Thread Number: 36959
whirlpool/kenmore calypso
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Post# 549688   10/16/2011 at 00:00 (4,867 days old) by toploader1984 ()        

i have been wondering why whirlpool quit making the calypso, i know there was a class action thing, but in my opinion i think it was the BEST machine as far as washing and gentleness for a top loader, i see all of these new HE top loaders of today churning and grinding clothes to death not even getting wet or in some cases like the ge with infusor not even turning the load over. I do know the calypso had problems at first but the later years were much better, the cabrio/oasis aren't much better in relability, why didn't they just take the calypso and improve on the design??? i am also wondering why other companies dont come out with something similar, like the apex, all of these new machines have gimmicks like "power foam" "silver ion" "waveforce" "six motion" i mean come one!

Post# 549746 , Reply# 1   10/16/2011 at 09:25 (4,866 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Yes I agree with you [ what ever your name is? ] that the Calypso was one of the best performing automatic washers EVER made and I intend to always have one in my laundry room the rest of my life. If you bypass the lid switch and watch this machine work you will be amazed at how well it handles all kinds of different loads of clothing. It is also one of the best rinsing machines I have ever had and it always completes the load on time with going out of balance or slowing down.


Reasons why they stopped making it are many, even thought WP worked on the design for almost 20 years as they set out to design the ultimate washer in terms of performance and efficiency. It turned out that it was just too complicated and expensive to build. It was US designed and largely US made so the expense of building was very high. I would dare to guess that by the time it was introduced that they knew that it could not be built at a cost that would keep them competitive, which is why they never introduced a cheaper model. The Cabrio machines that replaced the Calypso only have one tenth as many moving parts and almost every one is imported. And yet they are not holding up much better and they certainly don't wash nearly as well.


The only other machine that I ever enjoyed as much and was also a blast to watch is the also very complicated KM & WP 29" combination washer-dryers. 

Post# 549771 , Reply# 2   10/16/2011 at 12:05 (4,866 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

around 2004,i found a calypso at the dump partly disassembled so i snatched some
parts off it including the control panel and pump-when i examined the pump later
i found it had some stringy material wound up in it and it would not turn-that is
probably all that was wrong with the washer...
a calypso is on my "get list"

Post# 549795 , Reply# 3   10/16/2011 at 14:05 (4,866 days old) by toploader1984 ()        

i just bought a frigidaire top load pair when i moved in this house 2 years ago, i have been considering selling them for a calypso pair for my daily driver,a local used appliance store has a washer for $250 with a warranty, not sure if i should just keep the frigidaires or not. i have also been thinking about a front loader again but my house is on a crawl space so it would have to be designed for a 2nd floor application.

Post# 553140 , Reply# 4   10/31/2011 at 17:32 (4,851 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

bpetersxx's profile picture
Actually this is what I use as a daily driver now alongside my portable washers that I have down in my laundry studio

All that I have had to fix on it is the control panel and the boards inside it

Post# 553148 , Reply# 5   10/31/2011 at 17:45 (4,851 days old) by kuba1953 ()        
Poor Workmanship Calypso

I have been using a Calypso for about 5 years. It goes through a pump at least every year. I clean out the impellers to get more use out of them but they still fail. The machine also shuts down on its own. It will not work for 24-36 hours. I leave it unplugged and then it works fine for a while. To buy both machine controls is very expensive about $250.00 for them both. I don't see buying them.
The machine is in shut down mode as we speak. Hopefull it will turn back on tomorrow. A very frustrating machine but it does clean well!

Post# 553183 , Reply# 6   10/31/2011 at 18:53 (4,851 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I've not had any trouble with the Calypso I refurbished 4 years ago, have been using it as my daily driver for past three years.  It's running the original pump far as I know.  I have two spare pumps, a motor, water valve assembly, a full control panel, and two more sets of boards, need to get hold of a u-joint and leveler and maybe a basket so that I have all the major items covered.  I have another Calypso stashed in my garage.

Post# 553217 , Reply# 7   10/31/2011 at 20:52 (4,851 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
WE love our Calypso's.........

one thing our repairman did was run a seperate ground from the body to the cold water pipe......this eliminated the static charge build up, that would either shut it down, or have it start on its own, day or night.......but also have learned to keep it unplugged, for even a chance of a electrical surge.....

I have to think back...I think mine is a 2003........

what you can do also if purchasing a used one....look for model with the KQ2.....this is the newest one with the updates and the glitches worked out!

KQO is the first generation......KQ1 is the second.....

I have a KQ0 too in the garage...went thru a lot of changed parts and boards.....once updated....never an issue.....

Post# 553285 , Reply# 8   11/1/2011 at 04:29 (4,850 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
I had a few and really liked their way of washing and the high spin but had to continue replacing the board, the pump and the hose going from the pump to the tub kept loosening and would get stuck in between the inner and outer tubs. My guess was that had Whirlpool used their Magiclean filters on them, the "Colapsos" would not have been as problematic and would still be made.

Post# 553331 , Reply# 9   11/1/2011 at 10:22 (4,850 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        
Quite honestly my favorite residential washer EVER!!!

pulsator's profile picture
I love the action, I love the rinsing, and I love the performance!!! I wish I would have been able to buy several sets when they were new! I'd have one as my daily driver until the day I died. I used to have a gray set (gorgeous) but the washer died. U-Joint failed and caused the belt to shred etc. I still have the dryer which works perfectly though it's in storage at the moment.

Post# 790611 , Reply# 10   10/25/2014 at 19:26 (3,761 days old) by mr63 ()        
Whirlpool Calypso Washer

I recently purchased a Calypso Washer,not knowing anything about them. I bought it on CL. I noticed it was loud when washing,so I called Sears they came out and told me it needed to be overhauled with the ujoint kit and wash plate. He quoted me 850.00 to do the job. I said no thanks. Im one to never accept defeat so I went online and found all the parts for a little over 200 dollars. I called him back told him I had the parts I also had a 20% discount coupon. It cost me 71 dollars in labor. I had it overhauled for less than 300 dollars. He was embarrassed Im sure. No-one is going to screw me with poly grip and sand as lube if I can help it.Anyway The washer is so quiet now like Brand New And its the later model KQ2 Im LOVING it!! Washes Beautifully, Im now looking for a matching dryer in white (electric). If anyone has it for sale please contact me at Im in CT Thanks

Post# 790622 , Reply# 11   10/25/2014 at 21:21 (3,761 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Calypso dryers once in a while show up on Craigslist either solo or with a non-matched washer.  Also check resale shops.

Post# 790657 , Reply# 12   10/26/2014 at 09:04 (3,760 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
you mean like this....of course it is a whole set...and the price is a bit steep.....but anything can be negotiated!....or keep searching...

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Yogitunes's LINK on Delaware Craigslist

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