/2011 at 17:39 (4,812 days old) by ptcruiser51 (Boynton Beach, FL)        
Your THD man here

ptcruiser51's profile picture
We only sell LG/GE/Maytag brands. The Maytag Bravos sells quite well, and customers seem to like them. My sister is very happy with hers. Haven't sold a GE Harmony for a long time (we don't even display them anymore). Just keep in mind the cycle times are similar to FL's; often 1 hr.+ LG brands seem to sell OK, but most are off-put by the prices ($800-$1000); Maytags are more popularly priced.


Post# 535083 , Reply# 3   8/4/2011 at 19:38 (4,812 days old) by limitededition ()        
Maytag Bravos 850

I have a Bravos 850 it cleans very well if loaded properly which is not hard to do, no tangling, only concern is creases but if you machine dry not a problem. Not as quiet as a frontloader, sorry I cannot speak on vibration mine sits on concrete. But from servicing other machines  with hung suspension like the Whirlpool family of HE TL machines seem to have less vibration on wooden floors.

Post# 535084 , Reply# 4   8/4/2011 at 20:20 (4,812 days old) by bosch2460 (Harrisonburg, VA)        

bosch2460's profile picture
You really, really need to follow the instruction manual, as to what cycles to use for what clothes. Loading them in quadrants can sometimes help tangling, from what I understand. Then there are the water temps, that are low, due to the Energy crap. Personally, I think TL HE washers are a joke...I find people either love them, or hate them.

Post# 535085 , Reply# 5   8/4/2011 at 20:24 (4,812 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
GE Harmony

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What happened to the Harmony set that you had a while back? The vast majority of TL HE machines out today operate much the same as the Harmony machine you had/have.

I had the Harmony set like you for a while. Overall, I liked the machines. But I did notice rapid fabric wear with new batch towels and sheets. Not sure what I would recommend for a second floor installation other than to make sure they were purchased somewhere where they could be exchanged if they didn't work out.


Post# 535098 , Reply# 6   8/4/2011 at 22:12 (4,812 days old) by tbolt25 (Kentucky)        
new Speed Queens

I would recommend the new Alliance-built Speed Queens-they're built like tanks, use all-metal gear transmissions, and are the last of the old-school long stroke agitating top-loaders. I have one myself-and it is great!

Post# 535103 , Reply# 7   8/4/2011 at 22:50 (4,812 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
inglis appliance

pierreandreply4's profile picture
me i would recommend you go with this model made by inglis they are made by whirlpool but have the canadian brand inglis and this is also a non energy star washer here is a link if you went to have a look

CLICK HERE TO GO TO pierreandreply4's LINK

Post# 535124 , Reply# 8   8/5/2011 at 03:29 (4,812 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
The Electrolux FL

jetcone's profile picture

is supposed to have a mechanism that stabilizes the washer in spin so that it is second floor compatible. Grays sells them with high recommendations, the service manager has a set and loves them. 

Post# 535236 , Reply# 9   8/5/2011 at 18:15 (4,811 days old) by AutowasherFreak ()        
"Loading them in quadrants can sometimes help tangling&#

I've had a WP Cabrio for a couple of months now, and I really like it. I load in quadrants like you would load a 1-18, and I don't have any problems with tangling. I wash large loads using the sheets/towels cycle, and smaller loads in either the normal, or colors cycles,

Post# 535239 , Reply# 10   8/5/2011 at 18:22 (4,811 days old) by liberator1509 (Ireland)        
How about F&P?

I have recently bought a Fisher & Paykel Aquasmart 8KG - and I love it! For my money, F&P are the only manufacturer doing something progressive and bit left-field inventive. If you are able to sort your laundry sensibly, it gets fantastic results and is amazingly quiet (eat dirt Miele...). Early days of course, but I would say it is well worth a look...and for that matter, I'm guessing any of the Whirlpool/Maytags based on it are just as good (Bravos - the TOL with heater looks nice, especially in silver, or the Cabrio). Downside to the F& lid-window...

D :-)

Post# 535308 , Reply# 11   8/6/2011 at 08:28 (4,810 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

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I'd also suggest the Maytag Bravos 850. Because it's a top loader, it won't shake as much as a front loader and it's supplemental heater can be activated on all cycles, which is a unique feature among HE top loaders (and many front loaders, these days).

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