Thread Number: 36835
SQ agitator
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Post# 548039   10/7/2011 at 21:34 (4,755 days old) by Supersurgilator (Indiana)        

Has anyone else thought that it is unusual that SQ has never felt the need to produce a dual action agitator?

Post# 548041 , Reply# 1   10/7/2011 at 21:48 (4,755 days old) by llmaytag (Southern California)        

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Frankly, I never liked those dual action things. My first Dependable Care Maytag had the straight vane agitator and I though it worked fine. Unfortunately that machine was damaged when packed and stored by a moving company, so I replaced it with another Dependable Care which had the dual action. The tub seal needed to be replaced so I replaced that machine with a Whirlpool with a dual action. For some reason, the Whirlpool agitator develops a kind-of scum on the top. That didn't happen with the Maytag dual action. Anyway, now that I'm getting a SQ, I'm happy to have the non-dual action.

Post# 548071 , Reply# 2   10/8/2011 at 03:42 (4,755 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Grandma said...

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I remember the first thing my Grandma said when she saw one of those things in a Kenmore. If you need one of those screws to turn your load over, you are overloading the machine. Grandma was always a smart cookie...

Still rings in my ear to this day.


Post# 548075 , Reply# 3   10/8/2011 at 05:55 (4,755 days old) by cehalstead (Charleston, WV)        

IMHO, Speed Queen never HAD the need to produce a dual action agitator.

Post# 548076 , Reply# 4   10/8/2011 at 06:00 (4,755 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

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I hate the "Cruel Action Agrivators" I had a Maypool one week and it tore up 7 dress shirts I had in a mixed load of colors.I would say that the SQs agitators are good,especially the ones with the flex fins at their base.Like the older Maytags with their Power fin agitators, they too get out the air bubbles in loads of bulky clothes like sheets, blankets and beach towels.The Wpools,kmores,GEs,and WCI washers just never cut it.Even the bd wpools didn't do half as well in turnover as the SQs and Mtags did. I never had any clothes damaged in my Maytags or Frigidaires.Of course, the GMC/Frigidaires were the best in clothes turnover but they always had issues with tangling and wrinkling. Give me a front loader and I'll proudly wear my whitest whites and colorful pastels using less energy,less water and less drying time.

Post# 548089 , Reply# 5   10/8/2011 at 08:17 (4,754 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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To me, the SQ agitator looks like a hybrid between the Whirlpool Super Surgilator and the Maytag Powerfin. Best of both worlds, IMO.


Post# 548091 , Reply# 6   10/8/2011 at 08:45 (4,754 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
me i had a washer with a dual action agitator my inglis superb2 washer and i never had any problems with this washer and it was very gentle on my clothes and if i buy a top load washer i would try to go with a model that has a dual action agitator even if its in a rebadge whirlpool washer brand name estate or roper.

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