Thread Number: 36351
Simpson/ gorenje info
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Post# 541510   9/4/2011 at 05:15 (4,812 days old) by hooverzodiac12 (Melbourne, Australia)        

hooverzodiac12's profile picture
Hey guys ive just bought a simpson enviro 130 front load washer it has 4 or 5 rinses and i just want to know if anyone has a gorenje or simpson or any info bout them do you know if they spin between rinses? Id die if i got it and it had a spin before and after the final rinse i hate those washers so much haha they waste water and time please help

Post# 541511 , Reply# 1   9/4/2011 at 05:23 (4,812 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
why would a washer not spin before and after a final rinse?

thats what a good one should do!

Post# 541514 , Reply# 2   9/4/2011 at 06:13 (4,812 days old) by gizmo (Victoria, Australia)        

They spin between all rinses.
That's what you want it to do - it rinses much better if the soapy water is spun out before each rinse.
Older machines like the Hoover Zodiac and my old Asko only do 2 spins, they still retain a bit of soap as they don't spin before each rinse, so a fair bit of suds carries across from rinse to rinse.
Those enviro 130s are a good little machine, my only complaints are that they seem prone to the plastic ring around the door glass breaking (i've seen a few like that)but the part isn't wildly expensive - maybe $50?
They are pretty noisy on spin, too.
I like 'em.

Post# 541548 , Reply# 3   9/4/2011 at 09:48 (4,812 days old) by hooverzodiac12 (Melbourne, Australia)        

hooverzodiac12's profile picture
Haha sweet so we know we got the water extraction down now im just wondering about balance cus im reading a manual (one i stole out of a floor model years ago and hid it between brochures) haha on the 100 and 080 model and it says that if the machine is jumping then check the load you might be washing one large item so im thinking shes a "go-ah" and spins whatever haha mines older than those ones too and at 1300 itd be pretty loud.

Thank you haha you guys have any more intriguing facts bout this macchine?:)

Post# 541555 , Reply# 4   9/4/2011 at 09:52 (4,812 days old) by hooverzodiac12 (Melbourne, Australia)        

hooverzodiac12's profile picture
What i mean by two spins is when it washes drains and does 3 out of 4 rinses before it spins then final rinse then a last spin. I got my whirlpool 6 AWG 790 back but it washes at 90 rpm insted of 56 anyideas? Itd be really helpful haha

Post# 541950 , Reply# 5   9/6/2011 at 05:18 (4,810 days old) by hooverzodiac12 (Melbourne, Australia)        

hooverzodiac12's profile picture
Ahh its here tomorrow, cant wait:)

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