Thread Number: 36541
Candy and Induction Motors!
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Post# 544124   9/17/2011 at 14:22 (4,775 days old) by hotpointfan95 ()        

Hi all
What year did Candy stop putting the old Induction motors into there machines?

Thanks. :)

Post# 544155 , Reply# 1   9/17/2011 at 16:36 (4,775 days old) by nrones ()        
Tricky question

I don't know how things on the market were in UK precisely, but I know that old style motor was in Candy's till early 2004 when a CN63 model stopped being produced...

However tricky part comes because after that, for two years Candy only had normal, buzzing motors with brushes available, when in 2006 models with "H" letter came, that had inverter quiet motor (same as all modern super silent machines of today). In UK, I think they were first available as Hoover Nextra, and as far as I know, Candy still doesn't feature machines with silent+ motors as Candy branded.. just Hoover ones ;)

Hope this helps :)

Post# 544231 , Reply# 2   9/18/2011 at 03:59 (4,775 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

As far as I know there are Candy models with inverter drive motors like the "Candy GO 146 HTXT".

If you think of "old induction motors" the ones that equipped the really old machines that were fixed speed like 400/500 rpm in spinning and 50 rpm washing, I think none of the new have one.

Post# 544236 , Reply# 3   9/18/2011 at 05:45 (4,775 days old) by nrones ()        

As I said, old induction motors that were 400-600 on old Candy's were finished in 2004, with model CN63 that still had that motor.

Then NEW inverter motors came in 2006, but I said, that precisely in UK, there aren't Candy branded machines with inverter motors, just Hoover.. but if we talk about the whole Europe, ofcourse Candy has! For example I have a Candy GO4 1274 LH, that has inverter, silent+ motor :)


Post# 544246 , Reply# 4   9/18/2011 at 07:00 (4,774 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
Definitely 'tricky'

haxisfan's profile picture
Dex, I'm not sure whehter you got confused when you mentioned the letter 'H'... when I bought my Hoover Nextra back in 2004 I could have opted for the wisper quiet version which was indicated by the letter 'Z'. These models not only had an induction motor but also some phone-absorbent panels on the sides of the cabinet. I am not 100% sure but I suspect that the same scenario applied to some of the earlier Hoover 'Six' models.

I moved to the UK in 1996 and only during my early days I saw a 1100rpm Candy (which probably dated to early 90's) with an induction motor and would engage some mechanical thingummies on the pulley to change spin speed from 550rpm to 1100rpm. By contrast, in Italy I know some1 (on YouTube) who got their 600rpm Candy CB60AT in 2005 which is still assembled with 1 of those old style induction motors (I think it must have been the last ever produced).

Some folks in the central/eastern/southern part of the EU continent are more inclined to accept low spin speed machines due the the warmer climate (personally I still wouldn't bother)... whereas it would be a big 'no no' in other geographical areas... such as the Scandinavian peninsula, northern EU, here in the UK and so on.

Cheerio ;-)

Post# 544268 , Reply# 5   9/18/2011 at 09:34 (4,774 days old) by nrones ()        
tricky yes xD

When I mentioned letter H, I ment on Candy-branded machines, as we are talking about them xD
Ofcourse I knew the letter Z was used with Hoover machines.

Now that you mentioned that there was available whisper quiet in 2004, I have to correct myself, as I found out that there was a Candy Smart CN 146 HTXT that in 2004, with info text display.. so that way we can make a new reply: Candy never stopped having quiet machines available, it just changed the type of quiet motor, and that's it :)

However, Aldo's CB 60 AT has that old style motor, however it is produced in 2004, but he bought it in 2005, as it was probobly waiting sometime in stocks of both Candy, and store where he bought it ;) After being produced, it is normal for machine to stand for 6 months or even more before it's turned on :)


Post# 544300 , Reply# 6   9/18/2011 at 11:57 (4,774 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
I see...

haxisfan's profile picture
As you mentioned Hoover Nextra, I thought you were talking about Hoover... but now I've re-read your post and... yes... I see why you stated 'H'.

I also made a little mistake in my previous post by saying 'Whisper Quiet'... I think those terms were used by Hotpoint... I've just looked at an old Hoover pdf (it's in Italian though but it has lots of pictures and they're all translated in any language LOL) when Nextra was launched and the quiet model was referred as 'Super Silent'.

I wish I could share the Pdf file here on AW but I don't think I can... still, whoever might be interested in getting a copy... just yell ;-)

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