Thread Number: 36062
Help selecting a new diswasher
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Post# 537589   8/17/2011 at 13:09 (4,781 days old) by dishwasherman ()        

I've moved in the past year and the current house has a dishwasher the is loud and doesn't clean well. I want to get a new one the cleans well and is quiet. I've read so many review they are starting to all sound the same.

I'm looking for reviews/comments from people who own recent dishwashers that they are very happy with.

Thanks Fred

Post# 537613 , Reply# 1   8/17/2011 at 14:41 (4,781 days old) by toploader1984 ()        
new dishwasher

I LOVE my new GE dishwasher, we bought it about a year ago, it's as quiet as a refrigerator, the only dishwasher with a stainless steel interior for the price, i paid aboout $400 plus tax, it even has the steam cycle, i do NOT pre rinse my dishes either and everything pretty much comes out spotless but once in a great while maybe a pan or spatula might have a piece of food on it which is normal for any dishwasher and considering all dishwasher detergents are now phosphate free.

When we were at the store looking at all of the dishwashers, i opened all of the dishwashers at one time and compared the size, and the ge was the biggest, the european models like samsung and bosch seem very small.

My aunt just bought a new samsung AGAINST my advice of a ge or bosch, and was having problems with the wheels on the bottom rack falling off, if i paid almost $800 for a dishwasher and the wheels fell off i would return that thing in a heartbeat.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO toploader1984's LINK

Post# 537709 , Reply# 2   8/17/2011 at 22:35 (4,780 days old) by GadgetGary (Bristol,CT)        
OH Wow!

gadgetgary's profile picture

It has fan assist dry?

I did not know they still made dishwashers with that since the KitchenAids.


That is awesome!


Post# 537713 , Reply# 3   8/17/2011 at 22:43 (4,780 days old) by labboy (SD, CA)        

labboy's profile picture
I have a KitchenAid that is about 18 mos. old. Love it! Quiet, cleans great. We never pre-rinse and only run 2-3x/week and everything comes out spotless.

Post# 537727 , Reply# 4   8/17/2011 at 23:39 (4,780 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Kitchenaid or Whirlpool

whirlykenmore78's profile picture
For a reasonable price a Whirlpool Gold, Kenmore elite, or Kitchenaid will do a good job. Just get one before the new energy restricted machines come out later this year. If you can afford it I would go with a Miele or Asko. Both of these are great but very expensive. Best of luck

Post# 537936 , Reply# 5   8/18/2011 at 17:17 (4,779 days old) by aladude ()        

Our 2010 GE tall tub has a stainless steel interior, steam cycle, anti-bacteria cycle, and fan assisted drying. We don't use heated dry and everything, including plastic cups, comes out completely clean and dry.

Post# 538013 , Reply# 6   8/19/2011 at 05:53 (4,779 days old) by mieleforever (SOUTH AFRICA)        

Hi I would suggest Miele, but they tend to be super expensive, I have a Siemens, it is really quiet, uses 11 liters of water per cycle, (on economy it runs at 50 degree celsius, but included in that is a Sanitary rinse at 70 celsius).

It handles pots and pans relatively good. had it now for almost four years and it is uses somtimes twice a day, every day.

And is much less than the Miele, but obviously the Miele would be my first choice.

Hope this helps.


Post# 538024 , Reply# 7   8/19/2011 at 07:09 (4,779 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
kenmore elite tall tub dishwasher

pierreandreply4's profile picture
me i would highly recomend that you buy a kenmore elite tall tub dishwasher like the model i am liking they have pretty good cleaning power as well.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO pierreandreply4's LINK

Post# 539007 , Reply# 8   8/23/2011 at 13:34 (4,775 days old) by dishwasherman ()        

Thanks for all your help and comments.

I'm going with a KA KUDS301, it has front contols, SS interior, disposal, the turbo jets, and the lowest db. It should arrive Fri, I'll keep you posted on it's function.

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