Thread Number: 36969
Upgrade to a Miele and Downsize in Capacity?
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Post# 549870   10/16/2011 at 20:00 (4,767 days old) by westtexman (Lubbock, Texas)        

I saw this ad the other day, and think it may be my chance to have a REAL Miele (the 220V version with all of the benefits that entails). If they can come up with the Easy Install Kit (voltage adapter), i may make the trip to Dallas to get these.

After having the LG Steam Washer for 6 years, i may have a difficult time downsizing to a 6KG machine. What do you think? Can I wash a queen-sized comforter and other bulky items in this machine? I used to have a 5KG Danby, and that was quite small. I think the 6KG washer will work fine, but I'm afraid the dryer may be a tad small.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO westtexman's LINK on Dallas Craigslist

Post# 549873 , Reply# 1   10/16/2011 at 20:33 (4,767 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

That does look like an exceptional deal. Any idea as to why it's so cheap?

Post# 549875 , Reply# 2   10/16/2011 at 20:39 (4,767 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture

They hold a hell of a lot more than you think.

Post# 549906 , Reply# 3   10/17/2011 at 01:56 (4,766 days old) by mieleforever (SOUTH AFRICA)        
Its worth it

It is definitely worth it to "upgrade" this really is not a downgrade, we own a 7 kg Miele washer and had a samsung 7.5kg, but there really is no comparison between the two. It's like a Mercedes and a chevvy. They are really good solid build machines and you will not be disappointed at all and you will be pleasantly surprised by how much you can actually fit into that Mercedes.


Post# 549914 , Reply# 4   10/17/2011 at 03:01 (4,766 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Miele 1200 Series

launderess's profile picture
You see lots of those around our way often at give away prices.

IIRC the units didn't sell to well for a variety of reasons and Miele soon discontiued the 12## series and moved onto the 30XX.

The washer was Miele's first "uber-sized" unit introduced to North America and will hold more than your 5kg Danby or any other standared Euro sized front loader. A queen sized comforter shouldn't be a problem

IIRC the wash and rinse temps are set via the cycle on this washer which was one reason many consumers didn't like them.

Go over to Gardenweb's Laundry/Appliance site and peep through the postings as many there seemed to have this unit.

Post# 549997 , Reply# 5   10/17/2011 at 12:59 (4,766 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

I bought the W1986 6K washer in 2003 and I think it is the model that  preceded this one although there might be another one between them.  Mine and this one and even the newer Miele's limit the temperature options based on the cycle selected.  So for some reason if I wanted to use the Jeans cycle and wash them at 120F I cannot.  I can only use warm(105F) for jeans.  Of course I can use another cycle and wash jeans just as well as using the jeans cycle.   I think the top temp on this washer is 95C which can be used in the Extra White, Sanitize and Custom  cycles.  Even so I still love my 1986 and this washer will probably work just as well as it.


As Launderss says it holds a ton and you can fill it completely and still get excellent results.  I can wash a queen comforter in it.


Not sure about a voltage adapter.  You mean this would lower the voltage to 120F? or are you looking for the socket to plug it in.  I have mine running on 220 volts and it can heat the water to almost  200F in a few minutes. 


I have the user manual for this washer so let me know if you would like a PDF copy.  Might want to read it before you get it.



Post# 550092 , Reply# 6   10/17/2011 at 20:49 (4,766 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

B, you should also be able to download the manuals from the Miele web site if you know the model number. 

Post# 550139 , Reply# 7   10/18/2011 at 04:49 (4,765 days old) by mikeklondon (London)        

You will never regret this, what a find

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